

A Critical Survey of the Poems by Hanwo

【作者】 于飞

【导师】 沈文凡;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 韩偓是唐末一位很有特色的诗人,他一生经历丰富,存诗三百四十多首。本文以韩偓诗歌为根本,结合他的人生经历和当时社会的政治、经济、文化背景,力图全面而完整的再现韩偓一生的思想和情感,以及在他的思想和情感作用下产生的诗歌的内容和风格倾向,从而对韩偓的诗歌给予一个客观的评价。全文从六个主要方面进行论述。第一部分,是韩偓的生平经历和他的诗歌流传情况。这是充分认识和了解韩偓的思想情感和诗歌创作的起点。第二部分关于韩偓诗歌的分期。根据韩偓诗歌在思想内容和风格的演进,他的诗歌创作可分为四个时期:第一时期主要是早期创作香奁诗和抒写科举考试的不得意的情怀,以《香奁集》为代表,诗作精致、凄美。为他后来的诗歌创作在艺术方面的发展指明了方向。第二时期是韩偓以翰林学士的身份进入晚唐政治机构的核心,所谓的“高峰体验”时期。相应的,诗歌主要描写他的内廷生活,抒发内心的得意和自信的情感,风格典丽、沉郁。与此同时,韩偓开始接触到了更广泛的社会生活,在他的诗中开始出现了号称“唐末诗史”的纪乱诗。第三时期是被贬谪的流寓时期。政治生涯的结束和流寓生活的开始,标志韩偓的诗歌在内容和风格上的又一次转变:典丽、沉郁的内廷诗被染上了沧桑的色彩,在百转千回的感慨中显露出深婉的韵味。最后一个时期是寓居闽中的时期,也是韩偓诗歌在艺术上的最高峰。此时的诗人回归现实,在闽中优美风物的抚慰下,创作了不少写景小诗,诗人心态渐趋平和,诗风淡薄、老成。四个时期的诗风不断发展各有特色,又都集中体现着韩偓的根本创作风格:清丽、老成。《香奁集》是韩偓诗歌中最有特色的部分,也是历来争议最大的部分。本文第三章集中论述韩偓的香奁诗。香奁诗的产生和当时的世风是有着十分密切的关系的。晚唐的社会局势的衰败、国运的凄凉是艳情诗产生的终极原因。科举制度的习俗和科举考试的虚伪则是影响当时文人生活心态的直接原因。另外,晚唐城市经济的高度繁荣和唐朝男女之间礼法观念的淡薄,也为以《香奁集》为代表的艳情诗的产生提供了客观条件。《香奁集》<WP=77>是晚唐社会大趋势的必然产物,则诗中所体现的精神和艺术上的追求也是从属于那个时代的。在晚唐诗风影响下的《香奁集》的创作理念和审美追求主要有三个方面:摒弃功利性追求艺术性的创作目的;追求声色感官刺激的俗文学创作倾向;幽深内敛的风格特征。《香奁集》不但反映着那个时代的风格,在此基础上有体现着韩偓独特的审美追求,即清丽、端庄、雅致的风神和格调。这是《香奁集》既不同于齐梁宫体也异于当时众多艳情诗的根本原因。本章最后对《香奁集》的地位和影响作了重新的评价:香奁诗既非香草美人的托物言志之作也绝非简单的宫体诗,而是以艳情的外壳承载诗人丰富的情感,它们和韩偓的其他诗作一样体现着他一贯的创作风格倾向,并且统一于韩偓“唐末完人”的完美人格,对后代的艳情诗创作和五代词的产生都有着一定的影响。韩偓的政治诗被誉为“唐末诗史”,并且被认为直接继承杜甫的“诗史”风格,在内容和表现情感上同一机杼。韩偓和杜甫相比,二人有着相似的人生和仕途经历,但由于他们二人所处的时代和社会背景不同,生活经历也不尽相同,导致他们同是“诗史”的政治诗,所关注的核心问题不同:杜甫诗中的抒情角度往往是立足于天下苍生而审视上层统治阶级的荒淫无道,而韩偓则是处在政治变动的旋涡中体会中央集权的分崩离析而慨叹国之不泰和民之不安。同时由于带有晚唐诗人所普遍具有的内敛心态和真正的国破家亡的价值失落感,韩偓的政治诗大多是悼念承载着传统文人生命价值和人生理想的国家和朝廷的逝去。另外韩偓的政治诗并非象杜甫那样,以写实的手法进行直接的叙述,而是采用比喻、象征等修辞手法,诗风清淡典丽,风骨挺秀。《感事三十四韵》以诗写史,是韩偓政治是的代表作。韩偓诗歌作为一个整体,在艺术表现上体现出诗人独有的特点。韩偓诗中,情与景的关系可以分为:情随景生;以情节景;以景传情三种。不同的情景结合方式,体现出诗人不同心理状态下的情感变化。巧妙精当的心理描写是韩偓诗歌的另一个艺术特色。心理描写的表现手法,主要体现在他的《香奁集》诸诗中。他不但善于捕捉瞬间的心理感受,还能够通过一两句诗句展现心理变化的过程,使得诗歌情感表达更加含蓄,符合人物<WP=78>形象特征。韩偓的很多诗作给人的感觉就象一幅幅精心绘制的画卷一样,不但有诗的意境而且有画的情韵,可以称得上是有别王维诗歌的另外一种“诗中有画”。主要体现在四个方面:以画喻诗;讲究色彩和层次的搭配;在诗歌中体现绘画的布局美;善于捕捉瞬间的美而凝练入诗。文章的第六部分论述韩偓诗歌中所表现出来的两种不同心理状态下的情境――“醉”与“醒”。这不仅是中国古代文人的集体无意识,在不同时代和不同遭遇下诗人饮酒的心理状态也是不同的。酒之于韩偓,是一种自我疗救的方式,韩偓所有诗歌或者是酒醉的梦境或者是酒醒的痛苦现实。无论哪方面,都从不同侧面真实再现了他的思想和情感。

【Abstract】 Hanwo, a poet of striking personality and much experience, lives in the late Tang Dynasty, and has written more than three hundred and forty poems. This paper, which is divided into six chapters, attempts to present a true picture both of the themes and of the styles as concealed in his poems, which are the production of his thoughts and inner feelings shaped by his life and the historical background.The first chapter gives his biography and a rough introduction to posthumous interpretation and criticism of his poems, with the hope of making readers’ understanding easier.The second chapter divides his writing career into four periods, with each marking a particular theme and style. His poems in the first period, as represented by Poems on Girls, have as themes romance and the failure in the Royal Examination and have the style of delicacy and tragic beauty, thus laying down the direction for his future writing. His poems in the second period, part of which are considered the epic of his times, with a stately and melancholy style, concentrate roughly on three themes: the climax in his political career, his confidence and glory, and the social reality, because he is appointed to the Imperial Academy, thus coming to know politics and society. His poems in the third period describe his exile, with both theme and style changed so radically that there is a tinge of compliance with injustice and weariness of politics in these poems. His poems in the last period, written during his stay in Fujian Province, represent his highest achievement in writing, because Hanwo returns to nature for inspiration, thus writing a lot of short poems which reveal both calm mood and simple, mature style. Much different as in theme and style, a fundamental principle of writing is the core: seeking simplicity and maturity.The third chapter, containing third sections, focuses on his Poems on <WP=80>Girls, the most attracting and the most controversial among his works. The first section lists some necessary reasons why the poems of this kind come into being: the declining dynasty and the turbulent society, the rigid routines and corruptions of the Royal Examination which exercise a negative influence on the general mood of the intellectuals, the thriving civil economy and the courage to break the shackles of the out-dated concept of marriage. The second section analyzes the poetical and aesthetical ideals in his poems—seeking artistical achievement, instead of ephemeral sensation, seeking sensual excitement, simple and profound style—with these ideals being pursued by nearly all poets of that age. The third section is a tentative reappraisal of his poems: in his poems which are much different from metaphorical expressions of his ideals by means of nature or beauties and from stale verses tailored to His Majesty or sexiness, a profusion of inner thoughts is encased so that his constant pursuits,simplicity,magnificence and delicacy,are integrated into his perfect personality and that his poems exert a strong influence on the poetical literature of the Five Dynasties.The fourth chapter points out some contrasts between Hanwo’s poems on history and social reality, represented by his Thirty Four Poems on the Current Affairs . Although both Hanwo and Dufu share some experience in life and politics, although Hanwo’s poems are considered as the epic of the late Dynasty, and to inherit much stylistical inspiration from Dufu’s poems, although even both the theme and the attitude as revealed by the two poets are similar, because of their different experiences which are shaped entirely by different social background, they show quite different concerns and perspectives in their poems: Dufu is in the position of the ruled to expose the corruption of the ruling, while Hanwo, deeply involved in the cruel civil strife which makes an end to the traditional values and ideas, is in the position of an intellectual on the side of the ruling to show sympathy to the declining empire and the misery of the ruled. Moreover, they write poems in different wa

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】272

