The Government Functions Transformation in Socialism Market Economy System
【作者】 张振英;
【导师】 田丽洁;
【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国民经济学, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 政府经济职能转变始终是我国经济体制改革的重要内容。分析我国与欧美发达国家政府的经济职能在各自演变过程中的差异,从中寻找我国政府经济职能演变的条件和规律,对于明确在社会主义市场经济条件下我国政府经济职能的定位,全面又有重点地把握社会主义市场经济条件下的政府经济职能,处理好政府与市场二者的辩证关系,具有重要的理论和现实意义。 正文共分四部分。 第一部分阐述了对政府经济职能演变的理论认识。 首先分析了市场失败与政府失败构成政府职能演变的逻辑规定。市场经济体系的自然、有序特性能够增进个人福利和社会福利,但当其与现实经济出现严重偏离时,就会出现市场失败。政府失败是与市场失败相对应的概念,针对政府失败,一方面应减少直接参与经济活动的政府行为,另一方面要根除可能诱发政府失败的各种因素。市场失败要求政府直接参与经济或对经济进行干预,政府失败又要求减少政府对经济活动的直接参与和调节,削减政府规模。政府职能在市场失败与政府失败的互动中,时而扩大,时而缩小。 其次分析了政府经济职能演变是一个与市场共同调节经济的互动态势。在生产力尚处于较低水平时期,应倾向扩大市场调节经济,减少政府对经济的干预,政府以提供趋向非排他性与非竞争性定义下的纯粹公共物品为宜。随着经济发展,政府财政收入的增加,以及人们生活水平的提高,政府可以,而且应该提供在技术、资金等方面对私人有着约束的公共物品。 第二部分对中国与欧美政府经济职能的演进进行了历史比较。 首先分析了欧美经济发展历程和政府经济职能的演变过程。欧美资本主义工业文明初期,基本上是市场调节,政府直接干预较少。但是,自由的市场经济体制也带来了许多问题,要求扩大政府的经济职能。重商主义时期,政府的经济职能主要体现在两个方面:一是对内建立和保护新生的市场经济新秩序;二是对外保护本国利益,扩大国外市场,实现贸易顺差。以亚当·斯密为代表的“自由主义”则强调严格限制政府干预。1929年的世界性经济大危机后,凯恩斯提出了国家干预经济的必要性。20世纪70年代以后,“政府失灵”的现象处处可见,限制政府干预的新自由主义经济思想的地位不断上升。 其次分析了近代中国政府经济职能的演变过程。鸦片战争后,中国采取了“官办”、“官督商办”、限制民间发展资本主义工商业的政策。对于政府经济职能,也是采取改革局部、维持整体的政策。“甲午战争”的惨败,宣告了“中学为体、西学为用”观念和政策的破产。就政府经济职能变革来说,最重要的一条,就是不能再由政府“包办代替”,应该鼓励私人发展工商业,鼓励民间自由发展资本主义经济,限制政府干预经济的权力。辛亥革命以后,孙中山“平均地权”和“节制资本”的思想反映出对西方古典经济学将政府视为“守夜人”理论的根本修正,这种强调国家在经济发展和社会分配中处于主导地位的思想,对后来的南京国民党政府产生了一定的影响。在其后的二十年间,国民党政府对经济进行大范围的直接干预,更强化了政府的经济职能和权力。 最后分析了建国后政府经济职能的转变。建国后,我国形成了一个在经济上的“全能型政府”。政府以指令性计划和行政命令的方式全面、直接地参与和组织各种经济活动;在经济发展中包揽一切,不仅发挥着无限作用,也承担了无限责任;只强调管理而不注重服务;管理成本居高不下。1 978年改革开放后,打破了对单一公有制和计划经济的迷信,政府逐渐缩小直接干预经济的范围和力度,市场调节的范围越来越大。1992年,以邓小平“南巡”讲话和党的十四大确立市场经济改革目标为标志,政府经济职能转变发生了历史性的变化。 第三部分阐述了社会主义市场经济条件下政府经济职能的理论界定。 社会主义市场经济体制是我国经济体制改革的目标,它不仅具有市场经济的共性,而且具备社会主义制度的个性。作为一个发展中的大国,我国又具有发展中国家的一些特征。这些条件决定了我国的政府经济职能必然具备三个层次的内容:一是作为市场经济体制要求的政府经济职能,二是作为社会主义制度要求的政府经济职能,三是作为发展中国家要求的政府经济职能。 市场经济体制要求的政府经济职能具体表现在;实行宏观调控、保持宏观经济稳定;调节社会分配和组织社会保障;直接参与特殊领域经济活动;建立和维护市场经济运行制度基础。社会主义制度要求的政府经济职能具体表现在:国有资产的管理和监督职能;完善社会分配机制、逐步实现共同富裕的职能。发展中国家要求的政府经济职能具体表现在:制订国民经济的发展目标和中长期规划、促进科技进步、制定和实施正确产业政策、培育和完善市场、推动对外经济交流与合作、增强国际经济竞争力、贯彻可持续发展战略、促进经济社会协调发展。 第四部分探讨了社会主义市场经济条件下政府经济职能转变的途径。 一是建立健全政府宏观经济调控体系:健全财政职能,增强财政的宏观调控能力,以及在社会公共事务管理、国有资本?
【Abstract】 It is always the important substance of China’s economy system reform to change the government economy functions. It has the important theoretical and practical meaning for understanding the location of government economy function, holding the government economy functions comprehensively but with focal point under socialism market economy system, and treating the relation between government and market correctly to analyzethe difference between China’s and the developed counrties’ government economy functions and to search the condition and the law of government economy functions therefrom.This thesis consists of four parts.The first part of the thesis expatiates the theory of the evolution of government economic functions.First, the analyze for the logical stipulate of the government economy function evolution including market failure and government failure has been made. The market economy system, with natural and ordered characteristics could improve the personal welfare and social welfare, but cause the market failure as it departures from the actual economy seriously. Government failure is the opposite concept with market failure. In order to decrease the government failure, the government action in economy must be reduced and the factors which could induce a premium on government failure must be deracinated. Market failure demands government to participate in economy directly or intervening economy, while government failure demands the government to decrease its action. Thus, the government economy function fluctuates with the mutual alternation of market failure and government failure.Second, the evolution of government economy functions adjusts economy with the market together. The government should decrease the intervention to economy and provide the pure commonality goods when the productivity is in a lower level. With the increase of finance income of government and people’s income, the government should provide the commonality goods in technique and capital.In the second part of the thesis, the comparison of the evolution of government economy functions of China with the West countries is presented.First, the evolution course of development of economy and the government economy functions of the West countries has been analyzed. In the early days of industry civilization in the West, the economy was adjusted by market basically and the government’s intervening was few. But market economy system brought many problems, so that an enlarged government economy function was required. Mercantile system insisted that the government economy functions should comprise two aspects, one was building and protecting market economy order in the country, another was protecting homeland profit and enlarging overseas market to carry out favourable balance. Liberalism insisted to restrict the government’s intervening. Keynes brought forward that the government intervened economy was necessary after the economy crisis in the West in 1929-1933. After the 20 century seventies, the phenomena government failure always took place and the new liberalism economy thought which demanded the government’s intervening was accepted gradually.Second, the evolution process of latter-day China government economy functions was analyzed.After the Opium War, China adopted the industry-commercial policies in which the industry and commerce of government-managed and businessman- managed with government control were developed whereas the restricted capitalism industry and commerce were restricted. For the government economy functions, a policy with part-reform and entirety-fixed were adopted. The disastrous failure of the Jiawu War made the idea and policy of somebody, namely making the Chinese learning as the body and making the Western learning as the employ, coming to naught. This fact revealed that the first thing for the transform of government economy function was to encourage the development of individual, as well as private, industry and commerce and restricted the power of government to intervene economy. After Xinhai Revo
- 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】F123.1
- 【被引频次】3
- 【下载频次】1226