

The Talent Sustaining Strategic Study for Revitalizing the Old Industrial Base in Northeast China

【作者】 黎健

【导师】 李德志;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加快东北地区等老工业基地调整和改造,是党的十六大提出的战略任务。支持以资源开采为主的城市发展接续产业,这是党中央从全面建设小康社会着眼做出的重大战略决策。实现东北老工业基地的振兴,必须积极做好在振兴东北地区等老工业基地中的人才工作,没有人才作保证不行,人才是振兴东北老工业基地的关键。东北老工业基地振兴是一个关系经济社会发展各个层面的战略,能否实现这一伟大战略,从一定意义上说,取决于制定并实施围绕振兴东北老工业基地的人才支撑战略。全文可分为两个大部分。第一部分介绍人才强国战略和振兴东北老工业基地的有关问题,第二部分介绍人才支撑战略体系的构成以及它的组成部分创新人才工作机制、推进人才结构调整、优化人才成长环境和建设人才市场体系。一、两个战略的概略介绍当今世界,在各国经济社会发展中,人才资源已成为最重要的战略资源,人才在综合国力竞争中越来越具有决定性意义。在<WP=50>全面实施人才强国战略的今天,任何一个发展战略的制定,尽管包含政治的、社会的、经济的、科技的……人才战略成为所有战略最为核心的战略。东北老工业基地振兴是一个关系经济社会发展各个层面的战略,能否实现这一伟大战略,从一定意义上说,取决于制定并实施围绕振兴东北老工业基地的人才支撑战略。近年来,党中央根据国际国内形势的发展,高瞻远瞩,做出了“人才资源是第一资源”的科学判断,提出了人才强国战略和党管人才原则,确立了新的历史条件下人才工作的基本思路和宏观布局,人才工作取得了显著成绩。东北地区等老工业基地具有极其重要的战略地位。加快东北等老工业基地调整、改造和振兴,最重要的是发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,工作要有新举措。东北的国有经济比重高,计划经济体制遗留的问题多,是制约东北经济发展的体制障碍。深化经济体制改革重点需要解决以下三个方面的问题:东北地区发展民营经济的目标首先是为了解决就业问题,民营经济的发展既可以使国有企业下岗失业人员获得再就业的机会,又促进国有企业减人增效,增强国有企业的市场竞争力;二是推进和规范国有企业的股份制改造,解决东北地区国有企业资产的“冰棍”现象;三是完善社会保障体系。振兴东北老工业<WP=51>基地,则主要是依靠深化改革和结构调整,增强自我积累、自我发展的能力。东北地区产业结构调整要着眼于把具有区域优势的产业做强做大,一个产业优势是机械装备基础好,另一个产业优势是农业资源条件好。当前,东北经济发展中面临的突出矛盾是,就业需求的增加同产业的发展不相适应。解决这一问题,首先,要把开发就业岗位同经济结构的战略调整紧密结合。二、人才支撑战略体系介绍振兴东北老工业基地的振兴应以创建新型人才支撑战略体系为基础,人才支撑体系应紧紧围绕人才资源开发,人才支撑体系可包括四个方面,即创新人才工作机制、推进人才结构调整、优化人才成长环境、建设人才市场体系。在人才支撑体系中创新人才工作机制是前提,推进人才结构调整是基础,优化人才成长环境是保障,建设人才市场体系是手段。在这几个环节中,他们是相互依存、相互促进的关系。1、创新人才工作机制构建人才开发交流、人才评价使用、人才竞争选拔、人才激励分配新机制。构建人才开发交流新机制,要确立大开发观。要大力开发人才资源,教育培训可以提高人才的含量和素质。但除教育性和培养性开发之外,还要注重人才资源的适用性开发与和<WP=52>政策性开发。评价机制是人才工作最有效的指挥棒,贯穿培养、选拔、激励、淘汰等各个环节。必须建立科学公正的人才评价机制,鼓励具有创新精神、做出突出业绩的小人物脱颖而出。建立公正科学的人才评价机制,引入市场选择机制,制定人才评价指标体系,尽快建立适应不同层次人才特点的评价体系。分配激励机制是人才队伍建设和人才激励机制的重要内容。人才工作决定指出,要“以鼓励劳动和创造为根本目的,加大对人才的有效激励和保障”,为完善分配激励机制提出了总的方向和要求。建立科学有效的激励机制,激发高层次人才的持续创造潜能。要营造英才辈出的局面,分配制度改革必须在三个理论方面取得突破:一、建立人才产权理论。二、创新按劳分配理论。三、创新劳动价值理论。2、推进人才结构调整以吉林省为例,人才结构状况主要表现在人才总量泡沫成分多、人才数量高于全国平均水平,但人才效率却低于全国平均水平,高学历人才远离生产一线的问题十分突出。 用塔型来形容人才结构,“塔基”和“塔尖”在人才队伍建设中是同样重要的,不可只重一方,失之偏颇。 要加强属于“塔尖”的高层次人才队伍建设。同时,我们也要重视属于“塔基”<WP=53>的整体人才队伍建设。3、优化人才成长环境创造条件优化人才成长环境,目前,从全国看东北三省是受计划体制影响较深的区域之一,以人们习以为常的“人事档案”为例,新加坡联合早报的一篇报道,把“人事档案”比喻为中国人才头上的“紧箍咒”。报道说,现在中国的高层人才的流动环境仍不够宽松,档案牵涉到的人事、工资、养老保险等,仍是许多人最?

【Abstract】 Speeding up the adjustment and transformation of the industrial base in Northeast China was presented as the strategic task in the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Supporting city-developing industries which base on resource exploiting is a major strategic decision to built a well-off society. To revitalize the old base, talent work appears to be essential, and it won’t work without talent work as guarantee. Talent is the key to revitalize the old industrial base in Northeast China. And the revitalization is a strategy which affect every aspect of the economic development, whether we can fulfill it, in a sense, is determined by the formulation and implementation which revolve around the talent sustaining strategy of the area.Two parts are involved in the thesis .The first part is mainly about the importance of talent to strengthen the nation and the old base in Northeast China. The second part introduces the strategic <WP=56>system formulation of talent sustaining and its component, which include innovating talent work system, promoting talent structure adjustment, optimizing environment and building talent market system.1、Brief introduction of the two strategiesLooking at the world today, human resource has been the most important strategic resource in every countries. And talent is playing increasingly decisive role. Today, every country emphasizes the usage of talent, and any formulation of development strategy, whatever it is political, social, economic, scientific etc., the strategy of talent is the most important one. The revitalization is a strategy which affect every aspect of the economic development, whether we can fulfill it, in a sense, is determined by the formulation and implementation which revolve around the talent sustaining strategy of the area. In recent years, according to the international and domestic situation, CPC looks ahead, and make a scientific conclusion that human resource is the first resource, and present the principal for developing nation with talent, the principal the party should take over talent. Finally establish the basic thought and <WP=57>macroscopic layout in new history situation, with all that effort, the talent work has made a predominant progress. The old base in Northeast China has always plays an important role in history. To speed up the adjustment, transformation, and revitalization, it is important to have some new ideas, to break through the old system, to be more open and to take some new steps. The relatively high percentage of the state-owned economy in the area and the problems left due to the planned economy are the two system barriers which restrict the development. Three problems should be settle in order to deepen the economic system reform. The first is that the main goal of developing the nongovernmental business is to settle the employment problem, because development of the nongovernmental enterprises 0not only bring about more re-employed opportunity for state-owned enterprises lay-off workers, but also promote the efficiency and competitiveness .The second is to propel and standardize the share system transformation of state owned enterprises, to settle the freezing phenomenon .The third is to perfect the social security system ,it depends on the deepening reform ,adjusting structure ,increasing accumulation and the ability <WP=58>to develop ourselves. To revitalize the area, the industrial adjustment should be aiming at the advantageous industries. The first advantage is the mechanic facilities, and the other advantage is the agriculture resource. At present, the contradiction is that the demand of employment does not suit the development of industries. To settle the problem, it is important to closely attach the development of employment posts with the whole economic structure strategic adjustment.2、The introduction of talent-sustaining strategy Revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China should base on the new pattern talent sustaining system. Talent sustaining system should closely revolv

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】583

