

On Russian Local Management System before the Revolution

【作者】 曹璐

【导师】 张广翔;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 地方管理体制是政治制度的重要组成部分;俄国存在突出的地域与民族问题。仅从上述两点出发,俄国地方管理体制就具有重要的研究价值。由于以往对这个问题重视不够,目前的研究面临着一定困难,不仅国内没有专门的论文和著述,就是俄国史学界对此研究也不多,有份量的专著也是寥寥无几,如果本文能有些价值的话,也皆因于此。本文的主要目标是勾勒革命前俄国地方管理体制的大端。由于国体对地方管理体制的决定意义,行文基本上沿国体变化纵向展开,同时又以行政区划、机构设置、职能分配、人员配备、相关条令规章及自治因素为地方管理体制各变化阶段的重要考察指标。国家地方管理体制以统一国家的形成为前提,15世纪的俄罗斯基本上拥有统一中心和对内对外政策,可以作为我们了解俄国管理体制的开端。15—16世纪中期的地方管理体制可谓地方管理体制的贵族时代。莫斯科大公尚与世袭贵族分享国家政权,后者在领地上操控地方管理,独立行使军事、税收、司法等各种职能。国家区划混乱,食邑制为地方管理的主要形式。16世纪中期—17世纪上半期——地方管理体制的等级代表时代。通过扶植中小贵族,沙皇将世袭大贵族的权力陆续回收中央,中央遂开始对地方管理体制的探索。到17世纪之前,食邑制基本被废除,以当地社会组织为地方主要管理机构,各种区划统一为县。缙绅会议通过的《新法典》专门对地方管理进行了规范。沙皇进行了两个有关地方管理的实验:特辖制,于地方管理体制而言是只破不立;喀山体制,于地方管理体制而言意义深远。17世纪上半期,等级代表君主制的深化提升了中央的权威,沙皇将喀山体制推广到内地,各地管理服从于督军和督军所辖机构,督军受衙门委任、监督和领导,地方正式成为中央权力序列上的一级。17世纪下半期—19世纪上半期——地方管理体制的绝对君主时代。17世纪下半期绝对君主制尚在蓄势待发,地方管理体制也在悄然变化中透露出全面改革的讯息。督军制的发展方兴未艾,衙门对督军的统辖已不胜其力,在原有军区的基础上诞生了网络全国的大区。大区内设财政和行政机构,实现了军事、行政、财政管理的地域集中化,被认为是省的前身。中央政权在边区的派出机构作用增强,对地域衙门事务的接管使其具有了省机关的意义。绝对君主制于18世纪正式确立,并持续到19世纪上半期。由于最高权力属于君主一人,沙皇对地方管理体制的影响空前加大 ,或是全新规划,或是继承修补,地方管理体制在频繁变化中走向完备。彼得一世将全国划为省、州、县三级,建立相应的行政、司法、经济管理机构,在人员配备上倾向于官僚化,所有管理机构和人员有尚不清晰的职能分工和较为严格的监督隶属关系。自治微弱却存在着。彼得一世对地方管理的全面改革确定了俄国地方管理体制的总体框架,此后的历代沙皇都是在发展和巩固彼得一世的改革成果。叶卡特琳娜二世之前,地方管理有局部的调整。叶卡特琳娜二世颁布了《全俄帝国省管理机关》,并据此展开了地方管理的新一轮改革。以人口为标准对省、县区划重新拆分,司法机构独成体系,在加强各管理机构的警察职能的同时建立大规模警察机构。自治在城市有所加强。此次改革是俄国地方管理体制走向成熟的关键阶段。保罗一世时期的地方管理体制全无章法,过度强调了俄国传统体制中的顽劣之处。亚历山大一世统治前期基本恢复了叶卡特琳娜二世时期的地方管理体制,统治后期以军屯制加剧了地方管理体制中早已有之的军事化倾向。尼古拉一世时期,除了管理机构的警察化、官僚化严重以外,地方管理体制基本上继承了前一阶段的原则。19世纪下半期,地方管理体制随同专制制度蒙上了资本主义色彩。根据《自治改革条例》展开了地方管理改革,自治成为这段时期地方管理体制最突出的特点。地方司法体制经历重大变革,警察对地方的控制更加严密。19世纪晚期整个俄国落入反动统治的阴影。地方自治与司法事务的境况恶化,各省处于非常保护状态。俄国国体进入立宪君主制阶段之后,地方管理体制的发展才步入正轨。极端化的措施被取消,自治在地方管理中的作用再次加强。二月革命后地方建立起了全新的行政管理机构,原来的地方司法、警察机构有所变化,自治局成为地方政权机关。俄国绝大多数“地方”兼具民族地区的属性,地方管理体制也就包括民族地区管理体制这一层特殊的内容。被兼并的民族地区的管理体制最初无一不以国家总体地方管理体制为背景,最终也无一不融入这个背景,而在这个过程中,俄国在各民族地区有分别地实行了各种自治。前帝国时期,自治还不成体系;帝国时期,各族地区管理体制形成了包括行政自治、政治自治、保护国在内的完整体系。一种管理体制的制订与实施总是包含了技术和政治两方面的考虑。在俄国地方管理体制运行的每个历史时期,都明显存在着或大或小的技术性变化。政治性变化一般很少直接体现在体制的具体内容中,它总是通过积累技术性的变化来达到自己的目的。本文所考察的俄国四百年间的地方管理在体制上的安排是比较成功的,从技术上,它克服障碍使俄国成为一个有机的整体;从政治上,它以官僚化的方式形成了中央集权。对于一个封建国家而言,?

【Abstract】 The local management system is a political institutional importance to constitutet;Exsited Russia outstanding region and race proble. Therefore, study on local management system is very important .It is not enough value to this problems former,Therefore, the current research faces the certain difficulty. There is no specialized work in domestic, Muscovy historiography field research concerning this problem too not much, there is few great significance and specialized work, If this text is in a measure worth, that be because of this reason.The main target of this article is to generalize the Russia local management system before revolution . The national system decides the the loval management system of , this text launches according to the variety of the national system. At the same time, the administrative area , the organization establishment, the equipment of people, related law regulation, and the circumstance of the autonomies is the concrete contents of the loval place management system.|United of the national formation is a premise that place manage the system. In the 15th centuries ,there is a center in Russia,and a united policy of incide and outside of Russia .Therefore we can discuss the local management system from the 15th centuries. solution from From from 15th centuries to 16th centurieses’ middle, the local place management system of Russia is the nobility ages. The tallest ruler of the Moscow own the national political power with hereditary nobility all, hereditary nobility possess their own land and they control the local place management exercising military, tax, judicial etc. independently.the national distrct is in disorder . The nobility get their salary from the land. This kind of system is a main form of local place management at that time..From the middle of 16 centuries to first half period of 17 centuries, this time is a new period of Russian local place management, in this ages, each grade undertook the governor’s mission. Russian emperor propped up the middle and small nobility, taking back the power of hereditary aristocratic, from then on, the central government started investigating the local place management system. |Just before17 centuries, people can’t again get money from their own land ,the social organization became the main administrative manegement, every kind of administrative area rows all become the county. The meeting including every grades agreed the new code of laws, the new code of laws was specialized to proceed the norm of places management. The Russian emperor proceeded two experiment for concerning place managings. Firstly they establish the region that emperor alone manage, this kind of system broke the former place manages the system, but did not establish the new place management system..Secondly they establish the management system in The Kazan,which had the important influence to the local management in Muscovy system.In the first half period of 17th centuries, With the supportment of representative of the each grade the monarch system was enhanced, this circumstance increases the authority of the central government.Kazan management system was expanded in the hinterland by the Russian emperor, in the aspects of managing, the every locality management obeyed in native general with organization that general ruled over, the department of the central government appointed, direct with lead general. From 17 centuries’ second half period to 19 centuries’ first half period, the local place management system was under the control of the power of monarch. During the second half period of 17 centuries, the monarch system of the absolute doctrine was still accomulate power. The local place management was changing silently ,which revealed the evidence of complete reform. Local general took the responsibility of the management ot local place management the scope of this kind of system extends continuously. The government can’t control the general effectively.in the early time, there has exsited some military district in Russia, on this foundation

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K512
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】181

