

The Study on the Develop Strategy to the Jilin Province Textile Industry

【作者】 叶伟

【导师】 李辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、研究吉林省纺织工业发展战略的必要性1、纺织工业是国民经济中举足轻重的行业。提供了1100万人的就业机会;解决了13亿人民穿衣问题;是国家出口创汇的主要行业。2、我国纺织品市场是世界上最具增长潜力的市场。人们消费结构正在发生较大变化,对纺织品需求在数量上和质量上有更高的要求,纺织品服装在农村有着巨大的潜力,纺织品出口也有较大的增长空间。3、纺织工业的发展要适应经济全球化趋势的客观需要。以提高信息化水平改造传统纺织产业。采用计算机、纳米等技术可以改变纺织品品质、品种、性能和风格,而且使纺织业传统生产逐步进入柔性、智能、绿色和全球化的新时代。4、吉林省纺织工业的发展前景广阔。吉林省已初步确立了化纤、棉纺织、毛纺织、亚麻纺织、服装等行业为主体,印染、针织、复制、无纺布等门类齐全的吉林省纺织工业体系。利用省内石油化工资源,延长产业链,改造提升纺织工业。在振兴吉林老工业基地中注重发展劳动密集型产业—纺织工业,纺织工业用工人数多,能提供较多的工作岗位;随着纺织国有经济从一般竞争战略性退出,有利于民营资本的进入;纺织工业的梯度转移,有利于吉林省“县域突破”经济战略的发展。二、吉林省纺织工业外部环境分析1、加入WTO给我国纺织工业带来益处和一些不利因素。《纺织品和服装贸易协议》作为WTO成员共同遵守的规则,其基本原则是逐步实现纺织品服装贸易的自由化;分析出对吉林省纺织工业的化纤、棉纺织、毛纺织、产业用纺织品等行业影响较大,对亚麻、服装等行业的冲击较小,总体上是<WP=62>机遇大于挑战。2、对国际、国内市场环境进行分析。世界纺织服装贸易形成了目前三大消费市场,三大贸易国和三大制造中心的格局。纺织服装贸易呈增长趋势,但竞争压力增大。从国内市场看,由于人口逐年增加,消费结构和纺织品应用领域的变化等,农村纺织品市场和产业用纺织品领域仍有很大的增长潜力。3、国际纺织科技发展趋势促进了纺织生产向优质、高产、自动化、连续化方向发展。科技进步既为纺织工业提供了更为广阔的发展空间,也使市场竞争进一步加剧,拉大了发展中国家与发达国家在纺织技术上的差距。我国纺织科技发展前景看好。4、棉花作为纺织工业的原料,其产量、价格、质量直接关系到纺织工业的生存和发展;2004年1月1日起,国家下调了出口退税率,对纺织行业整体上的影响不大,但短期导致出口产品成本上升。5、纺织品面临着发达国家各种各样的贸易壁垒。主要分为两类:一类是关税壁垒,另一类是非关税壁垒,也称技术性贸易壁垒,其内容复杂,形式多样。绿色、生态纺织品是技术性贸易壁垒的新内容。三、吉林省纺织工业内部环境分析1、世界纺织服装业继续呈现“西方不亮东方亮”的特点,美国、德国、意大利等发展迟缓;亚洲多数国家持续取得进展,中国保持强劲发展。我国最明显的优势是劳动力资源丰富,劳动成本较低,而劳动力素质较高,在国际竞争中有较大的竞争力。2、吉林省纺织工业具有资源优势和加工优势。化纤制造业已成为我省的优势行业,总产量达18万吨,在吉林省28个制造业工业行业综合实力排序中居第10位;装备水平居上游,保持了出口创汇主体行业的地位;有吉林化纤集团等一批竞争力较强的企业,形成了一批优势产品。3、纺织工业长期积累一些深层次问题和结构性矛盾,主要表现在出口产<WP=63>品创汇水平低、企业产品开发创新和设计能力较强、技术装备落后、企业改革改制进程缓慢、包袱沉重、负担过重等。四、吉林省纺织工业发展战略规划1、在指导思想上抓住吉林老工业基地调整改造的机遇,抓住市场,产品、效益、结构调整等重点,用高新技术、先进实用技术改造和提升纺织工业。2、发展思路是壮大化纤、精化棉纺、发展服装、培育产业用和装饰用纺织品。3、提出到2005年,2010年、2020年,工业总产值、利税等达到的战略目标。4、战略重点就是扶持开发10个具有高科技含量、高附加值、高市场占有率的新型纺织名牌产品。5、明确战略实施原则,主要是经济增长方式的根本转变、发展混合所有制经济、扶优扶强、发展外向型、贯彻可持续发展战略等五个方面。五、吉林省纺织工业发展战略措施提出了吉林省纺织工业发展战略措施。一是抓住老工业基地调整改造的机遇,增强创新意识;二是努力开拓国内外市场;三是依靠科技进步,推进技术改造;四是加快国有企业战略性调整步伐;五是实施名牌战略,提高纺织品竞争能力;六是推进信息化,提升纺织工业自动化水平和管理水平;七是掌握WTO规则,应对国外纺织品技术性贸易壁垒;八是加大招商引资,开展横向经济联合,加快民营经济发展;九是加强宏观调控,加大对纺织工业得重点行业重点企业的扶持力度。

【Abstract】 The necessity of studying the development strategy of textile industry of Jilin Province1.Textile industry occupies a decisive position in national economy. It offers 11 million employment opportunities and solves the clothing problem for 1.3 billion people. It is an important foreign exchange making industry by exporting. 2.The textile market in China contains the largest increasing potentials in the world. People’s consuming structure is changing a lot, and they have a higher demand on both the quantity and quality of the textile. Textile clothing holds greater potentials both in countrysides and in overseas market. 3.The development of textile industry should accustom to the objective need of economical globalization. The traditional textile industry needs to be reformed by increasing the level of communications. Computer, nanometer can change the quality, variety, property and style of the textile, and they can bring the traditional textile industry into a new stage of flexibility, intelligence, environmental protection and globalization. 4.The textile industry in Jilin Province has a bright future. Jilin Province has set up a preliminary textile industry system which takes the chemical fiber, cotton textile, woolen textile, flax textile and clothing as the principal part. The system is all-category embracing, including printing and dyeing, knitting, reproducing and adhesive-bonded fabric. The petrol chemical resources in Jilin Province can be used to lengthen the industrial chain and reform and improve the textile industry. Textile industry should be given enough attention during the process of revitalizing the old industrial base in Jilin Province. Textile industry is labor-intensive; hence it can provide more posts for people. The strategic withdrawal of national economy from ordinary competition is advantageous for the entering of the nongovernmental business; the laddering shift of textile industry is advantageous for the development of “breaking through the county boundary ” in Jinlin Province. <WP=65>An analysis of the external environment of textile industry of Jilin Province.1.The entrance to WTO brings benefits as well as some negative effects to national textile industry. “The Agreement on Textile and Clothing Trade” is a regulation abided by all the members of WTO, and its basic principle is to put free clothing trade into practice gradually. From the analysis of the Agreement we know that it poses a relatively heavy influence on chemical fiber, cotton textile, woolen textile and industrial-oriented textile production, while casting a relatively slight effect on flax and clothing industry. Generally speaking, opportunities overweight challenges. 2.The analysis of the international and national market. The world clothing trade has formed a pattern which is consisted of three consuming markets, three trading countries and three manufacturing centers. The textile clothing trade is on the rise, yet the pressure from competition is growing. In national market, there still exists potential in the countryside textile market and industrial-oriented textile field due to the increase of population and change both of consuming structure and in textile application fields. 3.The development tendency in international textile industry leads textile production toward high quality, high quantity, automation and continuity. The development of science and technology has provided more space for the development of textile industry, at the same time it has made the competition more serious and has enlarged the technological gap between the developing countries and the developed ones. China has a good prospect in textile industry. 4.Cotton is the material of textile production, and its yield, price and quality have a direct effect on the maintenance and development of textile industry. On Jan.1, 2004, the government lowered the export drawback rate, which had little influence on the textile industry as a whole, while increasing the cost of exported products during a shot period of time. 5.Te

【关键词】 纺织工业环境分析战略规划战略措施
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.81
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】552

