

Mass Media and the Modern’s Recreation

【作者】 赵元元

【导师】 刘坚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 新闻学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会生产力的发展,劳动时间不断减少,休闲时间相应增加,休闲在现代人生活中的地位也随之提高。作为休闲手段之一的大众传播媒介无法回避休闲话题。休闲改变了媒介的许多内容和表现形式,为媒介提供了新的发展空间,媒介同时也在深深影响和改变着人类的休闲理念和方式。国外对于休闲的研究很多,本文比较认同美国休闲学学者杰弗瑞.戈比关于休闲的定义。戈比认为:休闲是从文化环境和物质环境的外在压力中解脱出来的一种相对自由的生活,它使个体能够以自己所喜爱的,本能地感到有价值的方式,在内心之爱的驱动下行动,并为信仰提供一个基础。这个定义把休闲看作一种生活方式,这种生活方式有两层含义:一是,从文化和物质的压力种解脱出来的相对自由。二是,内因激发的爱好,而非利益刺激。此定义提出的休闲不是时间商品或者精神状态,而是一种生活方式,体现了我们的知识、经验和理念,是一种理想的休闲。可以说,人类对休闲的认知是随着生产力的发展,由模糊到清晰,由浅薄到深刻的过程,是随着社会的进步而循序渐进的。发展到了今天,人们的生存需要已经获得了满足,大多数劳动者不再从事物质资料生产;随着生产效率的提高,工作时间大大缩短,休闲时间相应增加,在人们的生活中,由工作支配的生活领域开始缩小,而以娱乐、休闲为主的生活领域相应增大了。休闲地位空前提高。休闲地位的提高在改变人类生活方式的同时也对大众传播媒介产生巨大的影响。本文力图以大众传播媒介为研究基点,透过大众传播媒介领域来研究反映在大众传播领域中的休闲生活状态及问题,从不同的角度对大众传播媒介和休闲生活进行综合的考察,以便找出促进两者共同发展的最佳方法,开拓大众传播媒介的发展空间。努力找准休闲生活在大众传播媒介中的定位,利用两者的合作,达到“双赢”的效果。一、休闲对大众传播媒介的影响。休闲在大众传播媒介中的影响是多方面的,最直接的影响便是休闲<WP=53>导致了休闲媒介的出现并促进了媒介产业化发展。随着现代人生活水平的不断提高,原有的媒介的内容已经不能满足人们的休闲需求,在这种情况下,休闲类媒介的出现和发展也就成了必然。新兴休闲类媒介可以概括为三个方面: 第一,都市报现象。除了以“都市报”冠名的报纸兴起外,其他类报纸纷纷转型,日报周末刊出现,它门都以“贴近市民生活,服务市民生活”为办报宗旨,充分肯定休闲活动的价值,并努力开拓休闲领域的市场。 第二,休闲杂志的出现。如果说都市报是面向市民,面向最广泛的大众的消费品,那么休闲杂志则更多地将读者定位在受过高等教育,拥有高收入的所谓都市“白领”阶层。人们对时尚的向往和追求,导致了《时尚》、《瑞丽》、《汽车族》、《时尚健康》等一批时尚类杂志的出现。 第三,广播、电视、电影中的休闲版块。广播交通台、文艺台的出现,电视体育、综艺、生活服务等专业频道的设置,以及娱乐游戏节目、贺岁片、戏说剧的繁荣都与休闲需求的不断提高密不可分。近几年来,大众传播媒介的市场化,产业化已经成为热点话题。媒介的产业化经营有利于媒介资源的合理性配置和有效运作的实现,有利于繁荣市场经济,使媒介经济成为国民经济的新的增长点。媒介在休闲领域的开发则是媒介产业化运作中的先头部队,可以说,休闲促进了媒介产业化的进程。 首先,休闲促进了媒介产品市场化,也就是一些休闲娱乐性的栏目、节目可以购买和出售。 其次,休闲促进媒介产品制作过程市场化,其主要表现就是制播分离以及传媒公司的出现,这些制作休闲娱乐节目的部门成为自负盈亏,经济独立的实体,有自己的资本,可以上市。 再次,休闲促进媒介与国际市场对接。主要表现是休闲节目的进出口,以及国际版权合作。此外,休闲还促进了媒介延伸性产品的开发。如休闲服饰、玩具、主题公园等等。二、大众传播媒介对休闲的影响大众传播媒介与休闲生活之间是交互影响的关系,休闲生活深深影<WP=54>响着大众传播媒介的内容、媒介定位和发展方向,大众传播媒介反过来又影响着人们的休闲取向、品味等许多方面。万事都有两面性,因此大众传播媒介对休闲生活的影响也存在正反两个方面。 正面影响主要表现在:大众传播媒介满足了休闲的信息需求、心理需求,引领休闲时尚和提供休闲教育。 负面影响表现在:降低休闲行为能力,降低休闲文化层次和阻碍社会交往。三、大众传播媒介在休闲生活中的发展休闲生活在大众传播媒介发展中的重要作用以及大众传播媒介对休闲生活的影响已经受到了大众媒介越来越多的重视。大众传播媒介现有的内容和形式已经在信息、交往、消遣等许多层面满足了受众的休闲需求,可是媒介对休闲的负面影响也不容忽视,这说明媒介在满足休闲需求方面还做的不够,人类还没有达到理想的休闲状态。理想的休闲活动应该有着更多更深刻的内容,是具有参与感和创造性的休闲,是高品味的、理性和科学的休闲。笔者认为,大众传播媒介可以从以下几个方面对休闲领域进行开发,从而引导人类走向更为健康的休闲方式,使媒介本身获得更大的利益。关注休闲教育,提高休闲文

【Abstract】 With the development of the society, recreation enjoys as higher status in modern life as people now spend less time working and more time relaxing. Mass media, as one of the most important entertainment for people, must pay attention to such trend. This trend has changed the content of media and the ways to express itself and provided new space for its development. Accordingly mass media has also influenced and changed the idea and patterns of recreation. This article has agreed with the definition of recreation by American scholar Geoffrey Godbey. He believes: recreation is kind of life free from the outside pressure of cultural and material environment. It makes individual behave freely from his own will and live in the way he prefers and thinks worthwhile. This has also laid the foundation for his belief. He looks on recreation as a life style with two meanings: 1.The comparative freedom away from cultural and material pressure. 2. The love inspired from inside of the individual, not from his pursuit of interests. It’s an ideal lifestyle reflecting our knowledge, experiences and beliefs .It doesn’t refer to the time product or spirit state.People’s idea about recreation becomes clearer and more profound with the developing of the society. Today people’s material demand for living has been satisfied and most people are no longer engaged in the production of materials. Working efficiency improved, working time reduced, people have more time relaxing and entertaining. Recreation has play an unprecedented role in people’s life. This has changed people’s lifestyle and at the same time has a significant influence on mass media .The article tries to study the lifestyle and the problems of the recreation reflected in the mass media, examining the relations between mass media and the recreation from different aspects to find the best way developing the two and therefore enlarge the space of development for mass media. Find the proper position of recreation in the mass media and integrate the two to reach the win-win goal. <WP=56>Ⅰ influence of recreation on mass media Recreation has influenced the mass media in many aspects. The most obvious influence is that it has led to the coming of recreation media and promoted the industrialization of mass media.Living standards of modern people has been improved continuously and the former content of media could no longer meet their demand. Under such circumstances, recreation media becomes a necessity. It can be divided into three categories:1. The city edition of newspaper phenomenon. Except that the newspaper named with " city newspaper "come forth, other kinds of newspapers make the transition one after another and weekend edition of daily newspaper appear. They all take " closely related to citizen’s life, serve citizen’s life " as its aim of running a newspaper, affirm fully the value of the recreation activity, and make great efforts to explore the market of the recreation field. 2. The appearance of the recreation magazine. If city newspapers are for the public, then the magazines orientate their readers on so-called “white collars” in the city with higher education and higher income. Their pursuit of fashion has brought forth such recreation magazines as " vogue," " Rayli " ," automobile clan " and " fashion and healthy "etc. 3. The recreation edition in the broadcast, TV, film. For example, traffic radio, entertainment radio, the establishment of professional TV channels in sports, life and services, " movie for greeting the New Year ", TV series adapting the history for entertainment. The prosperity of such programs is inseparable with people’s increasing demand for recreation.In recent years, the marketization and industrialization of mass media has already become the hot topic. The industrialization management of media is favorable to rationalize the use of media resources and is favorable to the realization of effective operation and helps to boom market economy, making media economy become a new rising point in the national

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G206.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1332

