

Present Situation and the Countermeasure of Scientific and Technological Restructuring in JiLin Province

【作者】 董宏宇

【导师】 孙晓春;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、吉林省科技体制改革的主要历程、进展与成效(一)我省科技体制的主要历程科技体制改革之前,吉林省科技事业的发展经历了以下四个阶段:第一阶段,为我省科技事业的恢复与发展阶段;第二阶段,为科技事业迅速发展和调整巩固阶段;第三阶段,是科技事业遭到摧残和破坏阶段;第四阶段,为科技事业全面迅速发展阶段。这段时间,我省科技工作实行高度集中型管理体制。具有如下特点:科技管理权力集中;科技计划约束性强;科技经费主要来自国家预算拨款;科技管理主要按行政隶属关系进行。改革开放后,这种弊端逐渐显露出来。主要表现在:技术成果转化难;科研单位缺乏自主权;科技人员缺少工作积极性。(二)吉林省科技体制改革的主要历程1985年3月,《中共中央关于科学技术体制改革的决定》标志着科技体制改革的启动。吉林省科技体制改革,可大致分为三个阶段:第一阶段,主要政策走向是“放活科研机构、放活科技人员”;第二阶段,主要政策走向是分流科技人才,调整科研结构,推进科技经济一体化的发展;第三阶段,加强国家创新体系建设、加速科技成果产业化成为这一时期的主要政策走向。 (三)吉林省科技体制改革取得的进展与成效通过一系列改革,调动了广大科研人员的积极性,增强了科研机构的经济实力,促进了科研与生产结合。具体进展表现在以下几<WP=38>方面:1.初步形成了新型科技创新体系的雏形。2.高校、科研单位面向市场开发科技产业的意识和能力显著增强。3.积极探索内部运行机制改革,科技资源得到进一步活化。4.不断扩大科技领域的开放度,在市场中集成科技优势资源的意识和能力不断增强。5.科技计划管理体制的改革,促进了科技的可持续发展。 二、科技体制改革存在的主要问题及成因分析虽然我省科技体制改革取得了一定成绩,但科技与经济结合的空间还很大,核心科技力量仍然集中在重点高校和科研机构,企业尚未成为技术创新和科技投入的主体;人才外流严重,科技创新能力在一定程度上有所削弱。具体表现为:(一)观念上的问题从科技界看,一是对改革的客观性认识不足;二是对改革的艰巨性认识不足;三是部分科技人员有着求稳倾向;四是小农意识严重。从管理层面看,对科技体制改革缺乏实事求是的认识。从社会层面上看,企业依靠科技进步的意识较差。(二)体制上的问题计划经济体制影响是深化科技体制改革的主要障碍。主要体现为五个方面的矛盾:1、市场经济规律与知识产权主体缺位的矛盾。知识产权的所有者不关心或没有能力转化科技成果,知识拥有者也不能得到回<WP=39>报。2、面向经济建设的需要与对科技人员评价导向的矛盾。科技人员职称评定,论文所占权重过高。3、科技体制改革的推动需求与管理体制的矛盾。目前,科技管理体制离散,例如研发由科技管理部门推动,技改由经济管理部门推动,高新技术产业化则由计划部门推动,使管理上很难衔接。4、科技自身发展规律与政府意志的矛盾。政府的科技投入主要集中在应用开发上,而在应用基础方面的投入相对较少,这样就很难原创性的科技成果。5、高校、科研单位的市场主体与事业单位并存的矛盾。一些高校、科研机构创办的许多企业经营较差,致使这些企业不但难以发展,反而又给原单位带来债务。(三)政策上问题科技体制改革进展缓慢的一个重要原因是政策不对称问题,主要体现在政策失效、政策落实不到位、政策有漏洞和政策不完善。三、推进科技体制改革的对策与建议(一)积极深化产权制度改革一是制定吉林省转制科研机构产权制度改革的相关政策,推进转制院所加快建立现代企业制度。二是积极探索科技成果股份量化改革,确保各投资主体得到相应回报。(二)大力推进科研机构内部运行机制改革进一步落实院所长负责制,实行全员聘任用合同制。自主决定内部工资制度和分配方式,改革职称评聘制度,自行设置专业技术职务岗位。 <WP=40>(三)深化管理体制改革按照社会主义市场经济规律和科技发展规律的要求,各部门的职能得到统筹和衔接,提高政府科技资源的使用效率。要进一步加强科技资源的整合,鼓励企学研结合,加强科技合作与交流。(四)加强高层次科技人才队伍的建设高层次科技人才是振兴吉林老工业基地不可替代的战略资源。许多兄弟省市都把科技人才发展战略摆在更加重要、更加突出的位置。我省今后要从长远思维出发,培养和造就优秀科技人才,要全力营造一个有利人才成长和发挥聪明才智的环境氛围。 (五)明确政府的职能一是按照市场经济的基础规则,在市场失灵的领域发挥主导作用。二是根据我省的经济发展具体情况,应该在产业科技发展中起引导作用。 (六)加大对科技体制改革的资金投入力度增加对科技投入的力度,切实保证科学事业费总量保持较大的增长幅度。确保优势科技领域、确保公益事业的科学研究得到加强。(七)加强科技基础设施建设对现有的国家与省重点实验室、工程研究中心进行技术改造,以适应科技创新的需求。加强科学数据和科技文献的资源共享,促进科技资源的社会共享。(八)加强科技孵化器和中介机构建?

【Abstract】 Ⅰ. The course, process and effect of the restructuringⅰ.The main course of the management system for science and technology in our province Before the structure reform, the development of science and technology underwent four stages. In the first stage, the scientific and technological cause was recovered and developed initially. In the second stage, the cause was developed rapidly, regulated and consolidated. In the third stage, the cause was damaged badly. And in the fourth stage, the cause was developed in an all-round way. In this period, we were carrying highly-centralized characteristic.(1) The power of the scientific and technological management is centralism.(2) The scientific and technological plans were highly restrained.(3) The funds were from the government budget appropriations.(4) The management was under the administrative control. Since the reform and open up policy was put into effect, many malpractices have been demonstrated. There are three main manifestations.(1) It is difficult to turn technology into productive force.(2) Scientific research institutions(SRIS) are in want of the decision-making power.(3) Scientific research personals(SRPS) are lack of working enthusiasm.ⅱ.The main process of structural reform “The decisions made by Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the structural reform of management system for the science and technology” in March of 1983 marked the beginning of the restructuring. The reform in JiLin province can be divided into three stages. The main policy of the first stage was “ to give SRIS and SRPS full authority”. The main policy of the second stage was “ to separate qualified scientists and technicians, to adjust the scientific research system, and to carry the development of combination of science and economy”. The main policy of the third stage was “ to strengthen the innovation system and to speed up the pace of turning technology into productive force”. <WP=43>ⅲ. The effects achieved in JiLin province Through a series of reforms, the enthusiasm of SRPS has been mobilized, the economic strength of SRIS has been increased, and the combination of scientific research and production has been promoted. More specific progress is shown in the following aspects:(1) The tentative new innovation system has been formed.(2) The capability and consciousness of developing scientific and technological estate, which is to meet the needs of markets, has been strengthened in colleges and universities(CAU) and SRIS.(3) The reform of inside management system has been fatherly probed, and the scientific and technological resources have been vitalized.(4) With the increasing degree of the scientific and technological area, the consciousness and capacity of integrating scientific advanced resources have been aroused continuously.(5) The reform of planned management promote a sustained development of science and technology.Ⅱ.The main problems and analysis of causes Although some effects have been made, there is much room to improve. The combination of science and economy is not as tight as it should be; the scientific force at the core is still in the CAS and SRIS, while the enterprises do not play a key role in the technological innovation and investment; the intelligent outflow badly; and to some extent, the innovation capacity is weakened. The details are as the follows:ⅰ. Problems in modes of thoughts Seen from the layer of the scientific and technological field, firstly, the level of understanding reform is very low. Secondly, the knowledge of difficulties in the reform is very narrow. Thirdly, some SRPS try to be static, which means they dare not take an adventure. Fourthly, small-scale peasant consciousness is still serious. Seen from the layer of management, a practical and realistic understanding of reform is insufficient. Seen from the layer of society, the consciousness of enterprises is very weak that should depend on science and technology. <WP=44>ⅱ. Problems in system

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G322.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】503

