

Introduction to Humanization of Penalty

【作者】 杨金玉

【导师】 李洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “人性化”是个伦理学概念,其精髓是:一切从人出发,以人为中心,把人作为观念、行为和制度的主体;人的解放和自由,人的尊严、幸福和全面发展,应当成为个人、群体、社会和政府的终极关怀;作为主体的个人和团体,应当有公平、宽容、诚信、自主、自强、自律的自觉意识和观念。人性化精神以弘扬人的主体和价值、对人的权利的平等尊重和关怀为特质。人性化是刑罚理念中的一种价值取向。 本文所讨论的“刑罚的人性化”,是以人为本,把人作为刑罚制度里面必须尊重的主体,而不是客体。刑罚,罚的是人的“罪行”而不是人本身。刑罚的制度必须围绕人来建立,而不是立法者制造出刑罚制度来规制人。刑罚的初衷和目的、手段和方式、启动和裁量、执行和消灭,既要保护受害人利益,又要保护犯罪人作为人不应该在刑罚中失去的基本人权和人格权,最终使刑罚成为一种相对有限的人文关怀,而不是单纯的为了“刑罚”而刑罚。 根据对刑罚的整体研究,笔者认为:刑罚既不应该是抵偿和报复,也不应该是威慑和预防,而应当是一种有限度的关怀。这种有限度的关怀无处不在且极易感触,进而规范人类行为。正因为刑罚应该是一种有限度的关怀,所以刑罚就有了“善”的属性。刑罚的理念应该是“以善治恶、以善止恶、以善警善、以善扬善”。 有两种现实提醒人类社会的刑罚必须“人性化”。首先是人类文明进步的必然要求。现在的人类社会,生产工具的革新迅速和生活环境不断改善,经济的愈加繁荣,文化的更加发展,人们对其自身权益不断呼吁保护的同时,也要求对破坏这种秩序的人给予公正的判罚。其次,经过历史证明并不断地在证明的刑罚的“谦抑性”也要求刑罚必须“人性化”。 要讨论刑罚的人性化,我们必需还要了解实施人性化刑罚的前提:即政治的稳定,政府权力做出的必然让步;经济的要求,要减少刑罚的成本;社会群体意识的整体提升,即人性化的大众要求。 刑罚的价值体现在哪里?笔者以为只能由刑罚的实际效果来体现,而且这是唯一的可以评判刑罚价值的标准。其包含的内容主要包括: 第一从法律层面和现实层面上,刑罚能够具有合目的性。即达到保护人民,稳定社会的作用;第二从社会层面和精神层面上,人民尊重国家刑法带来的公正刑罚,并承认刑罚的尊严。 当前,中国的刑罚状况是“为罚而罚”。所以,刑罚的理由非常的直接,刑罚的方式非常简单,刑罚的实施可以随意,这样,刑罚就不是一门科学。只有立足于人性,在刑罚过程中尊重人、改造人和关怀人,刑罚才成为必须研究的理论,成为复杂的法律现象,成为一门科学。 可喜的是,经过多年的努力,我国的刑法已经开始关注了轻缓化的趋势。然而笔者认为,轻缓化并非就是科学的和人性化,也并非是在我国今后的刑罚适用上适宜提倡的。要想达到人性化刑罚的目标,必须形成一个能够得到刑罚正义的价值体系,能够使公众的利益得到维护,也能使公权力的刑事行使得到尊重与认同。 刑罚的人性化既然是一个价值体系,其内涵必然丰富,外延必然广阔,目标必然远大,实现起来也必然困难。笔者以为,人性化的实现分两个方面:一是立法上的实现;二是司法上的实现。具体说来,应该包括如下几个方面,即刑罚立法的完备、刑种规定的科学、刑罚启止的合法、刑罚裁量的精确、刑罚实施的适当。 刑罚立法的正当完备是从立法的角度来说明刑罚人性化需要的立法环境,综合起来说就是:刑罚立法的正当和法律体系的协调;刑种是刑罚的物质载体,是刑罚的外在表现形式。刑种规定的科学、合理、效率、效能就构成刑罚能力的因素;裁量的尺度是人性化刑罚的质量表现。刑罚裁量应该“以事实为先,以主观恶性为重,以结果为尺,以预防为根”;刑罚创制中体现的公平正义,只是以法条表现出来的静态的公平正义,它还不是现实生活中已经实现了的真正的公平正义。刑罚制度的公平正义的实现,还有赖于国家刑罚权中的行刑权的行使。这就意味着刑罚的人性化本质上是一个动态的概念,它只有在国家刑罚权(量刑权与行刑权)的进一步行使中才能实现,这就需要刑罚实施的适当。 人性化是法治、人权、民主、公正、人道等多层面价值体系的综合表现,是充分发挥刑罚的效能,树立行刑新理念的重要课题,也是涉及到行刑的社会化、经济性、开放性的问题。本文着力研究刑罚人性化的价值取向,并渴求建立一种刑罚人性化的体系。在这种价值取向和科学体系指导下,实施人性化的刑罚。法与罚是互为因果的,罚的人性化必然是法的人性化的体现。而且,法与罚从最开始的禁止与残暴走向权利和人性是历史的必然产物、文明的发展要求。我们说,如果刑罚的立法是完备的,启动是合法的,裁量是精确的,设立的刑种是科学,实施是适当的,而且实效是显著的,那么这样的刑罚体系就是人性化的。 现在的中国刑法随着社会的发展已经成为一种“笨法”,即在引导中国走向法治社会过程中不能很好的承担自己的责任,无法在生活中成为人的真正准则。所以,在我们这个民主的时代,更应该侧重人性的价值选择,而把刑罚紧紧限

【Abstract】 Humanization is an ethical concept. The essence of this concept is: take human as the subject of ideas, behaviors and systems with a human-oriented principle; the freedom and liberation of human beings, the esteem, happiness, full and healthy development of human should become a major consideration of individuals, groups, society and governments; as subject, individuals and groups should have the qualities including equity, indulgence, honesty, independence, self-improving self-discipline and self-consciousness. Humanization, featuring the advocating subject and value of human and respecting and caring for the rights and equality of human beings, is one of the values in theories of penalty.The humanized penalty discussed in this thesis is to take people as respectable subjects, but not the objects in the punishment system. The aim of punishment is to punish the crimes rather than the people themselves. All punishment regulation should be established with people as the major consideration. The penalty methods are not made out to restrain people by the legislators. The original intention, medium approaches, initiation, discretion, implementation and extinction are all expected to protect the rights of victims as well as the basic human rights and human dignity of the criminals, which should not be ignored. With this idea, penalty will eventually become a humanistic care but with restriction rather than a punishment simply to punish the offenders.According to a general study on penalty, penalty is not merely supposed to be a tool of expiation and reprisal or just to be a deterrence and prevention. With restriction, penalty should be defined as a kind of care regulating human behaviors, which is omnipresent and easily felt. This definition embodies the attribute "good" in penalty. So the idea of penalty is to fight bad with good, stop bad with good, warn good with good and advocate good with good.The value of penalty should be appraised by the practical effects, whichserve as the only standard to evaluate the value of penalty. The value should include:As law and practice is concerned, penalty should accord with its purport to protect the people and maintain the peace of the society. As regard to the society and human affections, the people respect the justice of penalty stipulated by the Criminal Law and acknowledge the dignity of penalty.Since humanization of penalty is a system of values, it has to have a rich content, wide extension, and grand goals and there will be inevitable difficulties in its realization. The realization of humanization consists of two aspects. One is its embodiment in legislation, the other is it realization in judicature. To be specified, it should include completion of legislation, scientific establishment of punishment types, legalization of the initiation and end of punishment, precise of punishment decision and the appropriateness of penalty implementation.Humanization is a comprehensive reflection of law governing, human rights, democracy, humanism, etc, aiming at exerting penalty to its capacity, To build up new ideas of penalty is also a significant subject concerning the socialization, economic quality and opening of punishment. This thesis focuses on the discussion on the humanization of penalty in the expectation to set up a humanized system. Under the guidance of this scientific system, the humanized penalty is to be obtained.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】418

