

Financial Analysis and Policy of Jilin Post Corporation

【作者】 金光昊

【导师】 吕长江;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 财务分析是财务管理的重要组成部分,它对企业财务报表所提供的数据资料,有重点、有针对性地加以分析和比较,了解影响企业经济效益的各种因素,对企业的财务状况和经营成果进行合理地评价,预测企业财务和经营的发展趋势,为进行正确地经营决策提供可靠的财务信息。长期以来,受计划经济体制的影响,邮政企业的管理水平低下,同时因为生产技术水平落后, 又要承担普遍服务义务,使得邮政企业的资产运营效率较低,盈利能力较差。本文通过利用财务分析技术和方法对吉林邮政1999年至2002年期间的财务报表进行分析,指出当前吉林邮政存在的经营管理问题,并提出改进的建议。第一部分 财务分析的理论基础一、财务分析的重点由于利益相关者及分析目的不同,财务分析的内容也有所不同,本文以狭义分析的视角从经营者的角度对吉林邮政进行财务分析。二、财务分析内容财务分析从反映企业财务状况的财务报表作为分析的数据基础,通过运用各种分析方法从盈利能力、偿债能力、营运能力、发展能力分析企业的经营管理水平。三、财务分析的方法主要的财务分析方法有比较分析法、比率分析法、趋势分析法等。第二部分 财务分析一、吉林邮政的财务报表分析首先对吉林邮政的报表分析。通过对资产负债表的分析,发现吉林邮政流<WP=82>动资产的规模逐年递减,固定资产规模逐年增加,由于流动资产规模的下降速度高于固定资产规模的增长速度,使得企业总资产规模呈下降趋势。流动资产及固定资产的此消彼长,使得企业的流动资产在总资产的比重逐年下降,而固定资产的比重有所上升,这样的资产结构符合当前邮政行业的经营特点,固定资产的增加扩大了企业的生产规模,有利于增强企业资产的盈利能力。但从流动资产内部结构分析来看,其他应收款规模偏大,变现能力较差的流动资产如存货、待摊费用规模有所增加,占用了企业的资金,导致企业货币资金的比重较小,这降低了企业资产的流动性。从资本结构来看,企业的权益资本比重较高,显示企业的资本来源主要以自有资本为主,企业的负债比重逐年降低,且以无资金成本的短期负债为主。由于连年的经营亏损,企业没有实现自有资本的积累,企业的所有者权益存量呈下降趋势。企业当前的资产规模及结构的变动状况显示当前吉林邮政的财务风险较低,企业具有较强的偿付债务的能力,但企业自有资本规模的减少,显示企业的发展能力较差。利润表的分析显示,吉林邮政的业务利润有较大幅度的上升,说明企业加强了对主营业务成本的控制。但我们注意到企业的管理费用占业务收入的比重一直以来要高于行业平均水平,而其3年平均增长速度也要快于同期行业的平均水平。说明吉林邮政管理费用支出规模相对行业平均水平来说较大,企业管理方式落后,管理效率低下。这也是导致目前企业经营亏损的主要原因之一。现金流量表的分析显示,企业的现金流入、流出主要集中于经营性活动。由于付现性成本费用支出较大导致企业企经营活动的现金净流量不足以满足企业的投资需要,企业经营活动获取现金能力较低。从现金流量的效益指标来看,企业的经营现金流入受折旧、摊销的影响较大,再投资能力较低,这是由于企业经营活动的盈利能力较低造成的,短期来看导致企业的货币资金占总资产的比重较低,降低了企业资产的流动性,从长期来看,将导致企业的资金断流,影响企业的持续经营能力。 <WP=83>二、吉林邮政的财务分析通过对盈利指标的分析,显示吉林邮政近年来销售活动的获利性及投资报酬率有所增长,但企业当前整体的盈利能力还处于比较低的水平。通过偿债能力的分析,我们发现吉林邮政流动资产、速动资产的数值较高,说明其短期偿债能力较高。但企业的现金比率较低,说明企业的货币资金存量较少,短期偿债能力存在着一定的不足。由于企业的长期负债较少,而且资产负债率数值较低,说明企业具有较强的长期偿债能力。企业的营运能力分析显示,企业的存货周转率逐年下降,流动资产周转率、固定资产周转率、总资产周转率一直以来低于行业的平均水平,说明企业的资产使用效率不高,运营能力较低。发展能力分析显示,企业的固定资产规模逐年增加,生产能力及规模在增强,但企业的总资本规模在下降,尤其是由于企业盈利能力、资产运营能力较低,企业并未实现自有资本的有效积累,显示企业未来持续发展的后劲不足。三、财务综合分析发现要进一步提高企业的经营水平,改善企业的财务状况要从提高企业的盈利能力和资产运营能力两方面入手。加强对企业管理费用支出的控制以提高企业的盈利能力;加强资产管理,提高资产使用效率以提高企业资产的运营效率。第三部分 企业财务对策根据对吉林邮政的财务状况的分析,针对管理中存在的漏洞提出改进的建议。在财务问题中应注重解决如下问题:一是加强对其他应收款的清收,减少货币资金的闲置,提高资金周转效率;二是加强对集邮类存货的清理,减少存货对资金的占用,加快货币回笼;三是加强资产运营,以提高资产的使用效率。四是通过适当放宽信用程度,以增加企业的销售规模;五是加强对管理费用的控制,提高企业的盈利能力。

【Abstract】 Analysis of financial statement is an important part of financial management .It aims at offering reliable financial information for sound decisions by analyzing and comparing data that financial reports provide. And it helps to study all kinds of factors which influence the economic profit .It also evaluates financial position and business achievement scientifically while forecasting the development trends of finance. In a long period, under the plan-oriented economic system, the postal enterprises suffered a low level of management. Meanwhile owing to the poor productivity and technology , postal enterprises also had to bear a heavy burden of social service duty. All these have made the postal enterprise an inefficient and unprofitable system. This dissertation takes Jilin Post (1992-2002) into some deliberations .And by analyzing the financial reports provided ,we can find the existing problems in Jilin Post ,and therefore bright up some further solutions.Part One The Theory Of Finansial AnalysisThe importance of the financial analysisThe content of the financial analysis is different according to the different purpose and the user.The thesis will analysize the financial condition of JiLin Post Enterprise as the operator from the norrow sense of the point of view.The content of the financial analysis Basing on the financial statement as the data resource,the financial analysis reflects the management level of enterprises according on the four aspects of the profitability 、operating 、reimpursing and development abilities by kinds of the financial analysis methods.The methods of the financial analysis <WP=85>The main methods of the financial analysis involves the proportion analysis、the ratio analysis and the trend analysis etc.Part Two The analysis on Jilin Post EnterpriseThe statement analysis Firstly, let’s have a look at the financial reports of Jilin Post.From the balance sheet, we find that the current assets scale is decreasing year by year while the fixed assets scale is increasing. And as the former rate is higher than the latter one ,total property in Jilin Post appears a descending trend. This phenomenon is a tow-side coin. First it makes the current assets take a smaller part of total property ,which strengthens the competitiveness of total property. But as soon as the internal structure of current assets is concerned, we find that other receivables are more than enough, besides some current assets that are hard to realize, such as inventories, prepaid expenses ,are increasing, which takes away much of the working capital. Moreover from the capital point of view , Post’ liabilities are mainly current ones which have no capital cost, and the liability rate is decreasing year by year. For the reason of long time depression ,enterprises didn’t realize its capital accumulation, and the owner’s equity presents a decreasing trend.The income sheet shows that operating income has been greatly improved, and this proves that Jilin Post has enhanced its cost control .Yet we still notice that the ratio of administrative expense to operating income has always been higher than the average level and in recent three years even the increasing speed is higher .Backward in technique and inefficient in management, Jilin Post confronts a hard and profitless situation.Statement of cash flow shows that the input and output of cash are mainly in the operating activities. Because of a large amount of cash defrayment on cost, the enterprise’ net cash is not adequate for the investment need ,and that weakens its ability to obtain cash.The financial analysis <WP=86>Secondly, we make some analysis of Jilin post’s finance.According to the analysis of its profit index, jilin Post’s sale profit and rate of return both increased these years. However the enterprise’ competitiveness as a whole still remains on a low level..According to the analysis of its reimbursing ability, we find that its current assets and highly liquid assets were above the normal level, which shows a strong ability t

【关键词】 邮政财务分析财务指标
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F616
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1569

