

Study on the Civil Duty of False Statement

【作者】 张玮

【导师】 赵新华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本篇论文以上市公司虚假陈述的民事责任为研究对象,以侵权责任制度为主线,结合我国证券市场的实际情况,深入研究了我国在上市公司虚假陈述的损害赔偿方面的基本理论以及立法现状。在此研究的基础上,参照世界证券市场发达国家和地区的相关规定,提出了完善我国上市公司虚假陈述民事责任的制度的法律架构和技术规则,以此促进我国证券市场的法制建设,使我国的证券市场能够在法律的指导下健康有序的发展。 本篇论文共分五个部分,通篇体例如下: 首先,本文深入细致的阐述了上市公司虚假陈述这一民事责任的相关理论。通过对虚假陈述概念的分析,阐述虚假陈述的行为方式,并对损失计算的方法略有涉及。这一章实质上是在奠定基础。 第二,本文研究了我国证券市场上市公司虚假陈述民事责任的现状。主要以最高人民法院曾经发布的《关于受理证券市场因虚假陈述引发的民事侵权纠纷案件有关问题的通知》和《规定》为分界点。《规定》在诸多方面完善了出台前的空白和不足,使我国的虚假陈述的民事责任制度能够确实的“有法<WP=46>可依”。这一章实质上是在发现问题。 第三:本文对于国外关于证券欺诈民事责任规定的相关经验进行了分析。并针对中国的国情,找到国外的优秀理论和中国具体实践的结合点,详细阐述了我国在上市公司虚假陈述的民事责任者一方面应该提高和改善的问题。美国,作为证券法律制度最为成熟的国家,其证券欺诈的民事责任制度相对来说最为完善,针对美国此一责任制度的分析,可以找出我国在相关方面的明显差距。第四,本文指出了我国目前欺诈责任制度的漏洞。从两个方面分析:在实体立法方面和在程序立法方面的问题。以上两个缺陷代表了我国上市公司虚假陈述的民事责任存在的最主要的问题和亟待解决方面。这一章实质上是分析问题。最后,本文提出了我国虚假陈述民事责任的规制措施。我国证券市场以及规范证券市场的法律体制,都非常不完善。针对本文上述的问题,这一章主要是笔者对于我国证券市场虚假陈述民事责任这一体制的简历和完善,进行了一系列的思考,提出了自己的完善该制度的观点。

【Abstract】 The object of this thesis is the civil law duty of corporation false statement. The mainline of this these is tort system. in order to invade the power and responsibility appoints that the system gives first place to the thread , combination real circumstances of our country negotiable securities market , thoroughly studies the basic theory as well as the make laws present situation at the aspect of the damage reparations of false statement of going on the market corporation of our country . This piece of thesis divides five parts altogether , and leads to the piece style as follows : Firstly , this thesis thoroughly expound the basic theory of civil law duty of false statement of corporation . Our country supreme people’s court has put into effect it in 2003 1 month: << several regulations of the relating to civil law reparations case that about hears because of the false statement initiates in the negotiable securities market >> ( under calls << stipulates > ) . Start with from << stipulates > , and studies having analyses the most basic and the most basic problem of false <WP=48>relating to civil law duty of statement . Expound the action method of false statement by way of the analysis generally of the false statement . This chapter is to clear the basic theory of the problem. Second , this thesis has studied our country negotiable securities market’s present situation of false statement to civil law duty of corporation . Major the person who with supreme people’s court issued once << notice of concerned problem of relating to civil law power invading dispute case that about accepts because of the false statement initiates in the negotiable securities market >> ( following abbreviation << notice > ) and << stipulates > is the demarcation point . Third : The analysis has been in progress to the correlation experience that the relating to civil law duty regulation as for the abroad about the negotiable securities was cheated by this text . As for the advanced capitalism nation , negotiable securities that chiefly is the United States the person who cheats the reparations system is carried on expounding of a series of , and has analyses the correlation experience of <WP=49>development and the accumulation of abroad many years relating to civil law duty of negotiable securities . The 4th , this thesis has pointed out that our country security cheat liability system has many defaults. Analysis from three aspects : At the aspect of make laws , be dead against the compasses system method not science in the problem << stipulates > of Guan Xia court of justice .The unfavorable interest in protection investment person of lawsuit form is too advantageous as for the going on the market corporation . This chapter is essentially the analysis problem Finally , the compasses system measure of false relating to civil lawduty of statement of our country has been put forward in this text . The fifth,Our country negotiable securities market as well as the standard negotiable securities law system of market is all very imperfect . This chapter chiefly is the author as for the biographical notes of false this system of relating to civil law duty of statement of our country negotiable securities <WP=50>market with making perfect to the problem mentioned above be dead against this text , and has carried on a series of considerations , and has put forward the viewpoint of perfect this system of self .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.287;D923
  • 【下载频次】134

