

Research on Financing Methods of Middle & Small Sized High-technology Enterprises

【作者】 王江

【导师】 马飞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 不论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,中小企业一直都是一国经济的重要组成部分。中小企业在促进科技进步、缓解失业、扩大出口、发展国际贸易以及促进经济健康稳定发展等方面起着不可忽视的作用。尤其自20世纪80年代以来,越来越多的人意识到发展中小企业的重要性,特别是具有高科技含量的、以高成长、高风险、高回报为特征的高技术中小企业的发展更是引起了人们对高技术中小企业的强烈兴趣。发展高科技,实现产业化,是我国经济建设和社会发展中的战略性工作。高技术中小企业是实现高技术产业化的主力军,高技术产业化为高技术中小企业的崛起和壮大提供了广阔的背景。但要实现高技术产业化,也面临着一系列的问题,其中资金不足就是制约高技术产业化的一大障碍。因此,高技术中小企业的融资问题就显得格外突出。探索和解决高技术中小企业的融资问题是一项极其紧迫和极有意义的工作,基于此,本文对我国高技术中小企业所面临的融资问题和融资方式进行分析,希望通过自己的分析研究,对实现高技术向生产力有效转化和为高技术中小企业的创业者摆脱融资困境提供可参考的依据。本论文研究内容具体包括以下几方面:第一章是绪论。本章阐述了论文研究的背景、研究的意义及国内外研究现状,针对目前研究的不足,确定了论文主题、研究内容并构建了研究的框架图。第二章是高技术中小企业的研究。首先,阐述了目前我国高技术中小企业的发展现状:经营规模迅速扩大,从业人员大幅增加,所有制结构正朝着多样化的方向发展,而且取得了显著的经济效益,说明目前我国高技术中小<WP=73>企业出现了蒸蒸日上的局面,未来将大有发展;其次,界定了高技术中小企业的内容。本文认为,高技术中小企业首先必须是生产高技术产品的企业,能够为社会提供高科技含量的产品与服务的企业,这只是笔者的主观认定,所以,如何准确的界定高技术企业,我国还没有一个明确的标准,尚有待探索;再其次,总结了高技术中小企业的特点,即高风险与高收益并存、研究开发密集度高、产品的技术含量高、附加值高、企业技术创新能力强;最后,分析了目前我国高技术中小企业在融资中存在的问题:政府扶持力度不够;融资渠道不畅通;融资方式单一;直接融资缺乏相应的上市条件;间接融资的“三性”原则以及信息不对称的存在,这些都加大了高技术中小企业融资的难度。第三章是高技术中小企业融资方式的研究,是本文研究的主体和重点。首先,对高技术中小企业所采用的传统融资方式进行了简介,如股票融资、债券融资、银行贷款融资、租赁融资以及商业信用等。同时,针对这些传统融资方式分析了高技术中小企业的不适应性。具体包括:商业银行的经营理念不利于高技术中小企业融资,这主要是由于银行的风险控制原则和盈利性原则造成的;我国企业债券的发行和流通受到诸多限制和上市条件过严、没有良好的信用等,这些都阻碍了高技术中小企业利用传统融资方式进行融资。在此背景下,一种新的融资方式应运而生,这就是风险投资。风险投资是一种金融创新,它已成为国内外高技术中小企业融资的最佳方式。根据风险投资的概念、特点和运作模式,从中总结出:风险投资的运作对象—需要资金的高技术中小企业;运作主体—风险投资公司;运作基础—相对规范的金融市场;运作条件—风险资本;运作关键—熟悉技术、市场、金融、管理的风险投资家。其次,阐述了风险投资引入高技术中小企业的必要性,即风险投资能够克服高技术产业化的资金障碍;能够加快高技术成果转化,促进高技术中小企业的快速成长;使高技术中小企业能够获得持续的资金支持;风险投资还会给高技术中小企业带来增值服务;同时风险投资能有效地解决风险<WP=74>投资家和高技术中小企业的创业者之间存在的信息不对称问题。针对信息不对称的问题,本文还构造了一个简单的模型,即R=R(e,q)+u,这个期望营业净收入R,一方面取决于高技术中小企业创业者的努力程度e,另一方面取决于项目的自身质量q。同时,受随机变量u的影响。另外,由于高技术中小企业在成长过程中具有明显的阶段性,即种子阶段、创建阶段、扩展阶段和成熟阶段,而且在不同的阶段由于技术、生产、资金各有不同的特点,所以高技术中小企业的资金需求量以及风险投资的介入时机也应有所不同。 同时,根据以上的分析,本文还研究了风险投资与高技术中小企业的互动与融合,即高技术中小企业能够借助于风险投资成长,而风险投资可通过高技术中小企业的成长而增值。最后,论述了高技术中小企业如何获得风险投资,有直接或间接的两种方式。直接的方式有参加商业计划大赛,拟一份成功的商业计划书或参加洽谈会直接面谈;间接方式有通过推荐、利用互联网信息以及通过中介机构联系风险投资的方式。第四章是关于发展风险投资促进高技术中小企业融资的研究。主要包括,(1)高技术中小企业利用风险投资已具备的客观条件:当前良好的宏观经济环境、政府的不断重视和引导、民间资本的不断充裕、已具备的科技实力以及风险投资的不断兴起,这些都为高技术中小企业利用风险投资这种融资方式进行融资奠定了基础。(2)高技术中小企业利用风险投?

【Abstract】 Middle & small-sized enterprises are always important component part of a national economy in developed or developing countries. They play a definite role in science & technology development、 jobless problems solving、export enlarging and economic promotion. Especially in 1980s’, more and more people realized the importance of middle & small-sized enterprises and high-technique middle & small-sized enterprises’ rapid development arouses people give more interests on them.Developing high-technique and realizing industrialization is strategic job in developing society. High-tech middle & small-sized enterprises are main forces, which can bring about industrialization. On the other hand, high-tech industrialization supply these enterprises for their growing space. However, realizing the industrialization is facing many serious problems: lacking of capital is one of big obstruction, which stops high-tech development. This thesis analyses the financial problems that High-tech middle & small-sized enterprises are facing now, and the writer hope to give these enterprises some reference basis, which can free the starters from financial predicament.The thesis specifically covered the following chapters:Chapter 1 is introduction of the article. It sets forth the research background、significance and internal & external current situation. In accordance with current deficiencies, the thesis determines its subject and research content and construction.Chapter 2 is the research about high-tech middle & small-sized enterprises. Firstly, the thesis expounds the current situation of these enterprises. Administration scale is extending quickly, enterpriser of high-tech middle & small-sized enterprises is increasing, organization is varying development, and obtain economic development, version high-tech middle &small-sized enterprises <WP=77>will mighty development in the future. Secondly, limits implication of high-tech middle & small-sized enterprises. The thesis view, high-tech middle &small-sized is must produce production of high-tech, it can offer production of high-tech and service for society, but is only writer view, so how accurate limits implication of high-tech middle &small-sized enterprise, without a accurate standard in our country, it will be quested sequence. Thirdly, concludes the special features of these enterprises. That is, height venture and height yield together, research and development extent height, high-tech of production and ability strong of the technology innovation to enterprises . Finally, analyses the financial problems that they are facing now. That is, wanting government support, financial way oneness, and the unsymmetrical information be occur, etc. All these problems increased the financial problems of high-tech middle &small-sized enterprises.Chapter 3 is a research about the financial way which these enterprises can make use. This chapter is the major point of this thesis. Firstly, it gives simply introduction about the traditional financial ways me, meantime refers to the existence problems of these traditional financial ways which doesn’t fit for the high-tech middle & small-sized enterprises. That is, management thinking of business bank is not avail financing of high-tech middle &small-sized enterprises; Enterprises debenture be circulated received limited and without excellent credit, etc. All these problems interference traditional financial which handling for high-tech middle & small-sized enterprises. Consequently, sets forth a new style financial way------ Venture Capital. Venture capital is a kind of new finance innovation, it has been the best financial of high-tech enterprises. Authority the concept, the special features and operation way of venture capital, we summarize, operation target—need financial of high-tech middle & small-sized enterprises; operation corpus—company of venture capital; operation basis—finance market; operation condition—venture capital; operation key—people of venture capital. Secondly, it explains the necessity of importing venture cap

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1173

