

The Design of E-business Information Flow Optimization

【作者】 陈瑶

【导师】 窦平安;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 情报学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全球经济发展进入信息经济时代,知识经济初露端倪。随着以计算机网络为核心的信息技术的迅速发展,国际互联网在全球的应用和普及,一种崭新的商务模式——电子商务应运而生,并在全球发展和推广。电子商务就是利用现代信息技术,主要是互联网技术来进行商务活动,是二十世纪末随着Internet的迅速发展而产生的新型商务形态。电子商务主要由物流、商流和信息流组成,其中信息流最重要,它是物流和商流流转的基础,能在更高的层次上对整个商务活动进行控制和监督。电子商务的顺利进行,必须以正确及时地传递各种所必需的信息,保证信息流的顺畅为前提。分析传统商务过程中信息流存在的问题,找出其中影响信息流顺畅的各种因素,对电子商务信息流涉及的相关环节加以优化,保证电子商务信息流的通畅,发挥电子商务处理信息及时高效的优势,增加企业自身竞争力,促进企业的发展和进步。 首先,了解信息资源在生产中的意义。以计算机为中心的现代信息技术极大地增强了人类生产、处理、传递、利用信息的能力,从而使人们面临一种前所未有的局面:劳动生产率的提高,不再是凭体力、靠能量的事情,而是主要依靠人所掌握的知识和信息;社会经济活动的开展,也不仅仅是依靠资金,更多的是依靠各种社会经济信息。这就是说,信息作为一种新型资源,在人类社会中正发挥着越来越大的作用。电子商务作为信息时代的产物,如何有效地利用信息资源也是它所面临的问题,本文提出了电子商务信息流优化目前面临的主要问题及解决思路。 <WP=58>第二,电子商务及信息流分析。电子商务是一门发展非常迅速的新技术,是一处充满机遇和挑战的新领域,是一个具有巨大发展潜力的市场,什么是电子商务,尚未有统一的定义,本文的观点是电子商务是部分或完全租用电子网络(如互联网)手段来进行商品和服务交易活动的总称。按交易对象划分,电子商务可以分为B-B、B-C、C-C、G-B、G-C五种模式。电子商务之所以能够迅速走进人们的视线,是因为它的出现和发展给企业和社会带来了巨大的冲击。它把企业推向空前激烈的竞争环境,降低了交易成本,提高了交易效率,增加了商贸机会,改变商贸模式,带动了经济改革;信息流是电子商务活动的基础,是电子商务中虚拟企业沟通的渠道,提高了电子商务活动的效率,是竞争中取得优势的重要手段。 第三,信息流优化分析。随着技术的飞速发展和市场竞争的日趋激烈,企业运行的环境呈现复杂多变、难以预测的趋势,传统商业企业的金字塔式层级管理方式和组织结构信息流通不畅、信息滞后越来越难以适应这种迅速变化的市场环境。在电子商务环境下企业组织结构逐渐向网络化、扁平化方向发展。电子商务与信息流优化并不是彼此孤立的两个概念,两者之间密不可分,相辅相成的,企业通过进行组织结构调整、业务流程重组、保证电子商务信息安全和完善信息管理体制,来达到信息流优化,改善其自身的生存环境。 第四,建立电子商务信息流优化模型。提出问题的目的是为了解决问题,针对影响电子商务信息流顺畅的相关因素,本文提出了企业内部信息流优化模型、企业外部信息流优化模型和企业内外信息流程优化模型的组合。电子商务的内部信息流反映出企业内部的生产供应链,电子信息流优化必须从企业内部<WP=59>信息流优化开始;企业外部信息流优化模型主要从电子交易中涉及的主要过程着手,找出其中影响交易过程的主要环节并加以改进,从而达到电子商务信息流优化的目的;将上述企业内部电子商务信息流模型和企业外部电子商务信息流模型进行整合和延伸,搭建基于Internet的三层电子商务信息流体系,形成内外结合的信息流优化模型。 最后,电子商务实例模型分析。电子商务作为企业适应时代要求的标志已经越来越多地引起企业的重视,但是我国的总体应用水平低,很多企业只停留在静态网站的建设上。汽车工业开发了ANX软件系统,突破企业信息化过程中应用、技术、资金三大瓶颈,理顺电子商务信息流的通道,促进各行业信息管理进程。本文对这一成功事例进行了详细地分析,希望使读者对信息流优化在电子商务中的应用有更深层次的认识。 本文的结论是:电子商务作为一种新的经济运行方式,其发展受到人们越来越多的关注。现在各国都在积极发展电子商务,逐步从工业经济转向信息经济。所以我认为,把电子商务作为从工业社会转向信息社会的决定性措施,作为迎接经济全球化的关键手段并不为过。电子商务依托信息技术、网络互连技术,改变了传统商务运营模式。在电子商务活动中,信息流是商务活动的中心,通过对电子商务信息流程进行优化,解决电子商务运作过程中信息流问题,实现电子商务信息资源的有效管理,构筑出适应信息时代电子商务高效运转的信息流模型。

【Abstract】 As the global economy is entering into information economy era, the knowledge economy has just appeared for a short time. With the development of information technology centering on computer network and pervasiveness of Internet application, a kind of new commerce model — Electronic business brings out, develops and rapidly expands in the world. E-business is a new-type commercial which utilize modern information technology mainly internet technology to carry on the commercial activity, came forth with rapid development of internet at the end of the 20th century.E-business is made up mainly by material flow, business flow and information flow. Among them information flow which is the foundation that material flow and business flow circulate is the most important and controls and supervises to the whole commercial activity at high level. The precondition of smooth development of E-business must be by transmitting various kinds essential information correctly and in time.The goal of the disquisition is to analyze information flow existing problem in the traditional business procedure to find out various kinds of factor influencing information flow among them, to optimize relevant link that the information flow of E-business, to guarantee smoothness of information flow of E-business,to exert the advantage of processing information in high-efficient and in time of E-business,to increase enterprises’ own competitiveness and to accelerate the development and progress of enterprise. <WP=61>First, introducing the significance of information resource for production. Information technology around computer strengthens human’s ability of producing information, dealing with information, transmitting information and applying information. It makes human facing environments, like working efficiency improved not by labor and energy but knowledge and information he has learned, social economic activities developed not only depending on money but more depending on kinds of social economic information. That is to say, as a new kind of resource, information is playing a important role in the human society. As a product of information era, E-business is also facing the question of how to utilize information resource in effect. The paper describes current main problems faced by information flow optimization in E—business and how to do with them. Second, the analysis of E-business and information flow. E-business is a kind of new technology with rapid development, a new area full of opportunities and challenges, and a market full of large potential. What is E-business? There is no uniform definition. The paper’s opinion is that E-business is an activity summary that deals with commodity and trade by partly or entirely hiring electronic network (like Internet). Classified by objects of trade, E-business can be divided into five modes — B-B, B-C, C-C, G-B, and G-C. The reason that E-business catches people’s eyes is that the appearance of E-business has immense impact on the society. It pushes enterprises’ into unheard-of competitive environment, reduces trade cost, improves trade efficiency, enhances trade opportunities, changes trade mode, and promotes economic innovation; Information flow is the foundation of E-business and the communicated channel of virtual enterprises. It improves <WP=62>E-business activities’ efficiency and is an important measure to gain advantageous situation.Third, analysis on information flow optimization. With the rapid development of technology and more and more severe market competition, the running environment of enterprises is complex and difficult to predict. Layer management like pyramid of traditional enterprise and blocked and out of period information is more and more difficult to adapt rapidly changeful market environment. In the E-business environment, the way that enterprise’s structure will go is network and flat. E-business and information flow are not independent definitions, both of them are inseparable and helpful to each other. By adjusting organization’s structure,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F713.36
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】948

