

Negotiable Instruments Agency

【作者】 侯银萍

【导师】 赵新华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 代理制度的确立改变了人们事必躬亲的状态,使本人可以借助于代理人的行为间接地实现因自己在精力、财力、知识、才能等方面缺陷而不能实现的经济梦想。自其创制以来,其强大的生命力促进了民商事活动的繁荣和经济的振兴。随着商业交易的频繁和交易规模的扩大,代理现象越来越普遍,代理制度的经济价值越来越明显。如今,代理制度已经在各国民商法中确立了不可替代的地位。票据代理是由民事代理衍生而来的,是商事代理的重要组成部分。同时票据法是极具无因性、要式性和文义性等特殊性质的法律,而且票据重在流通,旨在保护社会交易安全,票据法设置票据代理制度的目的在于更好地实现票据法的宗旨。票据代理直接搬用民法上关于代理的规定是不恰当的,票据行为代理无论是在代理制度中还是在票据法体系中都应当有其独立的地位。我国票据法只是在第五条和第七条从侧面对票据代理进行了规定,而未就票据代理的全部做出定义和规范,这就给票据代理的理论认定留下了很大的想象空间,也给实践带来了一定的混乱。随着商事活动的快速发展,隐名代理已经成为一个不容忽视的问题,而我国票据法理论和立法都采用严格的显名主义原则,那么完全不承认隐名代理在当今是否还合适?我们可否借鉴商事代理中的隐名代理制度来完善票据行为代理制度?在我国,民事代理的概念本身并未完全定论,而票据代理作为民事代理的衍生品,学者们大都是依据民事代理的概念来定义票据代理。我国票据法第五条仅包括了票据代理的两种形态,即票据有权代理和狭义票据无权代理,对于社会实践中大量存在的票据表见代理和票据代行等票据代理的特殊形态,则没有具体规定,这无形中给票据当事人造成了潜在的威胁,给钻法律漏洞的不法分子以可乘之机,同时也造成了我国金融体系的混乱。可见我们有必要完整地梳理出票据代理的各种形态,以对将来票据法在票据代理方面的修订有所帮助。本文欲对上述疑问加以分析探讨,以期对我国票据法的完善有所裨益。本文分为三部分。第一部分为票据代理的概念及意义。首先探讨了票据代理的概念界定。我国票据法未就票据代理的全部做出定义和规范,我国民事代理的概念本身并未完全定论,而票据代理作为民事代理的衍生品,学者大都是依据民事代理的概念来定义票据代理。现有的概念只是对票据代理的某一种或某几种形态进行归纳而得出的结论。没有将所有形态的票据代理均纳入概念之中。本文认为最好的办法是总结各种形态的票据代理的共同特征,给出一个相对概括的票据代理概念。笔者试图对票据代理作如下定义:代理人以自己或本人的名义,在票据上签章,为本人为票据行为,而由本人承担票据责任的行为。其次分析了票据代理在代理制度中所具有的独立性。虽然票据代理是由民商事代理衍生而来的,但是票据代理直接适用民法的一般规定却并不恰当,它在代理方式上、表现方式上以及追索权和责任的承担上均表现出特有的独立性;第三,分析了票据代理在票据法中所具有的独立性。本文通过将票据代理与票据伪造、与空白票据的补充进行比较,展现出票据代理在整个票据法体系中所处的独立地位。第二部分分析了票据代理的成立要件。首先通过例证的方式对票据代理的基本原则——严格显名主义原则提出了修正意见,即采取票据显名主义为原则,隐名主义为补充的票据代理原则。其次,笔者站在显名主义为原则,隐名主义为补充的票据代理原则的基点上,对票据代理的形式要件即票据记载要件、票据代理意思要件、票据签章要件分别进行了分析。第三,票据代理实质要件的核心问题是代理权。基于代理权发生的原因不同,将票据代理分为票据意定代理和票据法定代理两种,本文分别介绍了这两种原因的代理。第三部分探讨了票据代理的特别问题。实践中,票据代理的案件并不像我们想象的那样都是票据行为的有权代理。恰恰相反,由于从事票据代理的当事人并不熟悉法律尤其是票据法的有关规则,票据有权代理之外的其他形态是屡见不鲜的。比较常见的票据代理的形态有票据代行、票据表见代理和票据无权代理。首先介绍了票据代行的概念和法律效力。在票据签章、本人与代行人的法律关系以及票据法律效果上,票据代行都表现出与普通票据代理不同的特征。票据代行的效力中,笔者主要讨论了学界争议较大的一个问题即签名代行的效力,我们主张承认签名代行有效更利于票据的流通和保护权利人的利益。其次将票据表见代理作为独立于票据无权代理的制度单独研究,分析了票据表见代理独特的构成要件。第三,票据无权代理包括狭义的票据无权代理和票据越权代理。本文分别对狭义票据无权代理中代理权欠缺的举证责任承担问题和票据越权代理的责任承担问题提出了自己的看法。

【Abstract】 The establishment of agency system changes people behavior that attends to everything personally. With the help of agent, the principal can achieve their economy dream that they cannot carry out for the limitations of energy, finance, knowledge and skills. Since the system being created, its mighty vitality promoted the flourish of civil and commercial activities and the revival of economy with the strong life. With the frequency of economy trade and enlargement of trade scale, the agency phenomena are more and more widespread, and the economy value of agency system is become more and more obvious. Now, the agency system establishes the place that cannot be substituted in many countries’ civil and commercial legislations. Negotiable instruments agency sources from civil agency, and it is the important composing of commercial agency. Meanwhile, negotiable instruments contains the special characters of abstraction、solemnity and literalness. The note recognitions negotiability and protects the safe of trade. The aim of negotiable instruments agency is to realize the tenet of the legislation of negotiable instruments better. It is irrelevancy to apply the rule of civil agency as the negotiable instruments agency. The negotiable instruments agency should have its own place whenever in agency system or the law on negotiable instruments.In our country, "negotiable instruments law" only defines the negotiable instruments agency partly in the fifth and seventh entry, but not defines it absolutely. It leaves a huge imagine space for negotiable instruments agency in theory, and bring some chaos in activities. With the rapid development of business activities, undisclosed agency becomes a problem that cannot be ignored. But in our country, the negotiable instruments law adopts "strict namelism" in both theories and legislations, so, is it appropriate that we don’t recognize the undisclosed agency? Shall we perfect negotiable instruments agency with the help of undisclosed agency in business agency? In our country, the concept itself of civil agency has not been absolutely defined. The negotiable instruments, as the ramification of civil agency, the scholars define the negotiable instruments agency depended on the civil agency. In our country, the fifth entry of "negotiable instruments law" just defines the two types of negotiable instruments agency, which are the authorized agency and narrow unauthorized agency. But for the special forms of negotiable instruments agency that exist hugely in social activities, such as negotiable instruments agency by estoppel and the acting on one’s behalf of negotiable instruments, there is not a clear definition, which makes a potential threat for the party concerned who using the negotiable instruments, and gives a choice for illegal people to utilize the law’s leak, meanwhile, it also causes a chaos of our country’s financial system. Therefore, it is necessary for us to tidy up all forms of negotiable instruments completely in order to benefit for edit of negotiable instruments agency in "negotiable instruments law”. This paper will discuss these problems in order to benefit for the perfecting of the law on negotiable instruments in our country.This paper can be divided into three parts. The first part talks about the concept and meaning of negotiable instruments agency. Firstly, we talk about the definition of negotiable instruments agency. In our country’s negotiable instruments law, negotiable instruments agency has been regulated partly in the fifth and seventh entries. The present concept is a solution that just concludes some forms, but not all forms, of negotiable instruments agency. The best way of my mind is to summarize the common characters of every form, and give a relative generalized concept. I try to give such a definition: With their own or principal name, the agent signs the negotiable instruments and active the negotiable instruments behavior, meanwhile, the principal should assume the behavior of liability for negotiable instruments. Next, it analyses the independence i

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.287;D923
  • 【下载频次】313

