

Arguments between Kuomintang and Communist Party of China on Local Regime during the Period of the Chongqing Negotiation

【作者】 高月

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 抗战胜利后,在国共两党举行的重庆谈判中,地方政权问题尤其是解放区政权问题成为谈判的主题,贯穿于谈判的始终。国民党方面必欲取消共产党所控制的解放区政权,从而达到其一党专政的目的;中国共产党则力图保持解放区政权的独立、完整。本文试图在对重庆谈判期间中国地方政权状况进行分析的基础上,着重论述在谈判过程中两党对地方政权问题的论争,并进而指出两党论争的实质。全文除前言和结语外,共分三部分,具体框架如下:第一部分,介绍重庆谈判期间中国地方政权的状况,其中包括国统区地方政权、解放区政权和处在国共两党激烈争夺之中的东北政权。国统区是指实际处于国民党统治下的地区,即除了沦陷区和解放区之外的地区。在地方政权建设方面,国民党在国统区推行了一系列措施,包括“新县制”、保甲制和设立各级民意机关。但这些措施只不过是国民党在地方自治的名义下加强对国统区基层政权控制的一种手段而已。国民党通过不断加强基层党组织来强化其对地方政权的渗透和控制,使地方政权表现出强烈的“党治”特征;通过对选举与被选举权资格的限制,使地方政权多为土劣势力把持;在地方行政中,从保长到省主席多由军事人员兼任。因此,可以说,国统区地方政权只有自治之名,而无自治之实,到抗战结束时,国统区仍然是自上而下的一党专政的政权。与国统区地方政权相比,解放区民主政权具有广泛的社会基础,是抗日民族统一战线在政权上的体现,能够最大限度地团结、动员和组织一切抗日力量;解放区政权在普选的基础上实行参议会制,充分发扬人民的自治自决能力,为解放区最终能够实现自治创造了良好的条件;解放区政权机关内实行“三三制”原则,确保了解放区抗日民主政权阶级构成的广泛性,使其他抗日党派和阶层的代表得到充分的参政议政的权利,真正做到人民当家作主。抗战胜利后,东北地区由于其重要的战略位置,成为国共两党争夺的焦点。中国共产党在“向北发展,向南防御”战略思想的指导下,军队大批出关,至1945年11月,建立了辽宁、热河、沈阳、长春等省市政府15个,专区、盟政府近30个,县、旗政府200多个。这些地方政权是由中国共产党发起,采取民主自治原则建立的,属于地方民主政权。在国民党方面,直到1945年11月中旬国民党外交接收东北失败以前,除少数军队占领长春、哈尔滨以外,基本上被排斥在东北之外。因此,在抗战胜利后的重庆谈判期间,在国共两党对东北的争夺中,共产党处于明显的优势地位。第二部分,详细论述了国共两党在重庆谈判中对地方政权问题的争论,并将历时43天的重庆谈判以时间为序划分为三个阶段:第一阶段是普遍交换意见阶段,双方分别提出各自的谈判要点、原则。国民党方面态度强硬,主张政令军令必须统一,要求中共放弃解放区政权。中共方面则提出了一套解决解放区政权问题的具体方案。第二阶段是双方具体商谈阶段,共举行了九轮会谈。关于解放区政权问题,中共首先提出了由国民政府委任中共人士为热河、察哈尔等五省主席,绥远、河南等六省副主席,北平、天津、上海、青岛四特别市副市长。此提议遭国方反对,遂作出让步,改为由国民政府委任中共人士为陕甘宁边区及热察鲁晋四省主席,绥晋两省副主席,平津青岛三特别市副市长。但国方以军令政令统一为由,拒绝了中共的这一提案,于是中共提出第二种解决方案,由解放区各级民选之政府重新举行人民选举,选出省区县各级政府,一律请国民政府加委,以使政令统一。对此方案,国方以省的地位未定为由再次予以拒绝。此阶段谈判,在地方政权问题上,中共虽一再让步,但国共双方除了在各党派参加地方政权等细小问题上取得一致外,仍分歧严重。第三阶段是双方最后达成协议阶段。经过艰难的讨价还价之后,国共双方终于在此轮会谈中就解放区政权问题达成一致,即双方都同意解放区政权暂维现状,但这种一致的基础是脆弱的,是国共双方经过漫长的谈判之后,认识到没有任何其他解决办法的情况下取得的一致。这种对解放区政权“暂维现状”的办法,与其说是双方达成的一致,不如说是双方在战后国内外政治压力下的一种无奈的选择。第三部分,指出双方争论的实质。笔者认为双方争论的实质是在抗战胜利后的中国,是建立一个新型的民主国家,还是重走国统区专制独裁老路的问题,即是中国两种命运、两种前途之争,国共两党的不同结局代表了中国在两党统治下的不同命运:在国民党方面,继续加强其在国统区的反动统治,最终归于失败。1946年3月,国民党召开六届二中全会,否定了政协决议中的民主改革措施,反对把国民政府改组为各党派的联合政府,坚持一党专政;反对政协通过的宪草修改原则。1946年11月15日,国民党召开一党包办的国民大会,通过《中华民国宪法》。这部宪法赋予总统相当大的权力,更加有利于蒋介石的独裁统治,而且这部宪法所规定的中央与地方的关系仍然是中央集权,地方无权,其实质仍然是保持国民党大地主大资产阶级专政的国家性质,而这种独裁统治使得国民党在中国大陆的失败成为必然。在共产党方面,建立人民民主政府,夺取全国的胜利。中共对解放区政权进行了一系列调整,使之由抗日民主政权

【Abstract】 After the anti-Japan war, in the Chongqing Negotiation held by Kuomintang(KMT) and Communist Party of China(CPC), the problem concerning local regime, especially the regime in the liberated area has become a spotlight. KMT yearned for eliminating the regime of the liberated area governed by CPC, so as to realize its autarchy, while CPC tried to retain the independence and integrity of its regime. This paper focuses on the arguments about local regime between KMT and CPC during the negotiation, followed by their intrinsic nature. Apart from preface and conclusion, this paper includes three sections.Section 1, introduce the situation of local regime in China during Chongqing Negotiation, including local regime in the area governed by KMT, local regime in the liberated area and the northeast regime contest for by the two parties.The area governed by KMT refers to the area under KMT’s control, not including the defeated area and the liberated area. As to the construction of the local regime, KMT inplemented a series of measures, including new country system, Baojia system and different levels of offices which value the public opinions. However, these measures are just some artifices employed by KMT for strengthening its governance over its grass-roots regime, in the name of local self-government. KMT reinforced its infiltration and governance over the local regime by consolidating its grass-roots or ganizations, nourishing a regime controlled by the local force. In the local administration, from the chief of Baojia to governor, most positions were occupied by army personnel. Until the end of the anti-Japan war, the area governed by KMT was still a top-to-down autarchy regime.Compared with the area governed by KMT, the democratic regime in the liberated area possessed an extensive foundation, united, advocated and organized all the anti-Japan strengths to the largest extent. The regime implemented council system on the basis of public election and developed people’s abilities to govern and decided by themselves, creating a good precondition for the liberated area to realize its self-government. In the regime organization, 33 system was adopted to ensure extensiveness of the democratic regime to render sufficient right to the other anti-Japan parties as well as the representatives from different levels.After the anti-Japan war, owing to its vital strategic location, the northeast area becomed a spotlight contest for by the two parties. Following the guideline of developing toward the north defending toward the south, CPC armies turned out in arrays. Till November,1945, they have founded 15 provincial and municipal governments such as Liaoning, Rehe, Shengyang, Changchun, etc, 30 sanjak and confederated governments, 200 country and banner governments. These local regimes ,launched by CPC according to the principle of democratic self-government, belonged to the local democratic government. As to KMT, untill the middle period of november, 1945, before failing to receive the northeast, it basically were kept outside this area, besides a few occupations over Changchun and Harbin. Therefore, during the period of Chongqing Negotiation, CPC took obvious superiority in its contest for the northeast.Section 2, state specifically the arguments of KMT and CPC on the problem of the local regime in Chongqing Negotiation. Here, the 43-day Chongqing Negotiation was divided into three phases in sequence of time.Phase one exchanging opinions,the two parties respectively brought forward its main point and principles. KMT advocated the unite of political order and army order and required that CPC must give up the regime in the liberated area. CPC put forward specific measures to solve the problem of the liberated area regime.Phase two negotiating about the details. In the nine rounds of talks, concerning the regime in the liberated area, CPC initially suggested that KMT government nominate communists chairmen of the five provinces including Rehe, Cha Haer, vice-chairmen of six provinces including Suiyuan, Henan, vice-mayors of Bei

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K266
  • 【下载频次】284

