

The Politeness Function of "Slightness Expression"

【作者】 福井启子

【导师】 刘富华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 0.引言 礼貌语言在任何社会中都是必不可少的。使用它可以很容易又很清楚地表达说话人对言语行为对象的敬意,而且在现代社会中,礼貌语言也是润滑人际关系的最迅捷最有效的方法。1.汉语礼貌语言的变迁及现状 1·1 汉语礼貌语言的变迁① 敬谦词的数量变迁 从调查结果来看,敬谦词是极大地减少了。② 形容词型敬谦辞的变迁 从19世纪到20世纪初,汉语传统的表达敬意的方法急剧地减少了,从20世纪中叶开始,整个表达体系完全消失了。③ 表达敬意方法的变迁 传统礼貌语言使用得越来越少,而其他表达敬意的方法使用得越来越多。 1·2 汉语礼貌语言的现状 总的来说,大部分传统敬谦辞衰退了,给弥补性的“新礼貌语言”提供了空间。2.Brown和Levinson的“politeness”理论 2·1 “politeness”的涵义 在本文中,直接使用“politeness”一词,其含义以日本学者的解释为基础。他们把“politeness”理解为“表达郑重”及“表达敬意、关怀”。 2·2 Brown和Levinson的理论及语言学界的反应 Brown和Levinson的“面子保全论”,主要是以Goffman的“面子理论”为基础。作为本文的理论基础强调的是礼貌语言的使用中“说话人主要考虑的是听话人的面子,避免冒犯对方”。他们提出五种补救策略,其<WP=48>中属于礼貌语言范畴的是积极politeness和消极politeness。  在英语国家和日本都有很大的影响,但是在中国还未把这一理论具体地应用于汉语研究。而笔者认为,Brown和Levinson的“politeness”理论是探索现代汉语礼貌语言的有效工具。 2·3 “积极politeness”和“消极politeness” ① 积极politeness 积极politeness满足的是听话人的积极面子,表达的感情比较强烈,礼貌的意图也十分明显。 ② 消极politeness消极politeness满足的是听话人的消极面子,它所表达的感情不像积极politeness那么强烈,说话人往往控制自己的感情和情绪,采用一种迂回的方式表达自己的意图,所以缓和语气是消极politeness的基本出发点。 根据调查来分析现代汉语里使用消极politeness策略的情况,结果显示其中只有“‘少量’意义表达”所包含的敬意难于被人觉察。3.对“‘少量’意义表达”的分析3·1“‘少量’意义表达”的意义分析本文里“‘少量’意义表达”指的是包括“动词重叠”、“谓词加‘一下’”、“谓词加不定量词”、“谓词加其他动量词”“谓词加‘(一)会儿’”在内的,能够起到缓和语气作用的表达礼貌的方式。 3·2 对“‘少量’意义表达”的评价使用“‘少量’意义表达”是从关照对方的角度出发从而减轻对方的心理负担,同时也可以降低交际中言语行为所造成的相互侵犯的程度,可以使说话人语气缓和。 4.“‘少量’意义表达”的实证材料 4·1 以电视剧《永不放弃》的台词为例调查及分析 4·1·1 调查方法 <WP=49> 从《永不放弃》中找出所有使用“‘少量’意义表达”并表示敬意的句子,将这些句子按其性质分类,然后把它们与不使用“‘少量’意义表达”时的情况进行比较来分析前后语气的变化。 4·1·2 调查结果及分析 根据调查可知“‘少量’意义表达”在很多场面里表达敬意。“‘少量’意义表达”的使用,能够使原来带有“命令、要求、专横”等意味的句子转变为具有“请求、商量、建议”色彩的表达,以减轻给对方造成的负担、压力。 4·2 使用情况调查 根据下面两种调查来分析“‘少量’意义表达”的使用情况。 4·2·1 用VCD调查 特定语境下对“‘少量’意义表达”使用情况的调查。 调查对象∶吉林大学的20名大学生,调查方法∶回答式问卷调查 调查结果∶虽然人们没感觉到“‘少量’意义的表达”与礼貌语言有关系,但是如果遇到有必要对对方表示关照或尊重的语境,也可能会下意识地使用“‘少量’意义表达”。 4·2·2 问卷调查 直接对“‘少量’意义表达”的调查。 调查对象∶吉林大学的100名大学生,调查方法∶选择式问卷调查 调查结果∶在添加和不添加“‘少量’意义表达”进行直接比较情况下,人们都能非常清楚地意识到“‘少量’意义表达”在表示礼貌方面的使用价值。 对“‘少量’意义表达”礼貌功能的探讨可以揭示出现代汉语礼貌语言的冰山一角,可见如果继续用“politeness”理论来研究,我们也许能更好地认识这一冰山的全貌。

【Abstract】 0.Preface Polite language is essential in any society,with it,speakers can show their respect to others easily and clearly,what’s more,in modern society,polite language is the fastest and the most effective way to lubricate the people’s relationship.1.Change and present situation of Chinese polite language 1·1 Change of Chinese polite language① The quantitative change of“language of respect and humility” According to the survey,the number of the ‘language of respect and humility’reduced a lot. ② The change of adjective“language of respect and humility” From the 19th century to the beginning of 20th century,the traditional way to show respect had been reduced sharply in China,and from the middle of 20th century,the whole system began to eliminate totally. ③ The change of the way to show respect Traditional polite language is used less and less,while other ways of expressing respect are used more and more. 1·2 The present situation of Chinese polite language On the whole,most traditional “language of respect and humility”has diminished,which provides more space to the supplementing of“New polite language”.2. Brown and Levinson’s theory of “Politeness” 2·1 The concept of“politeness” <WP=51> In this essay,“politeness”is used directly and its meaning is on the base of the explanation of the Japanese scholars,They take“politeness”as“the expression of seriousness”and“the expression of respect and concern”. 2·2 The theory of Brown and Levinson and The response in the field of linguistics Brown and Levinson’s FTAs(Face Threatening Acts) is based on Goffman’s“Theory of Face”.This essay stresses the theory ――“The speaker considers the listener’s face most in order not to offend him”.They also proposed five remedial strategies,among which“positive politeness”and “passive politeness”belong to the category of polite language. FTAs has influenced English-spoken countries and Japan a lot,but China hasn’t applied this theory to the research of Chinese.In the author’s opinion,Brown and Levinson’s“politeness”theory is the effective tool to probe modern Chinese polite language. 2·3 “Positive politeness”and “Negative politeness”① Positive politeness Positive politeness satisfies the listener’s positive face,express feelings strongly and makes the polite intention obvious. ② Negative politeness Negative politeness satisfies the listener’s negative face,express feelings less stronger than positive politeness.The speaker usually controls his own feelings and emotion,and adopts an indirect way to show his intention.So,relaxed tone is the basic point of negative politeness.   The author analyzes the strategy of using passive politeness in modern Chinese on the base of survey.And the result shows that,<WP=52>only by using“slightness expression”can respect not be easily detected.3.Analysis of“slightness expression”3·1 Analysis of“slightness expression”’s significance In this essay,“slightness expression”refers to the politeness-expressing way that can relax the tone which includes “verb overlapping”,“predicate plus ‘a bit’”,“predicate plus ‘indefinite quantifier’”and “predicate plus ‘for a moment’”.3·2 Usage of“slightness expression” From the perspective of concern for the other side,using the “slightness expression”reduces psychological pressure and at the same time diminishes the degree of the mutual invasion caused by particular language during a social gathering.It also that moderates the speaker’s tone.4.How to verify of “slightness expression” 4·1 Take the line in TV play“Never give up”for example to survey and analyze. 4·1·1 The way of analyzing Find all the respectful sentences with“slightness expression” in the “Never give up”,classify these sentences by nature,and then compare these sentences with the ones without“slightness expressio

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】297

