

On the Psychological Prevention of Network Crime

【作者】 卞丽鑫

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)最新统计报告,到2003年年底,我国网民人数达到了近八千万,上网计算机达到三千多万台。网络的普及,带来了资讯的便利,也带来了新的犯罪类型,防治网络犯罪,已经成为犯罪学、刑法学必须面对的课题之一。治理犯罪的根本途径是犯罪预防。而预防犯罪不仅需要外在的社会控制,更需要人的理性的指引。尤其对网络犯罪而言,这一犯罪的主体多是“孤军作战”,面对的通常只是网络这个虚拟世界,绝大多数是深思熟虑的故意的犯罪,心理预防就成为网络犯罪预防中极为重要的一方面。本文借鉴犯罪学、刑法学、心理学和计算机科学等学科的理论和方法,从网络犯罪的心理分析入手,论述网络犯罪形成的外在条件、内在条件及其它条件。从而对症下药提出网络犯罪的心理预防措施。网络犯罪心理形成的外在条件包括:第一,立法和执法的相对落后及各国司法标准不一,这是网络犯罪心理形成的主要外在条件。犯了罪而可能不受处罚——这让犯罪分子的侥幸心理极度膨胀;对网络犯罪的打击力度不够也无疑助长了网络犯罪人犯罪心理的形成。第二,人们对网络犯罪行为的评判。这应该是网络犯罪所独有的特点——犯罪行为居然会受到赞扬,这使网络犯罪人没有了罪恶感,甚至混淆了遵纪守法和犯罪的界限。第三,互联网本身的缺陷。网络的共享给善良人们方便的同时,也给破坏分子以机会。第四,被害人因素,被害人不报案或者不合作是造成隐案居高不下的主要原因,也使网络犯罪人更加嚣张。网络犯罪心理形成的内在条件包括:第一,缺少罪恶感。第二,强烈的好奇心与表现欲。第三,过于自信、在诱惑面前缺乏抵抗力。第四,不计后果或对后果认识不足。在心理分析的基础上,本文详细论述了与网络犯罪的心理预防相关的措施。由于网络犯罪的心理预防是一个体系,它不仅包括犯罪个体的心理<WP=41>塑造,还包括会影响到犯罪心理的环境、规章制度等等各个方面。本文以采取措施的主体分类,分别从犯罪心理的社会预防、犯罪心理的政府预防及犯罪心理的个体预防三个方面来加以论述,并以个体预防为文章重点。在网络犯罪心理的社会预防中主要论述了建设健康的网络文化和净化网络环境两个方面的内容,由于政府预防的国家机器等特征,笔者将其单列在后论述。第一,建设健康的网络文化。我国传统文化一直提倡整体至上,重义轻利。改革开放和市场经济发展促使人们的价值更新和多元化,市场经济的体制结构在客观上倾向于个性发展和注重效益的功利观念。网络空间是一种技术——文化现象,网络空间如何发展、虚拟生活如何进行,取决于相关利益群体的选择。如果能够建设一种健康向上的社会文化,人们上网都能以选择积极的方式为德行,抵制不健康的甚至侵害他人权利的行为,那么网络犯罪的心理就可以在大文化的熏陶下慢慢向良性发展。笔者希望能够引发普遍的关注和讨论,激发人们去思考“如何选择一种更好的虚拟生活”。并为此提出了一些可行性措施。第二,净化网络环境。控制易于引发犯罪的外部环境就是我们预防和控制犯罪的重要方式和途径。一位传媒学家曾说过,任何技术都倾向于创造一个新的人类环境。网络是一种公共资源,又因其虚拟性而更加难以控制。笔者就网络环境的净化提出两个建议措施:加强网站的行业自律;规范推广监管技术。而最根本的是要与主体控制相结合。在网络犯罪心理的政府预防中论述了加强行政管理、规范网络经济约束、提高治安预防水平和完善法律规范四个方面的内容。第一,加强行政管理可以有效的遏制犯罪心理的发生。加强对计算机信息的保护工作、加强信息技术行业管理,加强培养与训练司法机关中专门与计算机犯罪作斗争的人才是行政管理的主要内容。第二,规范网络经济约束的主要内容是建立有效的监督机制。监督机制是保证人力、物力和财力的合理开发和有效利用的重要手段,也是制约经济活动、减少和防止犯罪的有力武器。行<WP=42>政管理的规范化,对网络经济约束的加强,可以减少犯罪发生的条件,从而有效的遏制网络犯罪心理的产生。第三,提高治安预防水平。由于网络的高隐蔽性等特点,很多网络犯罪人自恃手段高明,以为纵然被发现是自己做的也难有证据对其定罪而有恃无恐。提高治安预防水平,令犯罪分子知道“魔高一尺,道高一丈”、“法网恢恢,疏而不漏”,对受惩罚的恐惧可以减少网络犯罪心理的发生。提高治安预防水平的措施很多,如建立专门的打击计算机犯罪的组织机构;对在职的法官、检察官以及律师进行轮训及培训;加强国际国内的交流合作等。第四,完善法律规范。完善立法是打击犯罪的最根本之处,对犯罪分子最有威慑力。笔者经过长久的思索并借鉴了一些学者的理论,在这里提出了一些完善法律的建议:增加单位为计算机犯罪的主体;破坏计算机信息系统罪中增加过失犯罪;受保护的计算机信息系统范围应当有所增加,不仅限于现有刑法规定的种类;对计算机犯罪增加资格刑和罚金刑的刑罚种类,这对惩罚计算机犯罪会更显成效。个体预防是网络心理预防中不可忽视的一个方面,这是一个长期建设的课题,需要在实践中不断摸索以寻求更加有效的方式。这部分论述了伦理、心理、行

【Abstract】 As to the latest report from CNNIC, by the end of 2003, Chinese network citizen is reaching 80,000,000, while computers on line are more than 30,000,000. Accompany with the great use of computer, network crimes are growing spectacular. Thus more attentions are needed to pay.Prevention of crime is the basic way to reduce crimes. To prevent crimes, not only the social control but also the rational guidance is needed, especially to network crimes. Network criminals are mostly ‘independent’, deliberate and intentional. Often in front of them is only the computer- a fictitious world. That is why psychological prevention goes to the most important step in network crime prevention.This thesis has referred to criminology, criminal jurisprudence, psychology and computer science. It started from the analysis of psychological formation of network crimes, including the conditions of both inside and outside. On the outside conditions of psychological formation of network, there are four parts. The first part is the lack of rules and statutes: the drawbacks in law making and execution, the different judicial standards of different nations, which made it difficult to get network criminals into suitable punishment. That encouraged network crimes in some way. The second part is the judges of people on the action of network crimes, which confuses the lines between committing crimes and obeying the law. Even more people do network crimes thus just to show off. The third part is the limitations of internet itself. The internet where people can easily do searching helps the kind and the ones with bad intentions <WP=44>as well. The kind can easily find useful information, while the ones with bad intentions can find ways to invade others without much effort. The fourth part is the factor of victims. Many victims would not let police know they are victims of network crimes which give the criminals shades certainly. On the inside conditions of psychological formation of network, there are four parts. They are the lacking of the feeling of sin; the extreme curiosity and representation desire; the short of resistance on lure and being over confident; the lacking of enough consideration of aftereffect or simply not thinking of it at all..On the basis of psychological analyses, here comes to the measures of preventions from network crimes. The psychological prevention is a system, including individual psychological reconstruction, the environmental factor and statutes etc. They influence each other. So I describe it by the subjects to three parts. They are the society, government and individual.In the social prevention, there are mainly two parts, construct healthy network culture and purify the environment. Though government prevention belongs to the social prevention, because of its feature of nation administration, it is stated afterwards specially. The first is to construct healthy network culture. Our tradition culture is learned generation from generation, the culture in the network is utterly new. How to lead a better network living? It depends on ourselves not the tool we use. Some measures are put forward here. The second is to purify the environment. When we can control the environment, we can control crimes effectively. The network is one kind of public resources, <WP=45>its virtual feature made it more difficult to be controlled than the real society. Advice here is put to take the network in order. They are to enhance the occupation’s self-discipline and to improve supervision technology. In the government prevention, there are administration, economical restriction, public security and rules. As to the administration, accelerate the protection of computer information and the occupation management, train the police to fight the computer crimes are the main content. As to the economical restriction, the main content is to establish effective supervision. Supervision is the important method in improving economic benefit and assuring manpower, material resources and financial resources in good use. This restricti

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【下载频次】716

