

Research on Management and Innovation of Communist Youth League in New Era

【作者】 魏微

【导师】 麻宝斌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共青团是中国共产党领导下的先进青年的群众组织,它与党一同走过八十二年的风雨历程。但是在市场经济条件下,它在自身建设及外部环境方面遇到了一些问题和困难,如何看待这些问题和困难,如何解决这些问题和困难,这是本文的写作目的 。一、共青团与中国共产党的关系及在我国存在的现实意义1922年,在中国共产党的直接关怀和领导下,中国共产主义青年团的前身中国社会主义青年团成立宣告成立。中国共青团是中国所有先进青年的组织,它从本质上来说是一个青年社团组织。但是它既不同于国外的青年社团,又不同于妇联、工会等其它社团组织。它具有自身的特殊性。这种特殊性表现在两个方面:一是共青团自身组织定位的特殊性。二是中国共青团与中国共产党具有特殊的关联性。时代在发展,社会在进步,新时期党赋予共青团特殊的使命:这就是按照党的十六大精神,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的要求,进一步扩大和巩固党在青年群众中的思想基础、组织基础、人才基础、工作基础。 二、共青团在新时期所面临的问题和机遇根据2003年吉林省共青团工作调查报告显示,当前在团的工作中主要存在以下一些的问题。这些问题总体上又可归为团的自身建设和社会体制环境两大类。(一)从团的自身建设上来看,主要有以下几个问题:一是团的社会职能转变缓慢,工作覆盖面小。二是团的运作形式单一,凝聚力减弱。三是团的工作与党的中心工作的结合不够<WP=39>紧密,发展动力不足。四是团的工作前瞻性不强,系统思维不够。(二)从社会体制环境来看,存在以下一些问题:  一是团组织整体发展不平衡。二是党建带团建工作力度不够。三是青年群体结构和分布呈现流动、分化、重组态势,流动团员数量巨增,管理难度加大。四是团干部政治经济待遇难以落实。五是长期困扰共青团组织的活动经费匮乏问题依然明显。六是团干部转业难,交流培养使用力度不够。  上述存在的问题,就全省共青团工作来看,既具有典型性,也带有普遍性,究其存在和产生并非偶然或朝夕之间,原因是多方面的。从主观上来说,共青团的工作缺乏创新意识。从客观上看,共青团工作的政策与外部环境需进一步改善。当然我们更应该看到共青团组织目前也有许多有利条件,当前共青团工作在以下四个方面有较大优势:一是改革开放二十多年来,共青团面临的各种困难和问题暴露比较充分,许多矛盾逐步显现,为我们分析问题、寻找规律、提出对策创造了条件。二是团的充满生机活力的优良传统和改革开放以来共青团不断积累的工作经验,已初步形成了适应新形势要求的工作思路、工作框架和工作要求。三是广大青年对团组织的向往和社会的旺盛需求为共青团实现新的发展创造了有效的前提。四是党对共青团的高度重视,对面向新世纪团的工作的新要求、新定位为我们提供了良好的外部环境和条件。三、用新思维、新机制全面创新共青团工作(一)随着“三个代表”重要思想指导地位的奠定和全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的确立,团的理念必须创新。1、用“三个代表”的重要思想指导全团,充分认识新时期党对共青团组<WP=40>织先进性的新要求。2、按照学习型组织理论的要求,创建学习型团组织  (二)随着人才是第一资源思想的树立和人才强国战略的提出,团的工作目标和任务必须创新(三)随着社会结构的调整和青年流向的变化,团的组织结构必须创新。(四)随着现代科学技术的迅速发展和青年素质的全面提高,团的工作模式和格局必须创新。(五)随着青年群体利益需求的多样化和价值取向的多元化,团的工作机制和方法必须创新。四、推进团的工作全面创新需要处理好以下几个关系1、社会职能和政治职能的关系。2、开发资源和服务社会的关系。3、社会化和庸俗化的关系。

【Abstract】 ⅠRelationship between of the Communist Youth League and the Communist Party of China and Realistic Meaning of the Existence in Our Country.In 1922, under the leadership and care of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Socialist Communist Youth League announced establishment. The Chinese Communist Youth League is the organization of all advanced youth men in China, it is the youth’s social organization essentially. But, it is different from youth’s social organization abroad, also different from other social organizations such as the Women association and the labor union It has special characters of itself which expresses on the following: firstly, the special organization position of itself. Secondly, it has special the relationship with the Chinese Communist Party .The epoch is developing, the society is stepping forward, in the new stage, the Communist Party gives special task to the Communist Youth League: that is, according to the spirit of the Sixteenth Plenary of the Communist Party, carrys out the important demand of “three representatives” thought wholly, enlarge sand consolidates the thought base, organization base, talents base, and workers base of the Communist Party in young crowds. ⅡThe Question and Chance the Communist League Confronts According to survey of the Communist Youth League committee of Jilin Province, in the present, there exists the following question in the work of Communist Youth League. Generally assorts into two sorts: self construction of the League <WP=42>and social environment.1) From its self construction, there are the following questions: the first is the social function of the Communist League is now changing slowly, working covering field is small. The second is the running style of the Communist Youth League is single, coherence power weakened, the third is: the union of work of league and party is not closely enough, develop power is not efficient. The forth is the preview of the League is not strong and system thought is not enough.2) From the big circumstance of society, there exist the following question:The first is the development of League organization is not balanced, the second is that the strength is not enough for Party Construction leading League Construction, the third is the structure and distributing appears the trend of flow, separate and reorganization, the number of flowing leaguer greatly increases, management difficulty increases, the fourth is the political and economic treatment can not be solved, fifth is the long disturbing activity outlay scare problem still exists. The sixth: it is difficult for the league principals to change to civilian work, scare of strength of communication and cultivation. From the work of whole province, the above question, not only representative, but universal, the reason is multiple:From subject view, the communist work scares of innovation consciousness. For many years, by the effect of planned economy and traditional thought mode in the long run, the work of Communist League has been bound to the old rule, satisfied with the present condition, numbers of principals that scare of innovation consciousness is very large. Enterprising consciousness not strong, and innovation consciousness insufficient has been the important reasons and key question disturbing the work development, if not changing, will be very dangerous. Objectively, the policy of communist league needs to be improved. <WP=43>Of course we shall see there are many advantage term in the Communist Youth League. In the present, there are four advantages :1.Since revolution and openness, various difficulty and question confronted by the Communist Youth League is very clear, many questions appears, which create good condition for us to analysis question , seeking rules, and provide solving ways, the second is the traditional vigor and work experience since revolution and openness has primarily shaped the work thought, frame and demand. Third is groups of young men to league organization provide effective premise for Communist Le

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D297
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1383

