

Legal Issues Concerning Transnational Merger and Acquisition

【作者】 毕佐薇

【导师】 那力;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,中国成为国际投资的热点,国外企业对中国的投资力度增大,投资方式趋向灵活,跨国并购成为外资进入中国市场的一种主要方式。在过去的 5 年里中国企业并购交易额以每年 70%的速度增长,中国正在成为亚太地区并购交易最为活跃的国家。2002 年以来,中国出台的一系列有关并购的法律法规,在使得外资并购境内企业的法律规则得到进一步规范的同时,客观上也加速了外资通过并购境内企业进入中国市场的步伐。本文通过对国内并购法律的分析,并参照国际上通行的对跨国并购的管制以及欧盟、美国等发达国家的相关立法,对跨国并购的法律制度作以较为深入的探讨。文章的第一部分对跨国并购的含义、分类及相关概念作以简要的论述。跨国并购(有时也称国际并购)是跨越国界或不同国家企业间的并购,其跨国性或国际性体现在收购企业与目标企业的国籍不同、企业的股东国籍不同、并购行为发生在外国市场或企业的财产位于国外等。并购的形式一般包括企业吸收合并、新设合并、资产收购和股权收购,有时还包括委托书收购和受托管理式兼并。企业并购的基本类型为横向并购,纵向并购和混合并购。近年来又产生出几种新的并购方式,主要包括:三角合并,买断兼并、“母对子”兼并和“子对母”兼并。文章的第二部分介绍了中国的企业并购法律制度,并对日前出台的几部重要的法规进行了详尽的解释。《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》对外资并购的范围、外国投资者的投资比例、外国投资者并购后原有企业的债权债务的处理和资产评估作价等方面作了详细的规定。可以 42<WP=48>说《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》是在相对完整的意义上建立了外资并购的法律规范;《上市公司收购管理办法》对上市公司的收购方式、上市公司控股股东和其他实际控制人的诚信义务和公司董事会及独立董事的义务等方面加以详尽规定,它与《证券法》一起,架构起较为完整的并购法律体系,对优化上市公司资源配置,促进国民经济结构调整,改善上市公司法人治理结构将起到积极的推动作用;《利用外资改组国有企业暂行规定》对利用外资改组国有企业的几种情形、外国投资者必须具备的资质条件和被改组的国有企业所要求具备的条件、改组所遵循的原则以及具体的操作程序作了详细的规定,该规定与《关于向外商转让上市公司国有股和法人股有关问题的通知》一起构成我国利用外资改组国有企业的政策体系,对调整和优化国有经济布局产生重要影响,从而大大促进了国有经济的战略性改组,加快了国有企业建立现代企业制度的步伐;修订后的《外商投资产业指导目录》(2002 年)将原来禁止进入的电讯、燃气、热力、供排水等城市公用事业首次列为对外开放领域,并增加了 76 条鼓励类投资项目,减少限制类项目达三分之二。而原来禁止、限制进入的行业,外资通过并购方式也可以快速进入,这成为我国利用外资的一个新亮点。 文章的第三部分对欧盟的企业并购条例作了详尽的介绍。进入 20 世纪 80 年代后期,随着经济一体化的升级、内部大市场目标的确定以及国际竞争的加剧,越来越多的欧洲企业从整个共同市场甚至国际市场着眼定位经营战略,强化自身的核心业务,争夺市场控制力。欧盟企业并购条例是其单一市场结构的必然结果,有助于提高欧盟整体的国际竞争力。该条例以市场结构为导向,只适用于具有共同市场影响力的企业并购,对属于其管辖范围的并购实行“一站式审查”制度,欧盟委员会享有专属的管辖权。条例还对并购的审查有严格的时间限制,要求在一定的期 43<WP=49>限内完成,从而增强了管制的透明性及确定性,大大提高了效率。 文章的第四部分深入探讨了美国的跨国并购制度。美国是世界上并购活动最活跃的国家,也是并购法律体系最为复杂的国家。在美国,由于并购法律体系并未对外国人和美国人进行区别对待,而且没有独立的外国投资法律体系,因此,对跨国并购进行直接控制的法律、法规并不存在。美国的并购法律体系同时适用于国内企业并购、美国企业对外国公司的并购、外国公司对美国公司的并购和外国公司之间对美国市场有影响的并购。作为世界上最早对外资并购行为进行政府规制的国家,美国的立法体系与模式成为世界许多国家效仿的典范。美国的并购法由联邦反托拉斯法、联邦证券法、政府颁布的并购准则、投资法律的相关规定、州一级的并购法律和州公司法的相关规定构成。 文章的第五部分充分论述了规制跨国并购的国际合作。国际社会对跨国并购活动也十分关注,并试图进行规范,以维护经济全球化背景下的自由竞争、经济民主和保护消费者的利益。从现有规制跨国并购的形式来看,主要采用单边管制、双边合作与多边协调。单边管制主要是通过国内立法(如文中所介绍的各国国内立法的规定),在反垄断法中对企业合并进行控制;而双边合作与多边协调是当今国际社会试图谋求在WTO 框架下建立跨国并购管制制度的一种主要途径。 从国际上对跨国并购管制的经验中可以得出:(1)要限制外国跨国公司对本国重要产业的并

【Abstract】 In recent years, China has become the focus of foreign investment. Theforeign investors increase the capitals to our country and the means ofinvestment is tended to flexibly. Meanwhile transnational M&A (merger andacquisition) becomes an important way that the foreign capitals enter themarket of our country. In the past five years, the turnover of M&A of Chinaincreases greatly annually and China is becoming one of the most activecountries on enterprise M&A in the Asian-Pacific area. After China’s entry toWTO, the process of the globalization of economy is improved obviously inthe world. Since 2002, our country had issued a series of laws and regulationsof M&A which made the rules of the foreign investment acquisition ofdomestic enterprises standardized further, and had accelerated the speed offoreign capitals entering the Chinese market by purchasing the domesticenterprises objectively. This article discussed the management oftransnational M&A thoroughly by analyzing the laws and regulations ofM&A in our country, referring to the relevant legislation of developedcountries, such as European Union, U.S.A., etc., and the current regulationsof transnational M&A in the world. In the first part of the article, the author introduced the concept oftransnational M&A, classficaion and the other related concepts briefly.Transnational M&A (or international M&A sometimes) is the merger andacquisition that crosses border or includes different nations’ enterprises andits remarkable characteristic is its transnationalism or internationalism whichembodies in that participating enterprises have the different nationalities, theshareholders of the enterprises have the different nationalities, M&A takesplace abroad or the property of the enterprise lies in foreign country, etc.. Theform of M&A generally consists of merger by absorption, merger by newestablishment, Equity Acquisitions and Asset Acquisitions, In the second part of the article, the author introduced the legal systemof M&A in China and carried on the explanations to several importantregulations that were issued recently at large. The Provisional Regulationson Mergers and Acquisitions by Foreign Investors with Domestic Companiesincludes the range of M&A, the figure of voting stock which is controlled byforeign investors, dealing with the debt and credit of the goal enterprise and 45<WP=51>asset valuation for the foreign investors, etc.; The Administrative Measuresfor Acquisition of Listed Companies prescribes the way of acquisition of thelisted company, the sincere obligation of the shareholders, the company boardof directors and the independent directors, etc. exhaustively. It builds up thelegal system of M&A with Security Law and will play a positive roll tooptimize the resource distribution of listed company , promote the nationaleconomic restructure and improve the corporate governance structure oflisted company; The Interim Provisions on Utilizing Foreign Investments toRestructure State-owned Enterprises consists of several kinds of utilizing theforeign capitals to restructure the state-owned enterprise, essential qualities ofthe foreign investor, essential qualification for the restructured state-ownedenterprise, the principles of restructuring and procedures. It forms the policysystem of utilizing the foreign capitals to restructure our state-ownedenterprise with the Transfer of State Shares and Legal Person Shares in ListedCompanies to Foreign Investors Circular, and exerts an important influenceon adjusting and optimizing the state-run economic layout .Accordingly itpromotes the strategic reorganization of the state-owned economy greatly,and has accelerated the steps of establishing modern enterprise system in thestate-owned enterprise; The Foreign Investment Industrial GuidanceCatalogue(2002) opens telecom, gas, heat, supply and drain of water whichare forbid to the foreign investors for the first time. It also h

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D996;D912.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】492

