

Study on the Theory and Method of Electronic Records Appraisal in Modern Organizations

【作者】 宋雪雁

【导师】 王萍;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 档案学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电子信息革命对档案工作者以及档案工作带来的根本性挑战主要有两个方面:其一,是它动摇了官僚型组织相对稳定的结构,使组织的结构逐渐扁平化;其二,是它导致新的通讯方式和新的文件形式(即电子文件)的形成。这两种趋势都对当代档案的理论和实践提出了挑战,促使我们重新审视传统的档案理论和档案工作,并探索新的适应现代组织机构文件、档案管理特点的理论和方法。目前,国内外档案学者讨论最热烈的问题就是文件连续体理论,因为该理论动摇了传统的文件和档案的管理方式,对文件、档案管理,尤其是电子文件管理的各个业务环节都产生了巨大的影响,所以各国档案学者都对这一理论表示了极大的关注。电子文件的特点及其产生环境的特殊性(本文所探讨的电子文件都是产生于电子文件保管系统中,它是电子文件的来源)又使得鉴定工作更加突出于其他的业务环节,成为其中的核心部分,同时电子文件的鉴定工作在实践中也是难点。笔者认为,当前形势下以扁平化的结构为特征的组织机构是各类机构发展的必然趋势,并在其内涵上包含和体现了现代组织机构变革的其他方面,是信息技术对社会结构产生的不可避免的深刻影响。而且文件连续体理论所倡导的电子文件管理模式在很大程度上与扁平型组织的运作与管理方式非常地契合,加之电子文件鉴定在业务实践中的特殊地位,因此对现代组织机构中电子文件鉴定理论和方法的研究具有一定的前瞻性和重要的现实指导意义。本文共分四个部分:第一部分首先分析了信息时代组织机构变革的基本趋势及其对现代档案管理工作的影响。在信息技术的推动和支<WP=108>持下,现代组织机构越来越呈现出组织结构扁平化、组织内部沟通网络化、组织业务工作团队化以及新的业务流程的构建等方面的特征。其中扁平化的组织结构是现代组织机构的结构化基础,是现代组织机构特征的典型概括。在上述变革的过程中,档案管理工作作为各类组织机构正常运转必不可少的一项业务工作,其管理思想和工作流程也必定要发生变革,以适应现代组织机构的特点和信息时代的要求。其变化主要表现为档案工作手段的自动化、系统化,一体化的档案管理思想,协同合作的档案工作方式,电子文件管理流程的变化四个方面,而这些变化将直接影响电子文件的鉴定方法,并且需要新的理论来指导其实施。第二部分以大不列颠哥伦比亚大学的电子文件研究项目和InterPARES国际研究项目(The International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems:保证电子系统中文件的永久真实性国际研究项目)中对“文件”、“电子文件”、“可靠性”、“真实性”的定义为概念基础,着重论述了电子文件的特性和电子文件赖以产生和流转的信息系统——电子文件保管系统及其功能需求。由于本文所探讨的电子文件鉴定是在电子文件保管系统中实施的,而且鉴定是关系到电子文件“生死存亡”的关键环节,也关系到电子文件的保存时间长短和价值大小,这使得电子文件鉴定成为该系统中的核心环节,并贯穿系统运行的始终,因此,在设计电子文件保管系统时,应该将鉴定需求作为系统流程一项重要的管理需求慎重考虑。第三部分在前两个部分对电子文件鉴定的组织机构环境——扁平型的现代组织机构以及鉴定实施的系统环境——电子文件保管系统的论述的基础上,通过两组对比,即文件连续体理论与文件生命周期理论的比较以及官僚型组织机构与扁平化的现代组织机构的对比,来发<WP=109>掘文件连续体理论在信息时代的电子文件工作中的意义,并印证了采用该理论指导扁平型的现代组织机构中电子文件鉴定的合理性和优越性。因为文件连续体理论中所蕴含的一体、统一的管理思想和管理方式适应了现代社会扁平型组织机构和电子文件自身的特点,其对电子文件价值鉴定的多维审视,以及鉴定中对电子文件来源的新的理解和确定与扁平型的现代组织机构中围绕工作流程和组建跨部门团队的运作方式和鼓励知识共享的理念也是相一致的。通过上述三个部分的分析和阐述,第四部分以文件连续体理论所倡导的理念为指导,构建了适用于扁平型现代组织机构的电子文件鉴定流程。为了保证能够准确地鉴定和保存具有凭证价值的电子文件,该流程的构建以扁平型组织机构运作的特点——对业务程序和任务的关注为依据,把管理与技术两种手段有机地结合起来(因为仅仅依靠先进的技术手段并不能实施有效的电子文件鉴定),将文件形式的变化与组织结构的跃迁纳入到一个框架下综合考虑。然后,以匹兹堡大学电子文件项目的需求分析成果、ISO关于文件管理的国际性标准文件(ISO15489-1和ISO TR 15489-2)和澳大利亚关于文件管理的国家标准(AS4390)为标尺,并结合了文件连续体理论和扁平型现代组织机构的特点对所构建的电子文件鉴定流程进行了定性的评析。最后,笔者认为:电子文件鉴定的质量和效果决定着电子文件能否在人类社会正常流转和累积以及能否促进电子文件的功能得以充分发挥。虽然,本文所构建的现代组织机构电子文件鉴定流程还存在着不足之处,而且当前的组织结构形态几乎都是官僚型的或者是其简单变形,扁平型的现代组织结构目前还局限在学术探讨的领域内,

【Abstract】 Electronic information revolution brings archivists and archival profession fundamental challenges which mainly have two respects: Firstly, it changes hierarchical structure which is relatively stable, and makes the hierarchies flattened gradually; secondly, it causes the shaping of new communication way and new records form ( namely electronic records ). Both the theory and the practice in contemporary archive field are challenged in these two kinds of trends, which impels us to review the traditional archival theory and profession, and explore the new theory and method of records and archives management which adapt well to the characteristics of modern organizations.At present, the hottest subject discussed by domestic and international scholars is the Records Continuum, because this theory has shaken the traditional management paradigm of records and archives. The Records Continuum has exerted an enormous influence on each business segment of records and archives management, especially on that of electronic records management, so the scholars of various countries have all expressed the great concern for this theory. The characteristics of electronic records and the particularity of the electronic record-keeping system in which electronic records are created (the electronic record-keeping system is the source of electronic records) make the appraisal further more conspicuous to other archival business segments and becoming the key part among them, at the same time the appraisal of <WP=112>electronic records is a puzzle in practice. I think, the flat structure is the inevitable trend in all kinds of organizations under the current situation, and the connotation of flat structure includes and reflects other respects that the modern organizations have improved. It is the unavoidable and deep influence that the information technology has on the society structure. Moreover the electronic records management paradigm which is advocated in the Records Continuum accords with the operation and management style in flat structure to a great extent, and the appraisal of electronic records has the special status in archive business practice, which determine that the research on the theory and method of appraisal of electronic records in modern organizations gains some perspective on the future and has directive significance for reality. This article comprises four parts altogether: in the first part, the elementary trends of organizations in information age and the their impacts on modern archives management have been analyzed. With the force and support of information technology, the modern organizations demonstrate the flattening of the organizational structure, the networking of the communication means inside organization, the teamworking of the function and the reengineering of the business processes more and more, in which the flattening of the organizational structure is the foundation of other changes and the typical characteristic of modern organizations. In the course of changing mentioned above, the thought and the business process of archives management need shift as well to meet the requests of modern organizations in information age, for it is an essential business which ensures all kinds of organizations to run well. The changes mainly consist <WP=113>of four respects: the automation of the working methods, the integrated archives management thought, the cooperative way in archival practice, and the shifting of electronic records management process, and these changes will affect the appraisal method of electronic records directly .We need new theory to guide the implementation of the electronic records appraisal.The second part first provides the definitions of “record”, “electronic records”, “reliability”, “authenticity” which are derived from the research project of the University of British Columbia on electronic records and the InterPARES international research project (The International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems), and lays the conceptual foundation f

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G276
  • 【下载频次】530

