

A Study of the Policies for the Development and Utilization of Human Resources in the Revitalization of the Old Industrial Base of Jilin Province

【作者】 高向阳

【导师】 李德志;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一(一)吉林省是典型的老工业基地。吉林省的工业发展情况,工业设备技术水平仍处于传统工业化阶段,普遍落后于国际、国内先进水平10~20年以上;国有经济的战略性调整程度很低,在市场经济条件下,自我发展的能力很弱;国民经济结构仍处于比较落后的状态;历史包袱沉重。(二)人才总量明显增长,但仍处于短缺阶段,人才的量变仍然占主导地位。无论是与国内发达省份比,还是与发达国家比,吉林省人才总量的差距显而易见。扩大人才队伍规模仍然是今后一个时期吉林省人才工作的重要任务。(三)人才层次明显提高,但仍处于外流阶段,建设人才高地仍然是当务之急。改革开放以来,吉林省的人才外流问题一直十分突出,尤其是中青年人才外流特别严重。自1993年以来,吉林省与其他省市人才流动量始终是逆差。吉林省经济总体上处于初步发展阶段,人才必然从欠发达地区向发达地区流动,这是吉林省人才向东部地区流动的主要原因。(四)人才结构明显优化,但仍须战略性调整,吸纳高端人才已迫在眉睫。管理人才和技能人才、农村实用人才结构不优的问题比较突出,专业技术人员结构急需合理调整。吉林省老工业基地目前最短缺的人才有四个部分,即高层次人才、企业经营管理人才、高级技能人才和较高水平的农村实用人才。培养和吸引这些人才,既是吉林省人才工作的重中之重,也是经济发展的迫切需要。二(五)适应老工业基地调整改造需要的人才数量明显不足。吉林省<WP=52>的人才优势在振兴老工业基地的过程中表现为人才方面的劣势,主要表现为适应老工业基地调整改造的人才数量比较少,严重制约了技术创新和成果转化能力。(六)人才资源开发主体不到位。政府和管理部门对“人才是第一资源”的认识和措施还不到位,用人单位的认识和措施还不到位,作为人才资源开发工作主要载体的人才市场体系建设还不到位。加强对人才资源开发工作的领导,关键在于提高认识、形成合力。在新一轮竞争中,吉林省必须首先解决好思想认识问题,真正把人才放在经济发展的第一资源位置上,否则,在新的竞争中,就很难占据有利位置。(七)人才资源结构性矛盾突出。经济结构与人才结构的关联性由于人才作用的凸显而越加紧密,人才结构的功能更加强化。吉林省现有人才总量140余万,但人才结构却与经济社会发展要求不相适应,关键行业、支柱产业关键人才短缺,构成了吉林省老工业基地振兴的人才瓶颈。人才资源层次结构矛盾突出,低层次结构人才多,高层次结构人才少。人才年龄结构不合理,老化现象严重,将直接导致吉林省人才资源链上的年龄断档,形成了一种潜在的后继乏人的危机。人才资源专业结构矛盾突出。人才主要集中在教育、卫生、经济等从事基础性工作和研究的行业。进入经济建设第一线的人才并不多。高新技术领域人才呈总体性短缺,特别是信息科学技术、新能源与再生能源科学技术、新材料科学技术和管理科学技术等领域的人才稀缺。调整好人才资源的专业结构,理顺传统产业与新兴产业之间的关系,在高校和科研院所设立新兴科技学科和专业,积极培养高新技术专业人才,将成为吉林省今后一个时期人才资源开发工作调整的战略重点,对于吉林省实现可持续发展将起到积极的作用。(八)人才培养与使用脱节。吉林省是教育比较发达的省份,通过发展高等教育、成人教育、职业教育等措施和途径,培养了大批人才,为经济发展和社会进步奠定了良好基础,但由于人才资源开发工作滞后,<WP=53>对人才的使用不到位,导致大批人才“潜性闲置”,出现了“假饱和”的现象,人才资源优势没有得到充分发挥,没有很好地把人才价值转换成经济价值,专业技术人才浪费严重。三(九)要健全完善国家公务员、事业单位、企业人力资源管理三项制度。国家公务员制度需要在实践中不断健全和完善。特别是在权力制约监督、严把进口、畅通出口、解决能上能下等问题上,还需要进行不断的探讨,尽快制定相应的配套法规,从而使国家公务员制度不断健全完善,为振兴吉林老工业基地提供切实的行政制度保障。要随着干部人事制度改革的不断深入,特别是要随着即将开始的事业单位机构和人事制度改革,全面加强人员聘用制、专业技术职务聘任制,以及分配制度的建设工作,更好地解放事业单位广大专业技术人员和管理人员的生产力,激发他们的活力,促使更多的人才投入到振兴吉林老工业基地中来,使人尽其才,才尽其用。迫切需要建立与现代企业制度相配套的现代企业人力资源管理制度,变传统的人事管理为人力资源管理,从而最大限度地调动企业员工的积极性,挖掘他们的潜力,使他们能够积极投身到振兴吉林老工业基地中来。(十)要建立健全人才市场、人事管理宏观调控、人才资源开发法规三个体系。建立健全人才市场体系,为人才资源市场化配置建立良好的平台。有必要出台一部地方性的人才法规,针对人才培养、引进、流动等做出具体规定,使吉林省的人才工作能够向法制化、科学化和规范化方向迈进。(十一)要建立健全党政领导人才、企业经营者、专业技术人员三支队伍。要加强党政领导人才队伍建设,就要把好入口、晋升、出口“三关”。积极推行干?

【Abstract】 Part One1. Jilin Province is the typical old industrial base. Its industrial development, equipment and technology are still in the traditional industrialized stage, lagging behind more than 10-20 years when compared with the advanced technology home and abroad. In addition, the strategical adjustment of state-owned economy is at a very low level and its self-development is not good under the market economy conditions; the structure of national economy is also relatively backward; the burden that is left over from the past is heavy.2. The total of the qualified personnel increases, but is still insufficient, and the quantitative change plays a leading role. In comparison with the domestic developed provinces or the developed countries, Jilin Province has a long way to go in terms of the total of qualified people. An important task of the personnel work is to augment the well trained people in the next period. 3. There are more qualified personnel now, but most of them transfer to other places, and building such a highland is the most pressing matter. The problem of brain-drain in Jilin Province has been serious since reform and opening, especially that of the young and middle-aged personnel. The brain-drain has been in the unfavorable balance with the other provinces and cities since 1993. The economy is in the primary stage, and the qualified personnel will inevitably transfer from the less developed areas to the developed areas, which is a main reason why the personnel of Jilin Province flow to the eastern areas. 4. The structure of the qualified personnel is obviously optimized, but is supposed to be readjusted strategically, and it is urgent to recruit talented persons. The structure of the management personnel, professional personnel and rural practical personnel is not rational, especially the structure of professional personnel badly needs adjusting. At present, four types of trained personnel is in great demand in Jilin Province, namely high-level personnel, management personnel of enterprises, senior professional personnel and rural practical personnel. Training and drawing these qualified people is not only the most important thing of personnel work in Jilin Province, but the great <WP=57>need of economic development. Part Two 5. There are not enough well-trained people to meet the needs of readjusting and transforming the old industrial base: the superiority of qualified personnel in Jilin Province shows just the inferiority in the revitalization, which has restrained the technological innovation and the transformation of research results. 6. The subject of development of human resources is incomplete. The government, managerial departments, and employing units do not have effective measures and a deep understanding of “Qualified Personnel is the first resource”. Personnel market system, as a main carrier of its development, is imperfect. The key to strengthening the leadership of human resources development lies in the deep understanding and joint efforts. In a new round of competition, Jilin Province must settle the problem of understanding at first, really regarding the qualified personnel as the first resource for the economic development; otherwise, it is hard to occupy a favorable position. 7. The structural contradiction of human resources is conspicuous. The relation between economic structure and personnel structure becomes closer due to the function of trained people. On one hand, the structure of qualified personnel is strengthened, but it doesn’t conform with the demand for economic development although there are over 1,400,000 qualified personnel in Jilin Province: the key industries are in great needs of the key qualified people to vigorously develop the old industrial base. Furthermore, the hierarchical structure of human resources has intense contradiction: there are more low-level personnel and fewer high-level ones. The age structure is also unreasonable: there are many people becoming old and losing efficiency, which leads to a kind of potential cr

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】348

