

The Choice under the Oppression of Mass Culture--Analyzing Chili Phenomenon

【作者】 刘小宇

【导师】 阎桂生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 80年代至今,中国社会经历着重要的、明显的社会分期,在这个以经济和市场为重心的时代里,大众文化登堂入室并迅速蓬勃发展,对中国已有的文化形态造成了深刻的影响。本文以当代中国的大众文化为研究背景,通过对作家池莉近二十年创作轨迹及其创作心理的考察,剖析潜藏其后的大众性特质和由此引发的必然缺失,进而阐发大众文化时代文学选择的个人观点。全文共分四大部分:第一部分,对大众文化及其相关问题进行理论阐述和概念的界定,旨在说明作家创作的文化背景。大众文化主要指兴起于当代都市的,与当代大工业密切相关的,以全球化的现代传媒为介质大批量生产与消费的,采取时尚化运作方式的当代文化,现代性、世俗性、商业性、娱乐性是大众文化的基本特征。中国的大众文化是改革开放的产物,并已成为当代最重要的社会文化,它影响着人们的文化价值观念,改变着人们的生活方式,强烈地冲击着中国以往的文化质态。在文学领域,精英文化渐渐失去了人们的青睐,纯文学的艺术神话轰然倒塌,学术性的报刊杂志成了大众的弃儿,作家们面临着文化体制变革所带来的市场考验。在大众文化的冲击下,作家们的创作心态和写作道路发生了深刻的变化,他们不得不做出新的文学选择,一些人选择参与到大众文<WP=41>化中来,自觉不自觉地成为当代大众文学的重要生产者,池莉就是其中的一个代表。第二部分,池莉是个善于捕捉特定的社会生活景象并准确传达出某种感受的作家,她近二十年的创作道路的变迁与当代中国大众文化的发展密切相关。80年代大众文化的来临让大众阅读不再停留在充满深度哲理和社会内涵的作品上,而期待着切近现实生活的作品的出现,池莉完成了从“诗意的写作”向“新写实”写作的创作变迁,迈出了“自我撕裂”的第一步。90年代大众文化在市场经济的有力支撑下日益蓬勃,审时度势的池莉很快为读者奉献了各种各样的“新都市”传奇,她在“新写实”的基础上又滑向了世俗化的深层——通俗化,迈出了“自我撕裂”的第二步。自此,池莉已经不再是一位纯文学的作家,而是一个彻底的通俗写手。第三部分,解读池莉市民写作姿态的具体表征和由此带来的审美以及道德立场上的双重缺失。池莉一直严格遵循通俗的叙述手法:偏爱民间语体,努力依照时间的流程叙事等,在后期的“新都市”中更表现出了对故事传奇性的突出追求,但池莉一味迁就和取媚市民审美趣味的叙事策略已成为其创作发展的一个桎梏,造成了作品审美上的缺失。另一方面,池莉小说看似形而下的写作视角,对市民文化缺乏清醒而明确的批判以及无条件妥协,以及对市民的生活状态的自觉认同,则造成了其在道德立场上的缺失。 <WP=42>第四部分,对池莉作品的运作方式进行考察,发掘潜藏其后的大众特质及其文化涵义。首先,大众文化不断深入让出版业的商业化进程不断加快,而池莉良好的市场潜质使自己博得了出版商的青睐,而积极的商业运作也让作家获得了巨大的社会影响力。其次,影像文化的迅猛发展让池莉找到了参与大众文化的捷径,根据其小说改变的影视作品日益火爆,但急功近利的追求必然导致池莉作品艺术水平的下滑。最后,在大众形象包装上,池莉独辟蹊径,以强化自己世俗的一面来赢得读者。总之,池莉的小说无论是在文学界还是读者眼中都已经是不折不扣的大众文化的一种了。鉴于以上的研究,笔者认为大众文化并不是一种值得完全信赖的理想的文化, 它更多的是在取悦大众上下工夫,它缺乏否定和超越的维度,不能提升人的精神和理想,因而不能对其抱有过多宽容的态度。当代的艺术家应在正视大众文化所带来的新境况的基础上主动回应现实新问题,不断向群众传递正确的价值观念,濡染高尚的道德情操,提供健康的审美享受,良性地适应而不是曲意地媚俗大众的精神文化需求,正确地引导而不是消极地迎合大众的审美鉴赏习惯,从而不断提升人民群众的审美情趣和精神境界。

【Abstract】 Chinese society is experiencing the important, obvious society so far by stages in the eighties. In this era taking economy and market as center, mass culture comes into the Chinese society and grows vigorously rapidly. Have caused deep influence on Chinese existing culture form. Regarding mass culture of contemporary as study background, this article observes the changes on the writing way of Chili in the past 20 years, analyzes the hiding inevitable demerits caused by mass culture thereafter, and formulizes the personal view on the choices of modern writers in this era of mass culture. The full text divides into four major parts:The first part explains the definition and the relevant problems of mass culture. Mass culture rises in the contemporary city mainly. It’s closely related to contemporary great industry, modern media production and consumption in enormous quantities as the medium. Its essential features include modernity, common customs, commerciality and recreation. Contemporary Chinese mass culture is a result of the reform happening in eighties. Now it has become the most important social culture, influencing people’s cultural values, changing people’s life style and assaulting the past cultural attitude strongly. In the field of literature, precise literature has lost people’s <WP=44>favor gradually, the artistic mythology collapses with a loud crash. Under this kind of background, writers’ creation psychology and writing road have changed deeply; they have to make the new literature choice. Some of them have chosen to become the producers of the mass literature. Chili is one of them.The second part, Chili is an accurate writer who is good at catching the specific social life. The changes of her road in the past 20 years were closely related to development of contemporary Chinese mass culture. Creating the new realistic novels was the first tearing step of Chili at the beginning of the coming of mass culture. When the whole society was commercialization in the 1990s, mass culture was flourishing day by day under the strong strut of market economy, Chili sizing up the current situation has presented various legends of new city’s novel for the reader quickly This was the second step of tearing. Since then, Chili is no longer a writer of pure literature, but a thorough popular writer.The third part analyzes Chili novels’ aesthetic and the moral demerits bring by her citizen posture. On one side, because Chili made great efforts to fetch the citizen’s aesthetic and interesting narration tactics that caused the aesthetic demerit of the works. On the other hand, Chili did her best to approve the life of the citizen without a sober and clear criticism and unconditional to compromise <WP=45>about citizen culture, which caused Chili’s works demerit on the morals position.The fourth part explores Chili the operation ways of works. First of all, mass culture lets the commercialized process of the publishing business be accelerated constantly deeply, Chili’s market potentiality wins the publisher’s favor which lets the writer get the economic and social power together. Further more, with the developments of image culture, Chili combined with image works, which let her find the shortcuts to the mass culture. At last, on packing in masses’ image, Chili strengthened her traditional customs to gain readers. Under the impact of the market and commerce, Chili’s novel has become one kind of mass culture in the eyes of the literary circles or the readers. In view of the research of the above, the author does not think mass culture is a kind of ideal culture deserving to trust. It can’t promote people’s spirit and ideal. So we can’t entertain too many tolerant attitudes to it. Contemporary writers should face the new circumstances that mass culture brings, and respond the realistic new problem. The writers should guide the mass to the good literature, and transmit the correct values to them constantly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】590

