

Early Intervention for Deaf Children Based on Linguistics Theory and the Countermeasure

【作者】 柯沫夫

【导师】 吕明臣; 陈振声;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “早期干预”一般是指对3岁以前的听力残疾儿童采取早期发现、早期听力补偿和早期听力言语训练的措施。要使听力残疾儿童与正常儿童一样能听会说,必须采取早期干预的手段,通过及早验配助听器或者植入人工耳蜗,及早给予听觉补偿,并进行科学的听觉言语训练,才能最大限度地减少听力残疾引发的障碍,促进他们平等充分地融入到主流社会。 听力残疾儿童早期干预有着重要的科学依据和理论根基,从神经语言学、关键期理论、信息加工理论和社会交互作用理论角度,听力残疾儿童的早期干预有深刻的语言学基础,听力残疾儿童的语言发展有其自身的发展规律,在进行听力言语训练时必须按照科学发展观的指导思想来培养和开发他们的语言能力。从神经语言学角度,可以从人类神经系统与人类语言、言语关系的角度来揭示听力残疾儿童语言掌握的神经机制。从儿童掌握语言的过程中,我们可以看到语言这一心理功能的发展是以神经系统的发育为条件的,然而心理功能的发展并不是完全由生理发育所左右的被动过程,而是一个在环境作用下的能动反应过程。听力残疾儿童虽然听力受损,但其神经系统和神经心理功能与其他健听儿童一样正处在生长发育阶段,如果能够在这个时期采取积极干预措施,进行听力补偿和强化言语教育训练,就能促使其神经系统和神经心理功能得到正常、健康发展,最大限度地减少听力残疾造成的影响。从关键期理论角度,语言学家乔姆斯基认为儿童生下来就固有一种掌握语言规则的能力即“语言习得机制”。世界上不同母语的儿童都遵<WP=27>循着相同的路径,即使父母均为聋人的儿童或者发育早期的聋童都经历过和其他儿童一样的前语言发音阶段,都有着极其相似的语言发展阶段顺序和早期语言结构语法特点,都存在着一个语言发展的“关键期”。在语言发展关键期后天语言环境的影响对一个人终身的语言能力的塑造起到决定性的作用。对于听力残疾儿童如果能抓住语言发展关键期进行早期干预和采取科学、合理的康复训练措施,绝大部分听力残疾儿童是能够开口说话进行言语交际的,而错过了黄金时期,再进行强化训练和模仿练习效果也是微乎其微的,这样的教训是发人深省的。从信息加工理论角度,在言语交际过程中,说话人头脑的意思要到达听话人头脑里,为完成这一言语交际任务需要经过环环紧紧相扣的转换过程,形成了一系列事件而串联而成的链条,即“言语链”。但实际上除了言语形式,人们还可以借助于手势、动作、表情和叫喊声以及情景等非言语形式来帮助交往。在儿童早期言语链交际和非言语链交际是同等重要并相互作用的。听力残疾儿童只有抓住早期语言发展阶段,通过外界语言环境刺激和言语交际中,才能逐步建立起语言意识,使学习语言变成了一种内在的需求。听力残疾儿童随着语言的不断发展,言语链逐步在听力残疾儿童交际中占据绝对地位成为优势语言,与此同时,非言语交际链的作用也就自然而然退居次要、附属地位成为劣势语言。从社会交互作用理论角度,儿童的语言发展是社会环境、认知发展、语言知识和先天成熟因素,相互依赖、相互作用、共同促进的结果。早期干预的意义在于通过听力补偿和言语训练使其在这个生长发育过程中避免遭受“感觉剥夺”,将听觉信息、视觉信息、动觉信息以及主观感受、愿望或要求转换成语言或者重新重构。只有在丰富的语言环境中,才能使听力残疾儿童更加敏感、主动地吸收加工和输出语言信息,以达到相互作用中新的平衡,完成了一次成功的话语建构。根据0-3岁婴儿的语言发展规律和特征,把早期干预阶段的婴儿语言发展分成6个阶段,即:第一阶段前语言理解阶段(指从婴儿出生到8个月的这段时期),在这个阶段婴儿还没有产生真正意义的语言理解和语<WP=28>言表达能力,是在进行语言前期的准备工作,通过自发的各种声音进行“自我练习发音”,通过听成人的语音,并结合成人的动作、表情和成人摆弄的物品尝试“理解”着某些字、词、句的意义。第二阶段:语言理解阶段(指婴儿出生9到12个月的这段时期),在这个阶段婴儿尽管还不会说话,但渴望与成人交往,已能模仿发生真正标准的语言,开始真正理解成人的语言,可以按照成人的语言吩咐去做相应的事情。在婴儿的头脑里已经能把头脑里所听到成人话语的意思与具体行为联系起来,并且能够及时反映出来。第三阶段:口语萌芽阶段(指婴儿出生13到16个月的这段时期),在这个阶段随着婴儿模仿成人语言的增加,婴儿自己开始能够说出一些有真正语言意义的字、词、句,开始能够用语言表达自己的思想了,这标志着婴儿口语能力的真正产生。第四阶段:完整句掌握阶段(指婴儿出生17到24个月的这段时期),在这个阶段婴儿的语言能力无论从语言理解能力方面还是语言表达能力方面都有了“爆炸式的发展”。第五阶段:主体语法掌握阶段(指婴儿出生25到32个月的这段时期),在这个阶段婴儿的语言出现了质的飞跃,句子明显加长,进入运用复合句阶段,语言内容已开始脱离具体的环境,从具体形象的语言内容向抽象逻辑的语言内容发展,婴儿语言已开始进行语言思维了。第六阶段:自我言语阶段(指婴儿出生33到42个月的这段时期),在这个阶段婴儿?

【Abstract】 Early intervention usually means early diagnosis, early hearing compensation, and early hearing/speech training for children with hearing impair (CHI) aged below 3. In order to help the deaf children developing their hearing and language as normal children, early intervention is necessary.There is important scientific study and sound theory basis. Linguistic study, such as neurolinguistics, key development period theory, information process, and social interact function, shows that CHI follow specific routine when their language skill develops. When we talk about neurolinguistic, we need to understand the interaction between human being’s neurological system and language/speech. By observing the procedure of how children master their language, we can see that language, as a psychological function, develop based on how well the neurological system develops. However, it is not totally controlled by body growth, it work and reacts according to the surroundings instead. CHI, as those who can hear normally, their neurology and neurological psychology are both at developing <WP=31>stage. If early intervention conducted by providing hearing compensation and enhanced language/speech training, the both systems could develop normally and healthy. The effect of hearing impair could be limited as much as possible.By the point of key development period theory, it is realized that every child was born with the ability of getting language. Children from the whole world, no matter what language they speak, follow the same routine. That is to say that children whose parents are both deaf, or whose at early stage of their hearing impair, are experience the same stage of pre-language time just like other normal children. When they tried to grasp the language sequence and structure, there are basically similar to each other. This is so call the key development period of time. While the information process theory, it tells us that ideas from the mind of the talker to the thought of the listener, which was called as “language chain”. CHI could only develop the sense of using language by stimulating from outside world and language social interaction. Learning language will become need from inside of each CHI.Study on social interaction theory shows that language <WP=32>development relies on the interaction between social environment, cognitive development, language knowledge and how mature they were when they were born,. Early intervention could avoid the “feel deprived”. As the result, the hearing, visual, motive information and what they felt and their willingness will comprehensive and restructure some how. According to the language development milestones of children aged 0-3, we have to mark 6 stages for CHI accept the early intervention.pre language understanding (0-8 months)language understanding (9-12months)oral language starts (13-16 months)master whole sentence (17-24 months)main language structure and grammar will be graspedself language starts(33-42 months)CHI at different developing stage will be in different need, so different strategies need to be employed. Accordingly, the purpose and objectives will be encourage CHI communicate and express by body languages;help CHI understand more words and pronounce correctly;help CHI use double-word sentences as much as possible; <WP=33>on the basis of using simple sentence, encourage CHI try to use compiled sentences;practice CHI by using language and sentences in their daily life;help CHI to develop the ability to use language properly.In sum, we need to follow general and specific developing rule when we try to train CHI. Principles include: holding the understanding of scientific development always, from early time (0 age), pay more attention to key period, create the best communication environment, listen carefully, learning how to use properly by using the language, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G762
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】547

