

Research the Project Management of Government Through the Garbage Disposed Field Project of Gongzhuling City--The Project That Government Invest on Should Enhance the Preplan and the Reasonable Management

【作者】 王已名

【导师】 沈颂东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济的迅猛发展,项目投资与管理为世人瞩目。项目管理思想作为一种重要的管理理念已经渗透到企业管理的各个层面和各种形式的机构中,并被广泛运用到大企业或大型项目、政府部门、社会事业中。在市场经济条件下,项目是企业效益增长点,上项目往往是企业在市场竞争环境中生存和求发展的重要手段。抓好项目工作,不仅可以使企业加快发展,扩大效益规模,而且可以赢得更大的市场份额,并在竞争中获胜。但是如果上错项目,也将会使企业背上沉重的负担,甚至陷入困境。因此,项目建设对项目业主来说,无论是在当前还是在长远都至关重要。在中国,由于项目管理作为一门专门科学起步较晚。因此,无论是在理论基础还是现实应用上,都与发达国家有较大的差距。正是由于在这方面存在着差距,在我国很多项目建设与管理中,没有采取科学的项目管理模式进行运作,致使许多项目的上马之日就成为它的亏损之时。直到今天,我们依然可以清楚地记起,过去,在没有做任何前期工作的情况下,由于各地竞相引进电视、洗衣机、冰箱生产线,进而由重复建设、过渡竞争而引发的自相残杀的惨烈。步入二十世纪九十年代的中国,项目已成为国家经济发展的重要构成要素,项目实施的好坏成为国家、企业和社会最为关心的问题。今天,对项目进行科学、有效地管理不仅是大型、复杂项目管理的需要,而且已经成为二十一世纪政府或企业组织和管理的一种主要形式。但目前,由于我国项目管理作为一门专门科学起步较晚,在实际运用中还存在着项目质量事故不断、项目投资效益不高、专业人员严重匮乏、法律制度<WP=42>不够完善和专业人才培养重视不够等诸多问题。致使建设资金浪费严重、质量事故频繁发生。尤其是政府投资项目,在这方面的表现更加突出。因此,针对政府投资项目,有必要寻求出比较科学的项目管理方式,更好地规避项目风险、提高项目投资效益。以公主岭垃圾处理场项目为例。公主岭垃圾处理场项目是一个比较典型的政府投资项目,在这个项目上存在着很多问题。主要有:一是垃圾场建设地址不合适——地势过高,而且距城市及高速公路太近,这样既增大了建设成本,也容易造成对环境的二次污染;二是垃圾处理工艺过于简单,很难达到对环境评价影响报告中的要求;三是地方配套资金难以落实,最后很有能使项目中途停滞或是导致建设者在项目建设材料的使用上以次充好、应付了事,等等。这个项目虽小,却极具代表性,通过这个项目,完全可以看出所有政府投资建设项目的共性问题。通过对公主岭垃圾处理场项目的描述,及其项目中存在的诸多问题,反映出当前政府投资项目所存在的普遍问题。目前,我国政府投资项目管理工作中存在的问题,比较集中地反映在项目前期工作上。突出表现是:一是对项目前期工作重视不够,普遍性的看法是认为项目前期工作是浪费时间与金钱、走走过场、没有任何实际意义;二是在前面所述思想的引导下,项目前期工作往往是应付了事,甚至根本不讲程序,跨越式运作,为了节省时间与微不足道的费用,省却了许多应有的必要环节,一步到位,直接开工建设,或者开工以后回头再补前期工作的手续;三是在项目前期工作的很多方式方法仍然停滞在计划经济时期,已不能完全适应新的时代发展要求,在很多方面已不具科学性,有待于进一步革新。我国当前的政府投资项目管理程序基本可以划分成前期工作阶段、建设实施阶段和验收评价阶段等三个阶段。在项目前期阶段,我国政府<WP=43>采取了自项目建议书、可行性研究报告、扩初设计到开工报告的项目审批程序;项目建设实施阶段,实施“四制”管理,即项目法人责任制、项目招投标制、项目合同制和项目监理制;项目验收评价阶段是对项目的决策立项、前期运行、建设实施、运营管理,从财务、设计、管理、市场各方面整体评价,总结经验,吸取教训。看似完整的政府投资项目管理程序,也存在着诸多问题。按照项目生命周期原理,项目从开始到结束,要经过若干个发展阶段。由始至终的若干阶段,构成了项目的生命周期。项目的生命周期基本由概念阶段、启动阶段、实施阶段、终止阶段四个阶段组成。政府投资项目应根据自身问题比较集中环节,重点加强项目前期阶段的研究论证及策划工作。项目前期工作虽然占项目工作总量的份额不是很大,但却往往可以决定项目最后的成败。因此必须高度重视项目前期工作。针对政府投资项目所存在的问题,作者给出了重视前期策划工作、分类管理政府投资项目、拓宽项目融资渠道、建立和完善项目管理法规体系和采取PM项目管理模式等几点建议。并重点介绍了PM项目管理模式内容及其优越性,同时,作者提出了政府投资项目应引入这种先进的项目管理模式进行科学管理。公主岭垃圾处理项目存在的问题,其他政府投资项目不见得全都存在,但可以肯定的是,所有政府投资项目在很多方面都存在着极大的相似性,这种相似性决定了,其所存在的许多问题也大都是共性的。因此,只要针对一个项目的问题提出的解决方法适用,那么,往往也适用于其它同类。公主岭垃圾处理项目虽然不大,但却有着极强的代表性,该项目所暴露出的问题带有很强的普遍性,因此,本文所

【Abstract】 With the world economy increasing rapidly, project investment and management is focused more and more attention upon. The idea of project management have been focused on by all kinds structure and many layer of structure to act as the important idea of management and have been implemented by enterprise, large project, government and social project in terms of market economy. The project is the resource of enterprise benefit. Doing the project is the important way that enterprise live and develop in marketing competition. But in case of doing wrong project, the enterprise will carry burden, even to be in hot water. Project management can solved the problem how to depress the cost of investment and how to increase the success rate of project. In China project management acted as a kind of speciality was developed, so later to form a bigger gap compared with the developed country. We have still remembered clearly, due not to use project management mode to manage and develop the project, the TV, washing machine, refrigerator production line was introduced into so excessively that competition in caninalism was taken among them. The day of investment is the day of the lost. Today, project have already become the important component of economy development of country. The flawless launch of the project is the chief problem that focused on by enterprise, society and country. The reasonable and available project management is requested by the large enterprise and complex project. Moreover it have already become a chief style of government management and enterprise management. At present, because our project management was developed too late, in practice, the problem such as many quality fault, lower benefit, the lack of the professional staff, the unmature of the law and the lack training on project management have existed. So it is necessary to search reasonable way of project management for eluding the risk of project, increasing the benefit of the project .to combine the theory and the experience of the project management, the new way of project management must be found.The project of the garbage disposed field project of Gongzhuling city have many problems. Its are that 1)The place of the garbage <WP=45>disposed field is not right choice----the hypsography is over higher and is near to city and highway. Thus, the cost was added and the environment of city was polluted. 2)The technology of the garbage disposed is too tough to achieved the requirement of environment assessment. 3)The relative bankroll was difficult to fulfill and was in result of the project paused and the bad material of construction used .This project is very small but it is representative. The common problem can be seen by describing the course of the project. The management program that government invest on project is divided into three phase. The prophase, the implementation phase; the checked and assessment phase. The prophase, the government adopt the formality including the project proposal, the feasibility research report, initial design program and starting work report. in the implementation phase, four management way is adopted . Its is the project artificial person liability, the project bid, the project contract and the project inspection rule. In the checked and assessment phase the decision, the operation, the implementation and the management of the project is assessed in finance, design ,management and market. This program looks like very intact. but in fact the shape is emphasized excessively many internal problem is neglected. In terms of the theory of the period of project life, the project was consist of four phase: the defined phase ,the startup phase, the implementation phase and ended phase. The article point to the important meaning and implementing way that enhance the preplan through reviewing the theory of the period of the project life and the management program of the project that government invest on.Meanwhile combining the mode that adopted to PM project management by developed country, the author brings forward t

【关键词】 政府项目科学管理
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F123
  • 【下载频次】335

