

A Discussion on the Western Country Government Procuremet System

【作者】 刘晓峰

【导师】 赵儒煜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济体制的逐步建立与发展,规范政府采购行为,推行政府采购制度的工作,适时提上了日程,并得到了迅速的发展。2001年,时任中共中央总书记的江泽民同志在会见世界贸易组织代表团时曾许诺:“中国将在2020年以前建立完备的政府采购制度,并开放政府采购市场”。这对于刚刚起步的中国政府采购来说是一项艰巨的任务。“他山之石,可以攻玉”,学习和借鉴已有200多年历史的西方政府采购制度中的成熟经验,规避其发展过程中的制度缺陷,对我国政府采购制度的制定和完善,推动政府采购事业健康发展,无疑将起到积极的作用。本文力图通过对政府采购制度的理论和实证分析,揭示政府采购制度形成的机理和操作规律,探索借鉴西方政府采购制度的先进经验,建立和完善我国政府采购制度的思路和对策。本文分三个部分。第一部分,政府采购制度的理论内涵,分析了“政府采购”的概念和特点及政府采购制度的基本构成,介绍了相关理论。从政府采购的思想发展史上看,政府采购制度的形<WP=83>成,其最早最根本的理论支持是国家公共性理论。政府公共性理论以古希腊的柏拉图与亚里士多德为始端,到卢梭完成了实质性的突破。随着市场经济的发展、人们“纳税人”意识的确立、监督意识的增强,政府采购的目的由国家和纳税人的利益所驱动;同时,纳税人十分关心对他们自己的钱的花法,要求政府采购必须透明并接受监督。政府采购制度就是适应这种客观需要而逐步形成和建立起来的。20世纪30年代世界性的经济危机爆发后,凯恩斯关于政府干预经济的理论为政府采购赋予了新的使命,也使政府采购获得了空前的发展。进入20世纪80年代后随着经济全球化的趋势的形成,政府采购制度已不仅是一国的财政支出管理制度,它已经融入到世界贸易、地区贸易组织的有关制度协定中。第二部分,西方政府采购制度分析,系统地介绍了英国、美国、意大利、德国、新加坡的政府采购制度,并对其制度特点进行了分析。西方政府采购制度有以下几个特点:一是有明确的采<WP=84>购目的和采购原则。二是有完善的日趋国际化的采购法规体系。美、英等多数发达国家在公共采购方面都制定了基本法律,并在基本法律原则的指导下制定了实施细则。三是有务实的保护本国市场的采购政策。四是有健全的采购管理体制和采购程序。五是有专门的政府采购机构和采购队伍。第三部分,我国政府采购制度的问题和对策,介绍了我国政府采购发展历程和当前的问题与对策。我国政府采购活动始于1995年。目前,我国的政府采购制度建设取得了长足的进展,为促进和规范政府采购活动起到了积极的作用。同时,也勿庸讳言,因为很多采购制度都是速成品,因此不可避免的产生了一些问题,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是法律体系不健全;二是原则和目标的偏差;三是计划性不强;四是监督管理不力;五是机构设置混乱;六是专门人才的培训制度欠缺。产生上述问题的原因,除了时间短、经验少之外,还应该有以下几个方面:一是体制转轨的影响;二是学习不足,吸收并消化总结不够;三是财力的制约。 <WP=85>为此,我们应向国外政府采购制度学习,去其不足,取其精华。其核心是结合中国的政府采购实践,实现制度创新。在制度内容上,我们要建立起规范的、完备的、健全的政府采购制度;在实施手段上,我们要在信息发布、采购方式、专家库、供应商管理等各个方面达到世界先进水平;在运作规则上,我们要建立和完善一套科学有序的采购程序和方法,做到政府采购规范化、制度化、科学化;在采购目标上我们要达到缩短采购周期、减少采购成本、节省采购资金的目的。具体对策是:(1)要充分认识政府采购制度作为公共财政支出管理的一项基本制度,是一个长期的制度建设过程。(2)完善政府采购制度要表现到政府采购制度不仅是一项国内管理制度,还是国际贸易政策的重要组成部分。(3)实行政府采购制度,必须强调发挥政府采购的各种积极作用,尤其是宏观调控功能。(4)在实践中要正确处理好以下几个方面的关系:依法采购和开拓创新的关系、发展与规范的关系、效益与效率的关系、政府采购制度建设和改革与其他财政改革的关系、集中采购和分散采购的关系。 <WP=86>基于上述分析,本文提出了以下几点工作建议: ①一个转变。即财政部门的工作要全面转变到管理与监督上来,对政府采购执行工作要监督但不参与和干预。②双轮驱动。即上规模,抓规范。通过上规模促进改革发展,通过抓规范提高工作质量。 ③三个突破。即在工程政府采购上要有突破;在发挥政府采购的政策功能上要有突破;在管采分离问题上必须彻底突破。④四个加强。即要加强宣传、加强培训、加强透明度建设、加强调查研究。

【Abstract】 In 2001, when Jiang zemin was the chairman of our country, he met WTO delegation and promised: “China will have set up a complete government purchasing system by 2020 and opened the government purchasing market as well.” It is an arduous task for the Chinese government purchasing system which has just taken shape. It is undoubtedly beneficial for the establishment, improvement and the proper development of the Chinese government purchasing system to learn from the well-considered experience of the western purchasing system which has got a history of more than 200 years, and avoid the defects of their system in its developing process. This article is trying to reveal the formation mechanism and operating laws of government purchasing system, and attempt to learn the advanced experience from the western purchasing system in order to set up and improve the train of thoughts and countermeasures on ours by means of the analysis of government purchasing system’s theories and cases. It can be divided into three parts.Part one, connotation of the government purchasing system theory The statement of its concept varies from country to country. Our country’s concept of “government purchasing” can be stated as the behavior of state organs, institutions and organizations at all levels that purchase goods, project, and service within the focusing purchasing list or above the standard limit according to the law.Government purchasing has got the following characteristics as opposed to the private purchasing: <WP=88>Firstly, the pubic origin of the purchasing funds. Secondly, the specialty of the main purchasing body. Thirdly, the non-commercial feature of the purchasing activity. Fourthly, the wide range of the purchasing objects. Fifthly, the policy feature of the purchasing behavior. Sixthly, the legal feature of the purchasing process. Seventhly, the transparency of the purchasing process. Eighthly, the economic and valid features of the purchasing effects.Government purchasing system is a series of rules and regulations which is aimed at the management of the government purchasing behavior, which is gradually formed during a long period of government purchasing practice. The exact embodiments are the rules and regulations of the national government’s purchasing behavior. (1) Government purchasing managing system. (2) Government purchasing functioning system. (3) Government purchasing legal system. (4) Government purchasing supervising system.Viewing the formation of the government purchasing system from its ideology development’s point, its original and basic foundation is the national commonality. It has got the same origin as many other political thoughts, the national commonality originated from Plato and Aristotle’s theories of ancient Greek. In accordance with the theory of government commonality, the function of government has always been embodying the feature of commonality, that is, to defend and guarantee the order and security of both the country and citizens politically. And to raise efficiency, enhance justice and promote economic stability and increase economically. In previous the government <WP=89>purchase, to provide public goods is a typical example to embody the government commonality. Funds used for purchasing by government originates from national tax revenue, taxpayer’s focus on the purchasing expenditure spurs the purchasing behavior to be scientific, standard and transparent, therefore the relevant purchasing system can be set up.Although the government purchasing system has formed early in Europe, the complete, standard and scientific one is the product of the modern market economy. In 1930’s, when the world-wide Depression broke out, keynes’s demand management policies rejuvenate the government purchase and provide much space for it to develop.Part two. The analysis of western government purchasing systemThis part is going to introduce the government purchasing system of England, America, Italy, German, Singapore and The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative R

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F811.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1597

