

The In-depth and Making a Variation That "Write or Paint Realistically"--The Modernism of the Native Soil Novel Has Narrated Since the 80s and 90s

【作者】 张丽慧

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是个泱泱农业大国,乡村中国是作家最根本的人生处境,乡土文学非常繁盛,其中写实的现实主义之作占了多数。但在形式的探索上,乡土小说比都市小说要滞缓得多,形式感薄弱,作品形式粗糙。有人认为,小说发展的大致脉络是从“重意义的故事”到“重意味的形式”,从故事到非故事,从全知叙述到隐匿叙述,叙事是推动小说艺术发展的重要力量。当今,许多乡土作家认识到,吸收现代主义的叙事技巧,充满智性魅力的安排叙事者、叙事视角、时空关系、结构、语调,总之,在各个方面激活形式,使之陌生化、新鲜化,这是现实主义发展深化的条件,而非仅仅以悲剧的故事力量打动读者,或仅仅以各种冲突事件的安排牵扯人心。近年来,许多乡土作家既不忘关注现实,又在努力实现着对现实的超越。在现实主义和现代主义的结合部上,乡土小说呈现出了崭新的风貌,既具有沉甸甸的切合中国农村处境的真实性,又在形式层面上不乏飞升的斑斓魅力。本文具体分析了一些既不逃避现实又讲究形式意味的作品,着重探讨如何缝合乡土小说的形式美学与意义深度,分析如何在强调技术的同时又自觉的把技术与现实结合,使内容形式化,形式本体化,从而为乡土小说创作的深入发展,提供一点经验。本文大致从三个方面对具体文本加以分析,力图清晰的展现出乡土小说向现代叙事转化的脉络。叙述的探索“对于现代小说来说,‘叙述’决不仅仅是一个技巧性的小问题,而是一个涉及到小说的观念、小说的审美形态、小说的哲学思维和小说的形态建构的一个大问题。”传统的乡土小说主要采取全知的视角,以顺时序的叙述结构展开故事。在叙事中,作者积极介入作品,使作品的<WP=43>主观性、抒情性、议论性特征突出。现代的乡土小说大多采用“内聚焦模式”,使叙述者与叙述对象叠合,或者采用“外聚焦模式”,让叙述者隐身,以达到减少叙述干预的目的。作品中少有全知全能的叙述,更多客观化的表现,强调实录性、原生态化。作者一般“退出”小说,不再大发议论。现代理论认为,“存在”中的事件不仅仅处于线性发展的时间关系中,它同时还处于多层次的复杂多样的空间关系之中。现代小说认识到传统小说中的讲究因果关系的线性时间顺序已无法表达这多维的时空范畴,因此他们在同一时间里抒写多个层次的行动和情节,小说视点因此处于不断变化之中。魔幻现实主义作品中时间有停滞的特点,于是空间展示出了纷繁纵横的一面。结构的变化传统的以情节为重的结构模式受到了冲击。大量描写人的感觉、印象、情绪、幻觉、梦幻、联想、内心独白、潜意识等,意识流小说的心理结构被大量采用,打破了时空的一维性,故事时空的顺延性,不再完全束缚于传统叙事的时空秩序和情节结构的因果链,心理时空、现实时空交叉多维,呈现变化之美,使叙述容纳了更多信息,并在各个层面形成了张力。按照心理活动的某些规律重建时空关系,直接展示人物丰富的内心世界、潜意识层面。受现代主义绘画流派影响,借鉴了视觉形式,以色调与色块来渲染强烈的主体情感的块状结构受到了重视。块状结构具有超越情节,参与叙述的能动作用。许多乡土小说的文本具有深厚的象征意蕴,象征给文本带来了深层结构。丰富多样的表现手法抽象化、象征、隐喻以及夸张、变形、荒诞、魔幻及审丑化的描写、意识流等在新时期以来的乡土小说中大量涌现,给乡土小说增添了许多<WP=44>魅力。余华在《活着》这部作品中对事件和背景进行了一定程度的简化处理,在简化的同时又运用了重复的叙事手法,一个个人物的死亡构成了情节重复的周期,所以虽然其整体情节是具象性的,却带有隐喻性的内涵,具有象征力。徐福贵的命运,反映了四十多年中中国社会的沧桑变化,表现了农民与苦难抗衡的韧性。而莫言的《透明的红萝卜》中对于红萝卜所进行的意象性的描写给文章蒙上了一层迷人的薄雾,红萝卜象征了人性的美好?暗喻了黑孩心智中性的萌芽?文中还出现了鸭子对话,议论岸上的人类活动的超现实的情节,增添了另一种叙述角度,平添了几许嬉笑色彩。这些非现实的因素使作品显示出了崭新的风貌。韩少功《爸爸爸》中的丙崽,并非传统意义上的人物形象,他有时是主角,是一个性格化角色,推动情节的发展,但他还是一个十足符号化的人物,难以概括。丙崽这一形象具体可感,奇妙逼真,但却经过了超长变形,充满了非理性、非逻辑的意味,在他身上写实和象征,传说和寓言结合。具象的象征物,却有着准确深刻的现实抽象意义。陈忠实的《白鹿原》中,“白鹿”的意象极为复杂丰富,充满了不确定性,它形神兼备,诱发、提供着多种解释和深延的可能性,并和小说中的人物发生着丝丝缕缕的联系。它闪烁着神秘的色彩,负载了吉祥、自由、农耕文化的涵义,形成了混沌而迷蒙的艺术图象。刘震云在《故乡相处流传》中所写的故事荒诞不经,不再具有写实的风貌。时间被颠覆,历史被解构,人物不再完整、清晰,而是抽象、怪诞、支离破碎,他们死而复生,超历史、时代而存在。历史的杂乱通过混乱的语言形式表达出来。阎连科在《耙耧天歌》和《年月日》中对尤四婆和先爷的塑造突破了唯理性的限制,故事被渲染得

【Abstract】 China is a cast large agricultural country, rural China is writer’s situation in most basic life, native soil literature grows prosperity very much, among them the naturalistic one has made and taken the majority realistically. But in the exploration of the form, the native soil novel is much slower than the city novel, the form sense is weak , the form of the works is coarse . Someone think novel development train of thought from " serious story of meaning " to " form meant again " roughly, to story from story, from knowing to narrate completely to is it narrate to hide, it is the important strength of promoting the development of art of the novel to narrate. How absorb narration skill of modernism, full of sex arrangement person who narrate of glamour intelligently , narrate the visual angle , time , intonation, it is a condition deepened in realistic development, but not only move readers with tragic story strength, or only involve the heart with various kinds of arrangements of conflict incident. The writer needs to activate the form on all respects , such as visual angle , time , space , structure , tactics , language ,etc. of narrating, make it melt , melt strangly freshly. In recent years, what a lot of native soil writers are not only forget to pay close attention to reality making great efforts to realize to reality but also is surmounted . On realism and combination department of modernism, native soil novel demonstrate brand-new style and features, have suiting China rural authenticity of situation heavy , lack gorgeous glamour risen to fly at form aspect. Have analysed that some try to escape reality stresses the works that the form mean as well as with this stationery body, discuss emphatically how to sew up the form aesthetics of the native soil novel and depth of meaning, how while emphasizing technology does it analyse and combining technology with reality conscientious, make content formalization, form noumenonn, thus it is deep to develop to be that novel create for native soil, offer a little experience.This text analyse from three respect to concrete text , try hard showing native soil novelling to modern train of thought that narration transformed clear roughly. "To modern novel, ’ narrate ’ is not merely a skill small problem, but an idea , aesthetic form , philosophy thinking of the novel and form of the novel of the novel of involving the novel build a big problem constructed . " Traditional native soil novel adopt visual angle that know all mainly, in order to launch the story along the narration structure of time sequence. In not <WP=48>narrating, author get involved works actively, make subjectivity, getting lyrical, conspicuous characteristic of discussing etc. of works. Focus mode on in modern native soil novel adopt mostly " ", with narrate narrator target pile shut, or adopt " focusing on the mode outside ", narrators are stealthy in order to achieve the goal of reducing and narrating intervening. Having few omniscient and omnipotent narrations in the works, the behavior objectified more, emphasize the faithful record , original ecology . The author generally " withdraws from" the novel, no longer speak at a great length. The incident while " storing in " is not merely in the relation in the linear time for development, it is at the same time still in multi-level complicated and various spatial relationship. The modern novel realizes that the linear time order which stressed causality in the traditional novel has been already unable to express the category of this multidimensional space-time, so they describe the actions and plots of a lot of levels at one time, the view point of the novel is in changing constantly. There are stagnant characteristics the time in the realistic works of the magic, then the space shows numerous and complicated one side verticallyThe traditional structure mode of putting plot first has been struck. A large number of describes people’s feeling , impression , mood , illusion , illusion , association , heart monologue , subconscious ,etc., the psycholog

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】664

