

The Research of Criminal Evidence Confirmation Program

【作者】 薄海燕

【导师】 赖宇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 质证,是人民法院审查核实证据效力的法定形式和必经程序,因此,抓好庭审质证这一重要环节,可以说是强化庭审功能进而推动刑事审判方式改革顺利进行的关键因素之一。新的刑事诉讼法在审判方式上作了重大改革,加强了控辩对抗,强化了辩护职能,与之相适应的是用控辩双方举证代替法官举证,控方(公诉人)与辩方(辩护律师)对证人、鉴定人有平等的发问权和质证权,这些改革,是控、辩双方在平等条件下互相进行反驳和答辩制度的开端。然而,刑事诉讼法对质证的具体程序未作详细规定,理论上争论不一,在审判实践中做法各异,使质证的规范性、实效性受到了一定影响。为此,有必要就刑事诉讼庭审质证问题进行探讨,并进一步完善。本文以完善刑事诉讼审判制度为出发点,以保证刑事审判质量为目的,就质证的必要性、质证的概念、特征、质证的程序模式等刑事诉讼案件中证据质证的相关问题进行了分析。并着重对我国目前质证程序现状及完善我国刑事质证程序立法构想进行了较为深入地探析。 质证的目的在于审核证据的真伪,推断证据的可信度及合理性,为法庭查明事实,正确适用法律奠定基础,任何刑事案件的最终判决都要建立在对案件事实认定的基础之上,案件事实的认定要有足够充分的证据来支持,只有案件事实清楚,证据确实充分,才能最终认定案件,而证据是否确实充分,都要通过法庭质证来完成,所以,质证的作用是控、辩双方从对方向法庭提供的证据材料中,迅速发现其漏洞,通过严格的逻辑推理和比较判断,<WP=56>准确地指出对方所出示证据的主观性、片面性和矛盾性,从而否定对方的证据,以证明自己的证据的真实性和合理性。控辩双方当庭质证的最终结论应当是:据以定案的每一个证据都具备客观性、合理性,都已查证属实;案件事实情节都有相应的一定数量的证据加以证明;证据与证据之间、证据与案件事实之间的矛盾得以合理排除;全案证据对案件事实的证明所得出的结论是唯一的,具有排他性。 证据是诉讼程序的灵魂,而质证作为审查证据真伪的程序制度,其作用是勿庸讳言的。我国刑事诉讼法规定,证人证言必须经过质证才能作为定案依据。但从目前的司法实践来看,这一规定几乎名存实亡。本文通过对质证内涵的理论探索及对当前两大法系下的质证程序模式的优劣进行分析,针对目前我国质证制度存在的弊端,结合我国国情,提出了我国应采取的质证程序模式。笔者从以下几方面进行了论述:第一,确定质证主体、客体,特别是针对法官能否成为质证的主体,质证对象具体应包括哪能些证据进行了深入分析;第二,对于如何完善证人出庭作证制度提出了一些想法、建议,如建立强制证人出庭作证制度,完善证人人身权利和经济补偿的保护措施等;第三,为保障诉讼的有序性、公正性和提高诉讼的效率,应建立庭前证据展示制度,对证据展示的必要性,什么是证据展示,证据展示的范围、时间、地点以及违反证据展示规则的后果进行分析;第四,针对控辩双方取证权不平等,导致庭审时质证双方地位不平等,应如何赋予律师必要的诉讼权利,完善律师调查取证规则等问题,笔者就确立律师调查取证时间,律师调查取证的手段,建立律师庭审言论豁免权<WP=57>等方面进行了细致地论述;第五,建议通过立法完善质证规则。大体分为对人质质证规则和物证质证规则,人证质证规则主要从确立直接原则、言词原则、意见规则、交叉询问规则、排除非法人证规则、对质质证规则入手。物证质证规则主要遵循最佳证据规则、非法证据排除规则;第六,对完善鉴定结论质证规则进行了分析。因为针对鉴定结论的质证以往一直不被重视,几乎不存在。通过对以上质证制度的分析、论述、重构,笔者希望能够达到完善刑事质证制度的目的,以求更好地发挥质证的功能,最大限度保证刑事审判质量,为实现司法的公正与效率发挥作用。

【Abstract】 The evidence confirmation is a legal form and necessary process of censoring and checking the effect of evidence. Therefore the evidence confirmation in court is a very important segment in strengthening the function of the court thereby promotes the revolution of criminal trial. The new law of criminal litigation has made great reform in the way of trial, strengthened the confrontation of the accuser and the defender, thereby strengthen the function of the defender,Going with it ,the role of giving evidence is played by the defender and the accuser instead of by the justice, The accuser (the public prosecutor) and the defender (the counsel) have the equal right to ask the witness and certify the evidence from the authenticator and these reforms are the initial point of the system for the defender and the accuser to confront and debate with each other. However, the law of criminal procedure has not made detailed regulations, so the arguments on it are very controversial theoretically, and there are a lot of ways of doing in the practice of trial, thus the normality and the actual effect of the evidence confirmation is influenced in a certain way So, it is necessary to study the problems in criminal evidence confirmation in order to make it perfect. This thesis is based on the perfection of the system of the trial of criminal lawsuit in order to guarantee the quality if the criminal trial, and it analyzes the necessity of evidence confirmation and the concept, trait, and the process of evidence confirmation and other relative problems in the criminal lawsuit. At the same time it emphasizes greatly on the present situation of evidence confirmation in China, and it also analyzes deeply the legislative conception of the process of criminal evidence confirmation. The purpose of evidence confirmation is to examine whether the evidence <WP=59>is true, and to conclude the credibility and reasonableness of the evidence ,thereby establish the foundation of inquiring facts and using law properly, The final sentence of any criminal case should be established on the foundation of the confirmation of the facts of the case. The confirmation of the facts of the case should be supported by sufficient evidence, and as long as we have clear facts ,enough evidence can we finally settle the case, and the sufficient evidence should be acquired by the confirmation of evidence in court,Therefore, the function of the evidence confirmation is for the defender and the accuser from the material offered by the court to find loopholes quickly and then point out accurately the subjectivity, onesidedness and contradiction in the evidence given by the counterpart, thus can he proof the reliability and sensibility of his evidence. The final conclusion of the confrontation by the defender and the accuser is:Every evidence has objectivity, reliability and has been certified to be true;The details of the case all have a certain number of evidence to proof;The controversy between evidence and the facts of the case should be excluded reasonably;The conclusion drawn by the confirmation of all the facts of the case should be unique and exclusive. Evidence is the soul of the lawsuit program, and as the program system of confirming evidence, evidence confirmation has a great function. According to the criminal law in China, the oral testimony of the witness must be certified before becoming the evidence ,but in the judicial practice, this regulation only exists in name. This paper advances a model program for evidence confirmation which suits the states of China, basing on theoretical investigation of the intention of evidence certification, and the analysis of the good and the bad of the program models of evidence confirmation under the contemporary two big law series, and aiming at the riggings in our present system of evidence <WP=60>confirmation It suggests the establishment of the system to force the witness to take the stand, and the perfection of the protecting measures on the personal rights of the witness and economy compensation

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】274

