

On Our National Government Information Resources’ Sharing

【作者】 熊先杰

【导师】 张锐昕;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 政府信息资源共享是公共管理领域的一个前沿课题。虽然作为一种新的管理理论,它尚未形成一个完整的体系;作为一项新的管理实践,它仍处于日新月异的发展变化之中。但由于它在电子政府建设中所体现的现实价值,政府信息资源共享已经成为IT界、管理学界以及经济学界关注的热点。本文主体上分六个部分进行论述。第一部分阐释了政府信息资源的涵义,明确了信息、信息资源和政府信息资源三者的关系,从共享的视角来理解政府信息资源的内容、分类、来源和归属。从定义上看,政府信息资源作为信息资源的一个分支,主要是政府部门为履行职责而产生、获取、利用、传播、保存和负责处置的信息,是国家必不可少的资源,它在内涵上要比信息、信息资源丰富;从内容上看,它包含政府决策信息、为社会各界服务的信息、反馈信息及政府间交流信息四个方面。从分类上说,主要从共享与保密角度将其归纳为两大类,全社会共享的信息和内部共享的信息。第二部分是对共享的涵义进行剖析,资源共享是人类追求的美好理想,它体现了人们力求最大限度地利用政府信息资源的管理思想,并在此基础上提出了资源共享要以政府信息公开为前提条件,同时在共享过程中要遵循贡献和防范两大原则,既要无偿的贡献又要严密的防范才能达到合理、合法的共享。第三部分包括两个方面内容,一方面介绍了我国政府信息资源共享的现状,即:在技术和设备上已经具备了基本条件,信息网络也初步构建完成,信息内容数量庞大但开发深度不够,总体上看还只是处于初步发展阶<WP=55>段。另一方面,以美国为例,介绍了国外政府信息资源发展情况,并在此基础上提出通过对新生和现存政府信息资源的数字化、网络化、商品化,再借助于现代化的信息传输技术,最终实现资源共享是大势所趋。第四部分对政府信息资源共享模式进行研究,通过借鉴比利时政府的共享模式,从七个方面提出我国政府在资源共享中应采取的对策:一、从政府信息管理体制角度看,要建立统一、有效的行政CIO管理体制,主要由行政CIO、全国政府信息协调委员会和政府信息机构三级组织构成,纵向上实行统一领导,横向上要相互配合。二、从运行机制看,要加快建立社会主义市场经济条件下的政府信息资源运行机制。首先,政府要转变观念,树立以信息市场平等主体的身份参与信息交易活动,促进信息市场的健康发展;其次,政府信息机构要转变职能,将信息分为内部信息和外部信息,不同种类的信息由不同部门来收集,外部信息能由市场收集的交由市场来完成,内部信息要在部门间建立起通畅的内部信息交换制度,实现政府内部信息资源共享;最后,要大力扶持社会信息机构和商业信息中心参与市场竞争,以完善信息市场的发展。三、从信息内容看,要不断挖掘政府信息资源潜力,整合现有的信息资源,提供成熟的信息产品。主要是要建成一批国家级标准化、国际化和大容量的公共信息库;开展政府信息资源的二次开发利用;及时捕捉网络信息和处理反馈信息;通过建立特色化政府信息资源和专题信息资源指引库,加大对政府信息资源内容的开发利用。四、从法律法规制度上,要抓紧政府信息资源共享的立法工作,以保证政府信息资源安全、高效地开发利用。目前主要制订信息公开法和计算机信息系统安全法,同时还要完善统计法。五、从技术平台支持上看:其一,共享与保密平台的设计应当采用在物理上完全独立的两套系统,把<WP=56>面向公众的服务系统和完全封闭的政府内部使用系统应当完全隔离;其二,政府应用系统要尽可能共享;最后要注意信息技术的规范和标准的管理。六、政府信息网络建设方面亟须加快和完善,使政府部门的局域网与系统的广域网和因特网互通,为信息资源共享提供纵横交错、通畅的信息传输通道。七、从人员素质看,人是实现政府信息资源共享的最终实践者,要努力提高公务员的信息素质,以推动我国电子政务的发展。第五部分对我国政府信息资源共享的有利条件与不利因素进行了分析,其有利方面在于丰富的信息内容;现代化的处理手段;先进的技术设备;便捷的网络。不利方面在于公务员素质有待提高;封建和等级观念的限制;法律制度滞后;信息市场不健全;语言和信息库标准问题;指导思想上和资金投入上重硬轻软;行动上缺少统一规划;体制上的制约。通过对以上优势和劣势的分析,促使我们在进行资源共享的建设中更有针对性地解决问题。第六部分阐述了在共享过程中要注意的两大问题,即政府信息资源公开的尺度和政府信息资源保护问题,只有合理的公开与适度的保密相结合,才能促使政府信息资源共享活动顺畅、健全地向前发展。总之,我们知道政府信息资源共享是一项巨大而复杂的工程,不是一蹴而就的,在这项工程的建设中,高素质而可靠的人员、先进的信息技术和设备、充足的资金、完备的法律、快捷的网络等都是必不可少的因素,只要这几方面相互融合,信息资源共享一定会实现的。

【Abstract】 The sharing of government information resources is a new idea in public management field. As a new management theory and practice, it is still in developing and variation. Owing to its actual value in construction of electronics government, it is becoming the focus of people’s attention in all parts of the world. The thesis consists of six parts.Part 1 illuminates the definition of government information resources, which specify the relation among information, information resources and government information resources, understanding ownership, classification, source, content of government information resources from the point of sharing and the description of conception. Government information resources are essential for a country because they belong to information produced by government sectors, need using, transmitting, preserving and handling to perform their responsibility. As a branch of information resources, it is richer in content than in that of information and information resources. From the angle of the content, it contains government decision information , ordinary information among departments, feedback information and information of the current society, which is summed up into two kinds in the light of sharing and protecting:the sharing information of the whole society and the sharing information among different government departments.Part 2 discuses the connotation of the sharing. Resource sharing is the ideal view of human beings, which has embodied the management thought that people can make great effort to use government information resources, and on the basis of this assessment, a prerequisite condition is put forward, that is, opening information. At the same time, people will follow two principles of contribution and guard in the course of resource sharing, for complete sharing is based on free contribution and strict guard.Part 3 includes two kinds of content. On the one hand, it introduces the present sharing situation of the government information resources in our country. We have the basic condition in the aspect of technology and equipment. At the same time, information network is also founded preliminarily. There is a large quantity of <WP=58>information, but quality is not high. In general, our country is at its primary developing stage. On the other hand, the sharing condition of foreign government information resources such as America has attracted much attention, if the new and extant government information resources have passed through commercialization, network and the digitalization, and resources sharing must be finished under the aid of modern information transmission technology.Part 4 studies the sharing pattern of government information resources. Referring to the sharing pattern of Belgium government, many measures are taken on seven aspects. Firstly, according to government information management system, unified and effective management system of CIO will be set up, which is mainly composed of CIO, national government information coordinative committee and government information organization. They cooperate with one another and are led into union. Secondly, referring to operation mechanism, our country will quickly establish operation mechanism of the government information resources under the condition of socialist market economy: (a) Our government will form equal ideas in information market, participating in information trade and developing the healthy information market; (b) Government information organization will change the functions of the government, that is, different department collects different kinds of information. External information will be bought from market while internal information will be collected through the exchange system of internal information in order to realize the sharing among different departments; (c) Many social information organization and commercial information companies are supported to take part in market competition. Thirdly, in terms of the content of information, we will excavate the potential resource of government information

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1169

