

Faceing to the Puzzled after the Impact--About the Historical Reflections of New Nealistic Novels at the End of 20 Century

【作者】 关晔

【导师】 郝长海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪末,“新现实主义”小说的出现,给空寂的文坛带来了巨大的冲击,面对冲击过后的困惑、不能不引起我们对“新现实主义”小说的历史反思。本文从四个方面进行论述:一、关于“新现实主义小说”的创生与流变。“新现实主义”小说,即“现实主义冲击波”,指的是创作于二十世纪九十年代中、后期的以何申、谈歌、关仁山、刘醒龙等为代表的一批反映社会现实,直逼中国社会底层民众生存境域的小说作品。“新现实主义”小说的创生不是空穴来风,是中国社会转型期、变革期、阵痛期社会生活的折光映照,是新时期以后小说园地一种自然升华。(一)“新现实主义”小说是社会转型期城乡生活的真实写照。20世纪末,改革的潮流汹涌澎湃,神州大地面临社会转型的艰难抉择。生产关系、生活方式的重大变革,引起连锁性的振荡和错位。“新现实主义”小说就是在这样的背景下冲上文坛。它们在题材的选择、主题的表达上,具有鲜明特色。塑造了在经济体制和人际关系发生深刻裂变的宏观背景下,具有复杂心态的中国社会众生相,寄寓了新现实主义作家的生活理想和现实批判。展示了经济体制改革向深层次推进的社会现状,尤其是改革在社会各阶层特别是底层社会民众心理所激起的波澜,以及他们特有的内心矛盾。(二)“新现实主义”小说是社会转型期小说嬗变的必然结果。一是改革的振荡。在改革开放过程中,曾经对中国社会发展起到重要引领作用的工农民逐渐处于社会最底层,成为真正的弱势群体。作为社会晴雨表的文学作品有必要、有责任担起这一重任。关注下层民众,关注他们的生存状况、生存前景。二是理论的催生。在同一时期,中国知识界、文化思想界,扬起人道主义的大旗,提升社会道德水准、重建荒芜的精神家园,呼唤终极性的人文关怀,成为每个具有良知的社会知识精英所关注的问题。新现实主义小说作者深受这场讨论影响,靠自己的良知对身边的社会图景进行刻意描摹。三是作家的自觉。“新现实主义”小说的出现,无疑是作家良知对于这种社会状况本能反映,是服膺于现实主义创作原则的作家责任感和使命感的自然释放。(三)“新现实主义”小说是现实主义传统的继承和变异。“新现实主义”小说的存在不独是对当时社会的真实反映,不独是社会背景、文化背景的驱动,而且是文学本身发展规律的自然渲泄,是现实主义在流变过程中的自然发展。二、关于“新现实主义”小说的艺术真实。一部成功的文学作品应当是“真”“善”“美”完美结合的艺术品。“真实”是任何作品获得艺术生命的基础平台。 “新现实主义”作家继承现实主义的创作传统。他们对所描写的工厂、乡村、小镇生活极其熟稔和热爱,他们所塑造的人物形象充溢<WP=46>着浓厚的生活气息,让人感到真实可信。这在日益喧嚣浮躁的文坛是难能可贵的。然而对艺术创造而言,仅有这些是不够的。一个成功的小说家不仅要真实地展现出社会的面貌,还要发掘出掩藏在这社会现实背后的历史根源的历史规律。作品不仅是作家对现实的展现,同时也是作家人生感悟和理想追求的表现。那么为什么“新现实主义”小说不能在人道主义和人性的人文旗帜下,使之更具震憾人心的力量,更具人性的深度呢?使之成为这个时代创作和精神的标高呢?最致命的原因或弱点就是“新现实主义”作家的主体意识中缺少批判现实主义的魂魄。如果说这个社会真的出现病症的话,那么“新现实主义”作家所做的仅仅是向我们描绘了部分病灶的征候,而没有全面真实地告诉我们的病情和真相。三、关于“新现实主义”小说的美学误区。所谓的美学误区意指在“新现实主义”文学中所表现出来的美学特征构成了对传统美学的疏离和某种程度上的背弃,传统美学所需求的审美体验上的和谐、崇高、诗意、兴味等被十分近距离的现实世俗功利主义的叙写所替代,从而造成“新现实主义”文学反美学特征。这种特征主要表现在:(一)“新现实主义”小说审美导向的迷失。作为创作主体的“新现实主义”作家,由于学养、阅历、思想境界方面的缺失,在明显缺乏对所描写的现实生活做出理性的、深入的、精到的分析时就匆忙将他们眼中所见到的客观现实叙写出来。这就导致了文学作品成为反映一时的“现时主义”,而失去了作品耐人咀嚼的艺术魅力。更为严重的是由于作者没有进行理智的思考和反省,致使作品往往缺乏正确的审美导向。就叙事语言来讲,“文学是借语言来做雕塑描写的艺术”。然而“现实主义”小说普遍存在语言的使用过于随意和粗糙,太平太直,缺乏精密的加工和锤炼。从小说的叙事情节结构来看,“新现实主义”小说的情节结构安排带有明显的雷同现象。从小说的叙事手法上看,“新现实主义”小说的叙事手法过于陈旧呆板,缺乏叙事技巧。叙事视角几乎全部是使用传统的全知全能视角,几乎没有出现第三人称之外的叙述人称。叙述人称和叙述视角缺乏新意,“新现实主义”小说只能依赖于情节故事本身的快速转变来吸引读者。但是在这些情节的交代之中,人物与情节的关系是十分被动的。人物的个性经验、心理特征、形象塑造基本上要靠情节的转变来完成。缺少独立的审美构造。(二)“新现实主义”小说人物塑造的模式化根源。“新现实主义”小说?

【Abstract】 At the end of 20 century , the appearance of the impact the silent literary world. There is one kind of bepuzzlement after the impact and which envoke arouse our reflections of the neorealistic novel. This artcle discuss it at four aspects as follows:Part One: the creation and the developement of the neorealism novel. The neorealism novel,that is called the shoc-k wave of the neorealism ,was defined as the works which delineate the life conditions of the people who lived at the bottomof modern Chinese society written by He kun,Tange,Guanrenshan,Liuxinglong and so on in 1980’.The n-eorealistic novel is not the wind coming from the cavity,it is the refraction of the society at the period of the renovation and it is also the natural sublimation in the literary field after the new period.The neorealistic novel is the true portraiture of the poeple’s life in the city and at the countryside in the period of social transformation .At the end of 20 century,the tide of renovation run mountains high,and the society confront the rough chioce in the period of social transformation.The renovation of the mode of living and the relation of production cause the chain surge.At this background the neorealistic novel appeard in the literary field .These novel have ttrenchancy character while choosing the materials and expressing the themes .Those novels figure the looks of all flesh in the society of China at th background of the change of the relationship between people and the relationship on ecenomy.And also they show the contradiction in people’s minds and the billows in their heart arosed by the reform.Second,The neorealistic novel is the necessity result of the reform period.The shock of the reform is the first factor.The workers and the peasants who had been the leading parts in the development gradually became the bottom of the society and the weak colony.As the rain glass of the society the literature have to respond for it .The second factor is the midwifery of the theory.The third one is the consciousness of the writer.The appearance of the neorealistic novel is the instinct reflection of the writer’sconscience.Third ,the neorealistic novel is <WP=49>the inherit of the tradition and the change.The existence of the neorealistic novel is not only driven by the social and cultural backgrounds or the real reflection of the society,but also the expression of the rules of the development of literature itself and the natural development of the realism.Part Two:The art reality of the neorealistic novel.A successful literal works should be a piece of perfect art which conbine with the indeed,the kindness and the beauty. The authors of the neorealistic novel inherit the realistic tradition.They love the life in the factory ,countryside and small town ,so their description was sincere and believable .It is worshipful in today’s blundering literatus.But for the creation of art all of these is not enough.A successful fictionist not only have to show the real appearancce of the society but also dig out the historical roots and rules concealed behind the social reality . The works is not only the exhibitionof the reality by the writer,but also the expression of the feelings in the pursuit of ideal.But why it doesn’t have more powerful effection and deepness of humanity? The fatal shortcoming is it doesn’t have the soul of critical neorealism.If there are illness in our society ,the writers of the neorealistic novel merely told us the symptoms of partial focus but not told us the whole stste of the illness and the truth.Part Three:Misunderstand of asethetic about the neorealistic novel.This means that the aesthetic character put up in the neorealistic novel constitutes some kind of alienation and abandon to the traditional .The harmony, elevation,poetry and interests demanded in the traditional aesthetics were replace by the realistic utilitarian.Thereby there is an anti-aesthetics characters in the neorealistic novel.The characters are as follows:First,the oriented bewilder in the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】376

