

Prefabricated Language and Language Teaching

【作者】 刘沛富

【导师】 刘希彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 预制语言,又称作惯用语,现成语块,未分析语言,词汇短语等等,近些年来受到语言学家以及语言教育专家们越来越多的重视。他们发现通过运用句法和语义规则所产生的许多句子在人们的日常生活中很少出现,而那些“预制的”,“词汇化”的语块则广泛地应用在人们的各种书面及口头的交流中。作为意义,结构以及功能的集合体,预制语言是衡量语言复杂性的有效单位。许多研究证实,预制语言在第一及第二语言的习得过程中发挥了重要的作用并应成为课堂教学的一种理想手段。 本文旨在描述有关预制语言的基本理论框架,探讨其在第一、第二语言习得中的作用,并发掘其对英语教学实践的启示。本文包含三部分。 第一部分主要介绍预制语言的基本概念,界定其概念范围并描述它的各种功能和特点。尽管研究者们使用了各种各样的名词来指代预制语言,并给出了不同的定义,但是没有人对其作为一种重要的语言现象的存在提出质疑。Wary(2000:465)认为预制语言是“一个预制的,连续的或非连续的词语或其它意义成份组成的序列;在语言使用中,它是作为一个整体进行存储和提取的,并且不受语法中生成规则的制约影响。”研究者们并没有侧重于对语言的预制性提供某种严格的标准,而是把它看成是一种连续的变体。一头是固定不变的语块,另一头是可以自由组合的词汇短语,而中间则是各种不同程度的组合变化。预制语言的特点和功能可以从四个方面来理解。从结构特点看,预制语言可以分为四类:多元词语块,习俗语块,短语架构语块和句子组构语块。从功能的角度看,预制语言在日常交往中有三个作用:社交互动,必要话题,话语设置。从心理语言学的角度看,预制语言在语言发出过程中有三个作用:简化处理,节省时间和分配信息。从神经语言学的角度看,预制语言在大脑的左右半脑都有分布,而不是象其他语言形式那样只存在于左脑。 第二部分主要探讨语言习得过程中预制语块的作用。许多语言习得的研究表明,儿童在习得中会经历一个阶段。在这个阶段中他们在某些特定的场合会大量使用未经分析的语块。以往的研究者将这些语块看作是习得的一个副产品,而现在的研究表明这些语块在语言习得中处于中心位置,并对以后的语法规则的习得起着重要作用。在第一语言习得过程中,儿童试图在合适的语境中使用完整的预制语言,并通过作为形式和功能复合体的这些预制语言使其语言知识和语用能力得到发展。在第二语言习得过程中,预制语言的使用对学习者的语言知识的丰富和发展起到了重要的作用。二在学习过程中,二语习得者将预制语块作为一种交际策略来弥补自己语言知识的不足;作为一种学习策略来进行语言分析以获得语法规则;作为一种使用策略来实现语言表达的迅速流利。 第三部分探讨将预制语言应用于语言教学之中的问题。在语言教学中,语法和结构多年来都处于非常重要的地位。但是对在第一和第二语言习得中预制语言重要作用的研究对此提出了质疑。对这些语块特点的仔细研究表明它们可以作为一种理想的教学单位,具有一定的优点。它弥补了两种教学法—强调语法结构而忽视语言储备的结构教学法以及强调在语境中使用合适句型的能力而忽视语法知识的交际教学法—所具有的缺陷。词汇教学法正是一种以预制词汇短语为基础的教学法。它所遵循的原则是“语言是语法化的词汇,而不是词汇化的语法”。 (Lewis,1 993),并在口语教学中具有良好的效果。具体地讲,这种教学法首先通过句型练习使学习者能够熟练掌握固定的惯用用法,然后通过替换练习向学习者介绍固定短语中的变化,并告诉他们先前学的语块并不是一成不变的。中国的英语教学经历了由语法翻译法到交际法的侧重点的变化。然而研究表明,交际教学法在中国的实际应用中存在着一些问题。经过研究和讨论,中国的外语界开始重新审视交际法及其在中国外语教学中的位置。近几年来,专家们己经意识到使用预制语言作为语言教学单位、应用词汇教学法的意义。

【Abstract】 Prefabricated language, with a variety of labels (formulaic language, ready-made chunks, unanalyzed language, lexical phrases, etc.), interchangeably used in literature, has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years from researchers in both language acquisition and language teaching. The idea of prefabricated language is highlighted through the fact that many "generated strings" - sentences which can be accounted for by the productive rules of syntax and semantics - are actually seldom used by native speakers, while others, "prefabricated" or "lexicalized" chunks, are prevailingly selected by native speakers of a community. Prefabricated language, being an intersection of meaning, structure and function, provides an effective unit for measuring linguistic complexity. It has proved to be a powerful tool during the process of first and second language acquisition and thus an ideal unit in classroom teaching.This paper aims to outline the theoretical framework of prefabricated language, to discuss its crucial role in first and second language acquisition and to draw educational implications for the practice of English Language Teaching.It mainly includes three parts.The first part introduces the basic ideas about prefabricated language by identifying its conceptual boundaries and describing its various features and functions. Although prefabricated language has been given a variety of labels and definitions by researchers, there is explicit agreement on its existence as an important language phenomenon. The definition chosen by the authorbased on Wary (2000:465) is "a sequence, continuous or discontinuous, of words or other meaning elements, which is, or appears to be, prefabricated; that is, stored and retrieved whole from memory at the time of use, rather than being subject to generation or analysis by the language grammar." Instead of using strict criteria for identifying what is prefabricated, researchers are more prone to see it on a variability continuum, with completely invariant clusters at one end, freely combining morphemes at the other, and all degrees of combinational flexibility in between, (idioms -collocations - colligations - free combinations)The features and functions of prefabricated language can be understood from four perspectives. Structural approach offers structural criteria to characterize various prefabricated chunks and classify them as polywords, institutionalized expressions, phrasal constraints and sentence builders. Functional approach identifies three functions of prefabricated language in communication and they are social interactions, necessary topics and discourse devices. Psycholinguistic approach holds that prefabricated chunks have functions during language production: processing shortcuts, time-buyers and manipulation of information. Neurolinguistic approach points to the fact that prefabricated language is neurolinguistically different from creative language in that it is localized on both sides of the brain, as opposed to just the left hemisphere, and can be preserved in cases of aphasia.The second part tends to explore the important role prefabricated language plays during the process of language acquisition. Many studies show that children pass through a stage in which they use a larger number of unanalyzed chunks of language in certain predictable contexts. Many earlyresearchers thought these prefabricated chunks were distinct and somewhat peripheral to the main body of language, but more recent research puts them at the very center of language acquisition and sees it as basic to the creative rule-forming processes which follow. In first language acquisition, children first attempt to use whole prefabricated utterances in socially appropriate contexts (’item-learning’), and they associate these utterances with functions and build up their grammatical and pragmatic competence out of this form/function composite. In second language acquisition, the learners’ language development goes through a process from invariable routines to patterns and from le

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】454

