

Review on Art of Psychological Realism in Novel Writing of Dostoevski

【作者】 李艳春

【导师】 付景川;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪末俄国杰出的作家陀思妥耶夫斯基以自己的天才的力量震撼了全世界,被现代主义作家奉为鼻祖。陀思妥耶夫斯基是一位伟大的心理小说家,立志探索“人身上的人”,用毕生的精力去破解“人这个谜”。他独创性地运用了全新的心理现实主义表现手法,以人为创作中心,侧重描绘作品中人物的双重性格,主人公的幻觉、梦魇、意识流及病态心理,在他的作品中主人公的思想总是处于未完成状态,并经常伴随悲剧性的内心冲突。陀思妥耶夫斯基的创作不但推进了现实主义文学的发展,而且其独特的表现手法也给现代主义文学提供了丰富的养分。一、 表现人的心灵深处的全部奥秘陀思妥耶夫斯基曾把小说创作的特点概括为“在充分的现实主义基础上从人的身上来寻找人。”陀思妥耶夫斯基确实毕生都在探索着人、刻画人的心理,努力揭示人的心灵奥秘。他不仅把探索人的奥秘看作艺术使命,甚至还提到他生命的全部意义的高度上。从处女作《穷人》到最后一部小说《卡拉玛佐夫兄弟》无不将“人”放在中心位置,什么“小人物”、“幻想家”、“二重人”、“白痴”、“地下人”、“死囚”、虚无主义者、被欺凌和被侮辱的……他从这些形形色色的人身上“寻找人”,研究人的存在形式、存在价值和存在意义,以期探索“人”这个秘密。正如鲁迅所说“他写人物,几乎无须描写外貌,只要以语气,声音,就不独将他们的思想和感情,便是面<WP=37>目和身体也表示着。又因为显示着灵魂的深,所以一读那作品,便令人发生精神的变化。灵魂的深处并不平安,敢于正视的本来就不多,更何况写出?因此有些柔软无力的读者,便往往将他只看作‘残酷的天才’”。陀思妥耶夫斯基对文学的贡献不只是描写了底层社会,更主要的是他对人物心理二重性的出色刻画。揭示人类灵魂深处善与恶的对立,表现双重人格,是陀思妥耶夫斯基心理描写的突出特征。在《两重人格》中通过高略德金这一成功的典型形象第一次提出了双重人格的主题。作者巧妙地通过主人公幻觉中出现的同貌人小高略德金的形象展开了人物双重人格。高略德金的灵魂是骚动不安的,就其本性和社会地位而言,他决不可能变成小高略德金那样的人,他的幻想终于破灭了,他那看不到出路的、病态的灵魂搏斗的结局只能是彻底的绝望,以致发疯。巨著《卡拉玛佐夫兄弟》全面体现了他后期的创作特色。主人公伊凡?卡拉玛佐夫是又一个典型的两重人形象。一方面,他崇尚理智,渴望生活,富有人道主义精神,另一方面,他又缺乏生活信念,摒弃道德原则,不分善恶是非。纯洁的阿廖沙和无耻的斯麦尔佳科夫分别体现了伊凡灵魂中的善恶两极。杀父事件的真正核心人物是伊凡,伊凡的灵魂搏斗制约着整个小说的发展。陀思妥耶夫斯基本人是被侮辱的、被损害的小市民阶层中的一员。他身上恰恰体现着两重人格:残酷的现实激发着他对黑暗社会的强烈抗议,使他的作品中充满着沸腾似的革命因素;而沙皇政府<WP=38>的野蛮迫害,多年的囚徒生活,对沙皇政府和资本主义邪恶势力的恐惧,这就决定了他在善与恶对立过程中去层层深入地剖析人物的内心世界,展现了人心深处的全部奥秘。二、 表现内心世界中“荒诞的和特别的事物” 运用梦境、幻觉、意识流、神经质的颤栗不安、歇斯底里的狂热变态心理等等来表现人物内心分裂,是陀思妥耶夫斯基心理描写的又一重要手法。《两重人格》中幻觉占据了突出地位。主人公的双重人格就是在他与幻觉中的同貌人的冲突中淋漓尽致地揭示出来的。小说中幻觉连绵不断,隐时隐现的幻影把高略德金丧魂落魄的紧张心理逼真地表现了出来。小说中还有一些写梦情景出色的段落。 梦境在表现主人公害怕被人从生活中排挤出去的恐惧心理方面是相当有力的。《两重人格》中也有关于意识流的成功描写,反映了此时此刻主人公手足无措的慌乱心理,并与人物的性格行为动机相吻合,细节描绘相当真实。《罪与罚》中在表现拉斯柯尔尼科夫的灵魂激烈搏斗时,他多次借助于这种接近病态的心理活动来揭示他隐秘的内心。作家利用梦境向我们揭示了萦绕在拉斯柯尔尼科夫心头,使他苦恼、颤栗的“那件事”,并表现了他在决定了“那件事”之后的内心分裂、痛苦和恐怖。陀思妥耶夫斯基在后来的创作中大量地运用了这样的表现手法,有力地发掘了人物迷乱意识后面深载着的心灵奥秘。他将笔触<WP=39>深入内里,抓住人物内心在瞬息间闪过的下意识、无意识、潜意识的反应,集中地加以动态描写,将人性最隐秘、最不易捕捉的心理状态用文字表达出来,这就是陀思妥耶夫斯基艺术具有震撼人心的力量之所在。陀思妥耶夫斯基笔下的主人公往往生活在社会的底层,处于毫无保障的社会地位,在饱尝了社会压迫之后,他们极容易受社会风气的影响,思想发生混乱。作者主要通过强烈的内心感受和心灵冲突来显示不同人物之间的性格差异。《两重人格》中的主要冲突是主人公自身性格的冲突,而不是他与上司、同事,或者医生、仆人之间的冲突。在后期的一些作品中,陀思妥耶夫斯基更是把主人公心灵深处的激烈鏖战作为揭示人物性格的主要手段。如:《罪与罚》中,作者反复写主人公内心此消彼长的自我谴责与自我辩解。它比凶杀的情节更

【Abstract】 The Russian outstanding writer Phedr Mikhaylovich Dostoevski (forward Dos.) at the end of 19th century ,who shocked the whole world with the power of his genius, was considered as the founder by the realism writers. Dos. is a great novelist of psychology with the ambition of investigation" the human being on the human body”, and has used the whole life to solve " the human being -- this riddle”. He has a unique technology of making use of realism expression in all new mental state, with artificial artistic center, the illusion, nightmare, consciousness and the abnormal psychology of heroes. In his works the thought of heroes always is placed in the uncompleted situation, accompanying with the tragical conflicts in heart. The works of Dos. not only push forward the development of modern realism in literature, but also nurture it with special technique of expression. Dos. follows the principle of his own" mental state realism" exactly, and pays attention to actuality in mind, going deep into the world of spirit , revealing the person’s mind tragedy, especially displaying the ill, abnormal and dark mental state to the people of t world. I Express whole secret in the deep of human’s heartDos. once generalizes the characteristics of the cloak-and-dagger artistic as" on the sufficient and realism foundation look for from the <WP=43>person’s body person." Indeed Dos. in the whole life investigates human being and depicts the human being’s mental state. He works hard to reveal the profound mystery of psychology of human beings. He not only looks investigation of human beings as an art mission, even but also promotes it to the high level of his all meaningful life. From his maiden work The Poor to the last novel Brothers of Karamazov The Concrete Embodying of Psychology Realism in the Works Brothers , he always centers the "human being" so-called" the small potato"," the fantast"," two heavy persons"," the idiot”, “the underground person", " one condemned to death", the nihilist, the insulted …… he "looks for the human being" in these myriad shapes and studies the human being’s existing style, value and meaning, in order to investigate the secret -- " human being" . Just as Lu Xun said " he writes the human being, almost needing not depict outward appearance, only with intonation and voice to depict their thought and affection as well as the facial expression and body. Again because he shows the deep soul, so after the first reading that work, one may change the variety of the spirit then. The deep place of the soul, presuming to face original not much, do it is much less to write? Therefore some soft and nerveless readers, usually see to make the ruthlessness genius in‘ only he then’". Dos’s contribution to literature is not only to describe the lowest society, more fundamentally, but also to depict excellently the dual <WP=44>personality of characters . Dos.’ prominent writing feature is to reveal conflicts of goodness and badness and to show the dual personality. Dos. himself is a member of the insulted and harmed in the lowest society. He has exactly dual personality: The ruthlessness actuality stirs up him to protest the dark social strongly, which makes his work inside alive with to seethe revolution factor; But governmental savage persecution in Czar Age in , many years’ in prison, fearing with the capitalism improbity influence , this come to a decision of him to go to analyze the heart world of the person thoroughly in multiple layers in well with badly stood opposite process, emerges all profound mysteries of the deep place in public.Ⅱ Express the interior absurd and special things The application of dream world, illusion, consciousness flows, the uneasy neurotic shock and the hysterical and crazy heat changes to show the mental fission state is another important psychological writing skill In Dual Personality, illusions occupy the outstanding position. The dual personality of heroes is revealed in his illusion of his same appearance person. The de

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I512
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1585

