Primary Discussion on the Problems of Current University Insurance System
【作者】 陶秀丽;
【导师】 王彩波;
【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 社会保险关乎国运,惠及子孙,是社会保险制度的核心。其内容包括养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险等,与每一位社会成员的切身利益密切相关。高等学校的社会保险作为收入分配中的组成部分,是高校教职工薪酬中的一种延期报酬,是一个涉及每一个社会成员根本利益的问题,也是所有高等学校教职工十分关心的问题。随着我国经济改革开放后的持续增长,我国经济体制逐步向社会主义市场经济体制转变,人民的生活水平和消费结构已有了很大变化,社会心理和经济行为已经并正在发生深刻的演变,人们对社会保险问题的关心程度、参与意识、理性思考的深度也在不断地加强和深化。由于我国的社会保险制度是在社会主义市场经济体制刚刚提出时应运而生的,随着我国市场经济体制的逐步完善,以及事业单位体制改革、人事制度的深化,特别是许多高校近年来进行的内部分配制度的改革,我国高校的社会保险问题从无到有,越来越受到人们的关注。但是,高等学校的社会保险工作的开展,还是一个摸着石头过河的阶段,本文以当前高校实施社会保险工作中遇到的部分突出问题,归纳并加以分析,以期今后更好地探索社会保险在高校人事分配制度改革中发挥应有的作用,做出一点努力和尝试。高等学校是高等教育的办学载体,我国高等教育的发展和改革,使得政府与社会都密切关注着,从而使每一位关心中国前途和命运的人,具有强烈地紧迫感和使命感,因而要求每一位社会成员,要真正树立社会主义建设必须依靠教育和“百年<WP=36>大计,教育为本”的思想,采取切实有力的措施,落实高等教育的战略地位;在社会保险作为社会发展的推动器与安全网中,高等学校的社会保险在整个系统的特殊性应该得到充分重视。目前,社会和政府对高等学校在现行社会保险制度中的地位,偏重于强调其所承担的社会保障义务,而保护高等学校在社会进步中推动器作用的积极性不足,导致关系到高等学校社会保险工作相关的政策制定与执行,缺乏严密性和一致性,由此出现了一些较为突出的问题:高校现行养老保险参保人员范围的放大及由此产生的养老待遇的无对应性;高校正常参保人员的养老金与现行高校同类人员退休费的差异性;政府制定出台了失业保险政策,而又在其全额拨款的高等学校不保证经费;现行的养老保险的开展,因存在企业与机关事业单位性质差异与各地方政府出台的事业单位养老待遇的差异,造成人员流动的实际不通畅等问题。 人本主义心理学家马斯洛的需求层次论指出,社会保障的最初动因是保障人类自下而上的基本需要。根据其提出的人类五大需要层次论,社会保障的第一层次即为全体社会成员的生存需要,政府对此责无旁贷;第二层次即为社会保险,全体社会成员要在遭遇年老、生病、伤残、生育、失业、死亡等风险时,由社会给予其一定物质帮助;第三层次是社会福利。它被理解为一切旨在改善人民群众物质和文化生活的社会措施,是在人们满足基本生存需要的基础上,对生活环境、便利条件、舒适以及精神文化需求的需要,其实质是社会经济发展水平和文明程度的重要标志,其实现程度取决于经济发展水平反过来又会促进经济发展和社会进步。 <WP=37>国家高等教育事业的发展,在当今社会发展中具有不容置疑的地位,因此,在确定高等学校义不容辞地承担着社会保障义务的同时,要充分重视其特殊性。政府作为社会保险的主体、责任者,认识上应该对高等学校的社会保险在社会保险系统中的特殊性有足够重视:定位上,给予特殊倾斜政策;管理上,突出“以人为本”的理念;措施上,完善工作机制,提高办事效率。真正使高等学校的社会保险作为再分配形式中的一种延期劳动报酬,充分发挥其在社会“稳定器”的稳定作用和“推进器”的激励机制作用。基于这种思路,我们就在当前社会保险制度尚须完善的阶段,防止出现现行高等学校的社会保险工作中参保范围的不严格对应性及退休养老待遇政策制定的不严密性;即使出现问题,也能迅速有效地本着以人为本的管理理念,以认真务实的态度,高效率的针对新情况新问题制定出有效的解决办法加以妥善解决。社会保险作为国家强制推行的险种,具有明显的政府行为,社会保险经办机构及业务人员,包括高校自身的认识,对高等学校的社会保险问题应建立这样一种理念:重视高等学校参加社会保险在社会保险系统中的特殊意义,政府要确立高校社会保险社会推进器的作用,政府的社会保险工作坚持“以人为本”的理念,在高校人事管理工作中,重视社会保险的延期报酬效应。进入21世纪,国际竞争日趋激烈,竞争的焦点是人才的竞争,是全民素质的竞争。高等学校作为必须构建的人才高地,在国家综合国力的增强方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用;高等<WP=38>教育事业发展,直接关系到我国人力资源的状况,中华民族的繁荣复兴,归根结底取决于高校所在的国家教育发展的整体水平。纵观世界教育现状和未来国际形势的发展,各国间人力资源素质的差距不但十分显著而且将长期存在,国际间高层次人才争夺会进一步加剧,高等教育的发展将更倍受关注,而高校的社会保险,关系到每位教职工以及社会每一位成员的切身利益,因此,我们必须充分认识到高等?
【Abstract】 Social insurance is the core of the system of social insurance. Its content includes endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and hospitalization insurance, etc. It relates to the personal interests of each social member. As the composing part in the income contribution, the social insurance in the university is a deferred payment in the salary and payment of teachers and employees in the university. It relates to the problem of ultimate interests of each social member. And it is also the problem concerned by all university’s teachers and employees. With the continuous increase after our country’s economic innovation and reform, our economic system transforms toward social market-economic system, people’s living standards and consumption structure have changed greatly, and social mentality and economic behavior have evolved deeply, so the depth of concern degree, participation consciousness and rational thoughts which people’s attitude to social insurance also strengthens increasingly. Because our country’s social insurance system came when the socialism market-economic system put forward. With the improvement of market-economic system little by little, and the depth of enterprise unit system innovation and personnel system, esp. the innovation of internal distribution system ongoing in many universities recently, the social insurance of universities in our country is under greater and greater concern. But the <WP=40>development of social insurance of universities is under the stage of feeling the stone to cross the river. The paper concludes and analyses partially outstanding problems come across when universities carry out social insurance currently. The aim is to discuss further the role which social insurance plays in the personnel distributive system innovation in the universities.University is the carrier of running a school of higher education. Government and society concern consanguineously the development and innovation of higher education. Therefore, being concerned about country’s future and fate, each person has intense pressing feeling and mission feeling. So it requires each social member set indeed that socialism construction must rely on education and the thought that a project of vital and lasting importance, the education is the fundamentality, carry out powerful measurements and fulfill the strategic status of higher education. We should put importance on particularity of the social insurance of higher college in the whole system during the social insurance as the pusher and safety net of social development.As to the status of higher college in the current social insurance system, society and government lay particular stress on the social safeguard duty it bore. But they lack the positivity to protect the pusher role of higher college in the social progress, which leads to correspond policy-making and enforcement lacking strictness and unanimity related to the social insurance of higher college. Therefore some outstanding problems emerge: the <WP=41>extended current endowment insurance policyholders of higher college and therefore producing the non-correspondence of providing for the aged treatment; government makes the policy of unemployment insurance, but it doesn’t guarantee the outlay in the higher college of sum finance; the development of current endowment insurance leads to the actual non-expedition of personnel fluxion due to the difference between the enterprise and department unit, etc.Maslow, humanism psychologist, pointed out the first motivity is to guarantee the basic requirement of human from top to bottom. According to five levels of human requirement he presented, the first level of social insurance is survival requirement of whole social members, and government has duty on it. The second level is social insurance, that is to say, society provides some material help for the whole social members when they suffer from the risk of oldness, illness, unemployment, death, etc. The third level is social welfare. It is interpreted the social measurements to improve pe
- 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】F842.6
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】349