

Investigation of Stomatological Educational Course System and Teaching Content Reform with Chinese Character in Universities

【作者】 高敏

【导师】 张创新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 医学模式正从传统的“生物医学模式”向“生理—心理—社会”医学模式转变,我国高等口腔医学教育延用前苏联教学模式,已不适应现代口腔医学发展,改革势在发行。本文就如何改革原有的课程体系和教学内容,培养面向二十一世纪合格人才问题进行探讨,提出具有特色的高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容改革方案,即“前期趋同,中期融合与渗透,后期分化”的课程体系和教学内容设计,试图为口腔医学院校课程体系和教学内容改革从理论上和实践上提供参考。一、我国高等口腔医学教育现状及改革的必要性 我国高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容不适应现代口腔医学发展;当代科技发展,学科间交叉渗透,新兴学科兴起,人类疾病谱变化,要求我国高等口腔医学教育必须改革;医学模式从“生物医学模式”向“生理—心理—社会”模式转变,也要求对课程体系和教学内容进行改革。总之,逐步建立具有特色的、符合我国国情的、符合二十一世纪口腔医学发展需要的高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容,是当务之急,改革势在必行。 二、国内外口腔医学院校课程体系和教学内容比较各国口腔医学院修业年限不同,与开课门数多少,学时多少<WP=39>均有密切关系。通过对国内外口腔医学院校课程设置分布比较,可以看出,国内公共基础课占比例较高,口腔基础课和口腔专业课占比例较低,是应加强环节;通过对国内外口腔医学院校理论课与实习课学时分布比较,可以看出,国外理论课与实习课的比例近1:2,学生参加实践机会多,我国学生专业课实践机会较少,应予加强;通过对国内外口腔医学院校人文课含量比较,可以看出,我国大学生人文学科课程比例较高,应维持现状,但应改变人文学科课程结构。三、我国高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容存在的问题培养方式还是传统的生物医学模式;本科生教育的课程结构基本上是20世纪中期的课程体系,缺乏人文学科、生命科学和现代信息科学内容;口腔医学偏重专科化,缺乏对广泛宽厚的基础和综合知识方面的培养;基础课、临床课、专业课完全分开,缺乏互相交叉渗透;口腔医学教育层次不清,缺乏为基层人民群众口腔预防、保健、医疗服务的实用型人才培养;口腔专业与医疗专业医学基础课设置相同,并且同轨教学,没能体现口腔医学专业特点,影响教学质量的提高;临床实习采用分科轮转的形式,毕业生缺乏综合学科实习机会;通过对用人单位和毕业生调查显示,毕业生能力偏低,尤其是组织管理能力,竞争意识,创新能力方面表现突出,教学能力,外语应用能力,科研能力有待提高;<WP=40>毕业生人文知识缺少,在校学习人文知识结构不合理。四、世界口腔医学教育改革趋势从全球口腔医学教育改革趋势看,主要从修订培养目标,改变课程结构,加强能力培养三方面进行改革。二十一世纪医学专门人才应具有完整的知识结构,广泛的适应能力,竞争与创造的意识和本领,很强的多种能力,高尚的职业道德。五、具有特色的我国高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容改革的探讨 我国高等口腔医学教育课程体系和教学内容改革的指导思想是:转变教育思想,更新教育观念,改革人才培养模式,将单纯知识传授式,应试式教育改变为专业通才教育和素质教育的模式。口腔医学专业的具体培养目标是:(1)通过人文学科的学习,理解人文知识学习的必要性和具有广博知识的重要性,培养口腔医师的医疗伦理观和为人民服务的使命感,进而提高服务质量。(2)通过公共基础课的学习,掌握基本的科学原理和概念,构建通过自学、掌握未来科学及技术进步对口腔医学影响的框架。(3)通过医学基础知识和医学临床知识的学习,掌握常见疾病发生发展的过程和诊断,治疗的原则与基础,系统性疾病的口腔颌面部表现,同时培养学生强烈的科学研究兴趣。(4)通过专业<WP=41>基础知识与专业临床知识的学习,掌握口腔颌面部疾病发生、发展、诊断、治疗和预防有关的基础知识和基本技能,口腔颌面部疾病对全身其他组织、器官的影响等诊断、治疗必要的基础知识与基本技能。(5)掌握外语应用能力和计算要应用能力。“前期趋同,中期融合与渗透,后期分化”的课程体系和教学内容改革与实践,主要是变单纯分段式教学模式为交叉式,融合与渗透式教学模式;公共基础课主要是改变其课程内涵;医学基础课与口腔专业基础课的相互融合与渗透,相对增加口腔专业基础课和专业临床课时间,保证口腔专业课时间不少于2年;临床医学课编制适合口腔医学专业的教学大纲,重点突出与口腔专业密切相关的医学内容,加强基本知识,基本技能,基本操作训练,体现口腔医学生首先是医学生,然后才是口腔医学生这一中国特色;专业课教学中,突出口腔医学专业特点,强调实物教材,模型教具,教学方法上,实行“学讨式”、“学导式”、“以问题为中心”,“以学生为中心”,“病历讨论”等教学方法,积极推进多媒体教学;实习课重点是基本理论验证和基本技能训练,加强学生综合能力培养,使学生理论联系实际,适应由学生向医生角色转变;在整个教学过程中,将素质教育和终身学习观念贯穿始终,努力培养面向二十一世纪的合格人才。

【Abstract】 The medical mode is transforming from the traditional “Bio-medical mode” to “Physical-psychological-social medical mode”. The current stomatological education in our school, which had been imported from the former Soviet Union, is unfit for its rapid development, and reform is imperable. We want to investigate the reform of it, and the way to teach qualified personnel for the 21st century. Then we put forward the characterized course system and the project of education reform, which is “ Same in the ex-period, blend and permeate in the middle, and differentiation in the last phase”, so as to provide reference both theoretically and practically for the stomatological education system reform in our brother universities.Firstly, the current situation of stomatological education in Chinese universities and the necessity of its reform. The current course system and education content of stomatological education in our universities is not suitable for the development of modern stomatology. The technological development, the permeate among different courses, the appear of new courses, and the change of human disease atlas are all calling for its reform. What’s more, the transformation of medical mode from <WP=43>“Bio-medicine” to “Bio-psychol-social medicine” also demand the reform. In conclusion, it is the current and imperative task to set up gradually a characterized course system and education content of stomatology in universities, which is both suitable for our national situation and the stomatological development in the 21st century.Secondly, the compare of course system and education content in stomatological schools between China and other countries.The academic year is different among dental schools in different countries, which is related to the number of courses and the learninghour. In our country, the public basic courses are in higher rationale, while the basic and clinical courses of sotmatology are in lower rationale, which should be strengthened up. The rationale between theoretical course and practical course in foreign countries is about 1:2, which provide more chances of practice for students. However, it is not the case in our country. The ratio of human and social course in dental schools of our country id comparatively higher, which should be continued, except for the need of bettering its content. Thirdly, the existing problem of the course system and teaching content in our stomatological education. The teaching method is based on the traditional bio - medicine mode. The course structure for the bachelor is the same with that of the mid-20th century, which is short of human and social science, bio-science and modern information science. The stomatological <WP=44>medicine do not teach the broad basic and compound knowledge. The basic, clinical and somatological courses are completely divided, without mutual communication. The dental education do not provide practical personnel for the oral prevention, health and clinical service of common people. The basic course of dental department is the same with that of clinical department, which does not show the character of oral medicine. Investigation about the graduates and personnel market showed the inability of undergraduates, esp. that of management, competition and creativity. The ability of teaching , using foreign languages and doing research work should be improved. And the graduates haven’t the proper human and social knowledge structure.Fourthly, reform trend of the stomatological education throughout the world.Making the aim of the education, changing the course structure and strengthening ability training are the three main parts of reform. The characteristics of dentists in 21st century should have complete knowledge structure, broad adaptability, the conscience and ability of competition and creativity, as well as respectable occupation morals.Fifthly, try of stomatological course system and education content reform with Chinese characteristics.The guide of our stomatological course system and education c

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】R-4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】643

