

Research on Our Country’s State-owned Commercial Banking Competitiveness

【作者】 赵竞伟

【导师】 杜莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 论文研究背景和意义1.研究背景2001年12月11日,我国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),我国政府郑重承诺在未来的5年内全面开放金融市场,允许外资银行在华开办人民币业务。这对于我国的银行业,特别是四大国有商业银行而言,可以说是挑战与机遇并存。随着金融市场开放程度的加大和竞争强度的增大,尤其是在科学和信息技术迅速发展的今天,四大国有商业银行一方面面临着国内同业的竞争,另一方面还面临着在资金调配、资产种类、成本控制、经营效益等方面具有明显优势的国际大银行的竞争,中国的国有商业银行亟需提高竞争力,以应对挑战。金融位于社会经济产业金字塔的顶端,是现代经济的核心,在经济一体化和金融全球化的日益向纵深发展的今天,一个国家经济的强大必须以强大的金融作为后盾。在建设我国社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,作为我国金融业中规模最大,意义最重要的金融机构——银行业占有重要地位。因此,对我国商业银行的竞争力研究是在新的竞争形势下对商业银行生存和发展具有重要价值的研究课题。同时,从理论研究角度而言,商业银行竞争力研究亦是一个具有重要理论价值的前沿课题。我国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,经过20年多的金融体制改革的实践探索和理论创新,中国的银行业发生了巨大的变化,取得的成就有目共睹,而且也为经济发展做出了重要的贡献。同时,我们也不能否认的是,我国的银行业特别是国有商业银行还存在着很多的问题,主要是不良资产比率较高、资金利用效率低、经营机制不健全等,归根结底就是竞争力不足。因此,如何客观的评价我国银行业的竞争能力,引导我国银行业抓住机遇,保证平稳过渡,并争取在国际金融竞争中居于有力地位,对我国银<WP=61>行业的发展具有重要意义,也对深化金融体制改革具有全局意义。理论基础由于对竞争力的概念有不同的认识,因此竞争力的理论模型也有较大的差异。在众多的竞争力理论,本文主要采取了美国哈佛大学商学院的迈克尔·波特(Michael E.Porter)教授的竞争力理论模型。波特教授的《竞争战略》(1980)、《竞争优势》(1985)、《国际竞争优势》(1990)三部力作,把产业组织理论引入战略管理研究中,奠定了他在竞争力理论方面的权威。波特教授在《竞争战略》一书中对企业的竞争状况进行了具体的分析,总结出一个产业内部的竞争状况取决于五种基本竞争作用力(competitive force):进入威胁、替代威胁、买方侃价能力、供方侃价能力及现有竞争对手的竞争。波特教授在提出竞争作用力的基础上,又在其《竞争优势》一书中提出了“价值链”的概念。他认为企业能够长期保持的竞争优势主要体现在那些能真正创造价值的经营活动,即企业价值链的“战略环节”,竞争者之间的价值链的差异是企业竞争优势的一个关键来源。在文章中,通过对竞争力模型,主要是波特的竞争力模型的分析和理解,考虑到银行业的特殊性质,并结合我国银行业的实际发展情况,提出了以流动性指标分析、盈利性指标分析和安全性指标分析为主的指标体系,来衡量我国国有商业银行的竞争力。文章的结构安排和要点全文主要采取实证分析的方法,在分析竞争力理论的基础上提出衡量银行业竞争力的标准,并通过四大国有商业银行与股份制银行和外资银行的比较,具体对其竞争力进行分析,最后提出提高我国银行业竞争力的建议。全文约3万字,共分为四章。第一章,银行业竞争能力的衡量。首先,对竞争力概念进行了界定,<WP=62>介绍各种对竞争力的不同阐述,在此基础上总结出竞争力的概念,即竞争力是指一个企业在一定的竞争环境下,与竞争对手相比,能够持续的为其客户创造增加值的动态的能力。其次,对国内外对竞争力的理论研究现状进行评述,主要评述了波特的竞争力模型以及国内外有关学者关于竞争力的观点和理论。最后,针对银行业的特殊地位,以及我国银行业的发展状况,建立以流动性指标分析、盈利性指标分析和安全性指标分析为主的指标体系,来衡量我国国有商业银行的竞争力。第二章,我国银行业竞争能力的评价。在本章中,根据建立的指标体系,分别从银行的流动性、盈利性和安全性角度出发,通过四大国有商业银行与部分股份制商业银行和外资银行在这些指标上的比较,找出差距,从定量上具体分析我国国有商业银行的竞争力现状。第三章,影响我国国有商业银行竞争能力的因素。这一章中,论文在第二章的具体分析的基础上,总结出我国国有商业银行竞争力不强的根源。首先,从制度角度出发分析影响我国商业银行的竞争力的因素,主要有商业银行产权制度、治理结构、金融创新能力三个方面。其次,从环境角度出发分析影响我国商业银行竞争力的因素,主要有经济金融运行的态势、管理当局金融监管和社会信用体系建设的完善程度三个方面。第四章,提高我国国有商业银行竞争力的策略。在以上三章的分析的基础上,总结出提高我国国有商业银行竞争力的几点建议。我认为,要提高我国国有商业银行的竞争力,应该在保持经济继续稳定发展的基础上,尽快完善我国国有商业银行的产权制度,建立现代化的公司治理结构,加强商业银行本身的金融创新能力和提高商业银

【Abstract】 First, research background and meaning of this thesis1. research background On December 11, 2001, our country joined WTO (WTO) formally, and our government seriously promised to open the financial market in an all-round way within 5 years in the future and to allow the bank of the foreign capitals to run the business of RMB in China. For the banking of our country, especially four major state-owned commercial banks, these can be said to be the challenge coexisting with the opportunity. With the increase of the opening degree and the competition intensity in the financial market, especially today when science and information technology are developing rapidly, four major state-owned commercial banks are facing both the domestic competition of the same trade and the competition with international large banks that have obvious advantage in fund allocating, assets types, cost controlling and managing benefit etc. The state-owned business banks of China need improve the competitiveness badly in order to reply the challenges.2 .research meaning Finance, lying on the top of pyramid of social and economic industry, is the core of the modern economy. Today when the economic integration and financial globalize are developing in depth day by day, a strong national economy must depend on the developed finance as backing. During the process of building the socialist market economy system of our country, the banking, as the largest and the most important financial institution in our financial circles, occupies an important position. So, the research on our country’s commercial bank’s competition is a rather important subject for the <WP=64>survival and development of commercial banks under the new competition situation. Meanwhile, as far as theoretical research is concerned, the research on commercial bank’s competitiveness is also a front subject with important theoretical value.Our country is regarded as the biggest developing country in the world, and the practical exploration and theory innovation of the financial system reform over the past 20 years have made the banking of China change enormously and gain obvious achievement, and the banking of China have made important contribution to the economic development as well. However, we must admit that our banking, especially state-owned commercial banks still exist many problems, in which, the main ones are the relatively high rates of bad assets, the relatively low efficiency and the imperfect operating mechanism etc, to seek the ultimate reason of the problems mentioned above, it is the insufficient competitiveness. As a result, it is significant for the development of the banking of our country and deepening the financial system reform that how to evaluate the competitive power of our banking objectively, and how to guide our banking to seize the opportunity to guarantee the smooth transition and to occupy the favorable position during the international finance competition.Second, theoretical foundationBecause there is different comprehension on the concept of the competitiveness, the models of the theoretical competitiveness have relatively great differences. Among numerous competitiveness theories, this thesis adopts the competitiveness theory model of Professor Michael E. Porter of business schools of Harvard University. Professor Potter’s three pieces of work: "Competition Strategy" (1980), <WP=65>"Competition Advantage"(1985), and "International Competition advantage" (1990), introduced the industry organizing theory into the research of strategic management, and they established his authority in competitiveness theory. In the book of" competition strategy", Professor Potter concretely analyzed the competition state of the enterprise, and summarized five kinds of basic competitive force when deciding the competition state inside an industry: entering threat, substitute threat, buyer’s ability in bargaining, supplier’s ability in bargaining and the existing rival’s competition. Professor Potter put forward the concept of" value chain" in the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】443

