

On Major Issues of Landscaping Afforestation and Management in Changchun

【作者】 徐涛

【导师】 张亲培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 城市的环境建设是实现可持续发展进程的一个重要的组成部分,而绿色是环境建设之本,城市园林绿化具有生态效益的综合功能,是城市生物多样性保护的重要基地,是保护环境的重要环节,具有物质文明和精神文明建设的双重效益。随着工业发展和社会进步,世界各国越来越高度重视环境建设和管理,从“可持续发展”理论的提出到“景观生态学”理论的应用,把环境建设放在了突出位置,强调人与环境的关系,从单纯的绿化建设转到人与环境的协调发展,通过建立完整的绿地分级系统、建立科学的绿地规划与评价机制、运用多种管理模式、营造独特的文化气息,把园林绿化建设和管理提高到一个新的阶段。我国改革开放以来,经济建设取得了巨大成就,但是,由于城市的高强度开发,城市自然生态遭到了破坏,改善环境,加强绿化建设和管理成为城市建设的重要内容。近年来,全国各城市掀起了绿化建设的高潮,开展了创建园林城市活动,涌现出一批国家级园林城市。一些城市每年拿出几亿元或十几亿元资金用于园林绿化建设,城市绿化发展势头十分迅猛。长春市城市绿化基础较好,但从近几年发展情况看,不要说与国外有较大差距,就与国内一些城市相比,也在逐年退步,差距拉大。随着城市规模的扩大和人口的增加,城市绿化这种公共产品不能满足改善城市环境的要求,更谈不上景观效益。因此如何加强长春市园林绿化建设、强化园林绿化管理,成为当前急需研究和深入探讨的课题。本文围绕园林绿化建设和管理内容,提出了园林绿化的重要性和作用,通过介绍当前国际和国内园林绿化的发展形势,并指出长春市园林绿化存在的问题,提出长春市加强城市园林绿化的紧迫性。长春市园林绿化的主要问题是绿化指标不足、绿地分布不均衡、植物群落结构简单、绿地侵害严重等。针对这些存在的问题,深入分析了产生的主观和客观<WP=39>原因,主要有:财政因素、环境因素、社会因素等。特别是对主观上的体制因素、法制因素、政策因素和人的因素进行剖析,指出园林绿化法规建设的不完善、管理上的不到位、决策缺乏科学的程序、管理者的整体素质不高、市民的环境意识不强。在对影响长春市园林绿化建设和管理发展的因素分析基础上,探讨了加强长春市园林绿化建设和管理的对策。本文提出了六点加快长春市园林绿化发展的对策:一是提高认识,转变观念。强调了提高对园林绿化紧迫性的认识和正确处理几个关系的观念转变。提出要正确把握园林城市发展与城市建设的关系、园林城市发展与经济建设的关系、园林城市发展与文化建设的关系、园林城市的发展与科技进步的关系、园林城市的发展与城郊一体生态建设的关系。提出了发展的观点、文化的观点、经济的观点、科技的观点和“大长春”战略的观点。二是加强规划,合理布局。提出绿地规划要有前瞻性,要体现新城区和老城区、市区和郊区、城市和农村环境的建设的平衡发展;绿地系统规划要强化操作性,要严格按照规划确定的绿线进行管理;要不断提高城市绿化的规划设计水平,博采众长,因地制宜,突出地方特色。三是建立科学的园林绿化评价机制。针对长春市园林绿化决策依据上的薄弱环节,提出了要建立评价指标体系,包括生态效益、经济效益、景观效果等方面;对绿化功能进行量化研究,建立数学模型,对各项指标进行量化分析;通过采用各种技术和手段,进行系统的综合评价。 四是建立科学和民主的决策机制。提出园林城市应充分发挥专家的作用,加强科研和论证,在实际工作中少犯错误,少走弯路;要发动群众、宣传教育,加强园林城市建设的公众参与力度,群众对园林城市的建设和发展要有知情权、参与权和监督权,要增强群众自觉参与建设园林城市与自我约束的意识;要加强领导,专群结合,科学建设园林城市,强化政府职能,科学决策,用完善社会主义市场经济的方法和手段来实<WP=40>施园林城市的建设,进一步完善园林工程招投标制、监理制和项目负责制 。 五是多渠道筹措资金,加快绿化建设步伐。要加大财政投入,按照城市发展计划和超前发展的目标满足城市绿化经费的要求;要采取多种办法筹集绿化资金,建立一个较稳定的多元化绿化资金渠道;要动员社会力量参与绿化建设,广泛开展全民绿化活动,形成全社会参与绿化建设的局面。六是严格执法,加强绿化管理。要加强法规建设,不断完善法规、规章、标准、制度、规范,形成体系;严格绿线管理制度,加强城市绿化管理,保证绿化指标;强化植保工作,加强防治病虫害科研和防治,把病虫害消灭在大面积虫害发生之前;加大行政执法工作力度,认真贯彻执行园林绿化法律、法规,做好规划区内绿地占用、树木砍伐、移植的审批工作,同时,加强检查、巡视,对违法占用绿地、乱砍滥伐等行为要依法严格管理和处罚。

【Abstract】 The environmental construction of a city has generally been acknowledged as an essential of realization of a city’s sustainable development. It is widely known that afforestation has been at fundamental service for a city’s environmental development, in which the landscaping of a city boasts a comprehensive function of ecological benefits, a significant base can be developed to shield the ecological diversity of a city, and meanwhile an important chain may be forged to mean double implications of material and spiritual construction for a city. With the industrial pace and social progress, increasing numbers of countries the wide world over have come to attach growing importance to the environmental construction and management, lay stress on the harmonious development of humankind and its environment, set store by the lately advanced theory of sustainable development, and give priority to the theoretical application of ecological landscape. The landscaping construction and management can be elevated to a more efficient level through a multitude of channels, such as establishing an integral grading system of afforested land, developing a set of scientific mechanisms for planning and evaluating afforested land, utilizing of various managing patterns, and creating a unique cultural atmosphere. The reform and opening up of china witnessed enormous successes achieved in the past two decades, when cities’ resources have been overused to the detriment of their natural ecology. Therefore, it has been high on the agenda of a city’s development to ameliorate its environment, promote afforestation and enhance management. In recent years, waves of afforestation have been sweeping through numerous cities across the country, in which campaigns were launched to build a landscaping city, and a huge number of landscaping cities at the national level emerged. Numerous cities contribute multibillions of funds to their landscaping construction which has been going full steam ahead as a result. The city of Changchun has been boasting a relatively sound base of afforestation, but recent years of development saw its continually widened <WP=42>gap of urban ecological environment in comparison not only with some external cities but also with other internal ones. With the urban size expanded and population increased, the urban afforestation failed to meet the demand of its environmental improvement, let alone the landscaping benefits. Thus, it has been unanimously accepted as a subject of urgent research and profound discussion on how to further the city’s landscaping construction and raise the levels of afforestation management. Centering around the landscaping construction and management of afforestation in the very dissertation, its importance and role has been presented, major problems with the city’s landscaping and afforestation have been laid bare against the backdrop of recent developments of urban afforestation at home and abroad, and the urgency for the city not to slacken reins over the construction of landscaping afforestation has been advanced. Such deficiencies existing in the landscaping afforestation mainly include inadequate afforestation indicators, disproportional distribution of afforested land, fragile structures of plant communities, and severe inroads on afforested land. Targeted towards such existing problems, the dissertation presents a deep analysis of related factors subjective and objective resulting in them, ranging from funding, environmental to social. In particular such factors as mechanism, legality, policy and human are offered an anatomy, including imperfect laws and regulations of landscaping afforestation, management far from the desired levels, policy decision lacking in scientific procedures, overall low aptitudes in the management, and insufficient environmental consciousness of urban residents. Based upon a penetrating but thorough probe into numerous factors impacting on the construction of landscaping afforestation and its relevant managing developments of Changchun, related strategies have

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】907

