

The Analysis of Coats Guangzhou Ltd. Supply Chain Management

【作者】 祁向阳

【导师】 邹国庆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全球化的市场经济以及信息技术的发展,使企业面临着新的机遇和挑战。由于日益激烈的竞争压力,需要极大程度地改进生产过程和向客户提供产品的过程,以增加利润;对待特殊客户的特殊服务,如快速、可靠供货等等的竞争压力越来越大。在这种背景下,供应链的概念应运而生。20世纪80年代末提出来的供应链概念,在全球制造和全球经济一体化浪潮的推动下,得到了广泛应用并逐步成为一种新的管理模式---供应链管理。越来越多的企业正希望借助供应链管理来优化自己的业务流程,提高自己的竞争优势。本文希望结合广州高士线业有限公司的供应链运作分析,对有关企业有所借鉴。本文试用供应链的管理理论来探讨分析广州高士线业有限公司的供应链管理。高士集团已在全球范围建立了其供应链网络。广州高士线业有限公司是高士集团在中国投资的大型合资企业,是高士集团全球主要的产品供应生产基地。论文对广州高士线业有限公司的供应链管理现状从物料管理、订单处理及生产计划安排、仓库货物处理及配送方面进行了总结描述。对广州高士供应链运作进行问题分析,有原材料采购供应问题,原材料库存管理和成品库存管理问题,客户订单的完成率问题,各部门供应链活动冲突问题,货物配送问题,管理信息系统问题。广州高士在纱线价格方面由整个集团来控制协调。如接收比市场价格偏高的纱线,集团内这种价格谈判没有太多余地。对于纱线质量控制,若出现质量问题,往往不能够采取严历措施要求上游供应商跟进改善,有时不得不接受质量有部分缺陷的纱线。广州高士为保证能及时快速供货给客户,一部分原纱、成品仍然维持较高库存。市场形势的急剧变化,又往往使得一些成品成了呆滞品,积压了资金造成损失。目前广州高士客户订单的平均准时完成比率为95.02%。主要原因有生产技术的限制(如工艺不稳定等),生产能力的限制,客户改变需求等等。由于各部门都有职责、权力和责任的自主权,因此他们之间的主动相互权衡是很难做到的,整个企业的收益往往难以达到最优。广州高士管理信息系统可以说目前未能强力有效支持其内部运作和外界有效沟通,不利于同客户和供应商的信息传递沟通、对需求作出快速反应。响应客户需求方面的信息也不能够及时快速地传递到相关执行作业层面。 本文总结给出供应链运作改进的理论依据,供应链管理基本思想是用系统的方法来管理始于原材料供应商,经由工厂和仓库,止于最终顾客的信息流,物流和服务流。要进行供应链管理,就应该先从企业内部供应链管理着手,在业务调整和管理能力的培育上,实现从内到外的发展。广州高士要有效实施供应链管理,解决上述问题,需要对组织机构和业务流程进行重组,并实施ERP。经过整合,使采购、订单处理的客户服务、生产计划、生产制造、仓存部门活动统一在供应部之下,由一位运作经理负责协调控制。广州高<WP=36>士,只有打破改变集团内部指定原材料供应商这种供应模式,对集团内的这种业务模式进行重组,推行横向一体化、准时化采购把采购供应交由市场解决以快速敏捷地响应市场机会。公司借助ERP系统,产生原材料采购需求信息,及时发布准确的需求信息和预测给选定长期主要供应商,并充分交换库存信息。相互协调共同管理库存,维持一个合理的低水平的安全库存量。经过组织机构重组后,仍需及时梳理公司内部从订单接收、原材料采购供应、生产计划、生产制造和向客户提供产品的过程,从而快速反应来满足市场的需求。广州高士作为生产制造企业,其供应链管理应关注生产部门的供应链管理,可借签实行适时生产方式,以此来强化生产部门的供应链管理; 广州地区物流业已比较发达,公司可选择专业的第三方物流公司去完成公司大部分送货任务。公司集中精力去专注自己的核心业务,只保留一些广州市区内非常紧急订单的小批量送货。广州高士目前准备计划引进实施SAP的ERP。为了顺利实施ERP系统,在公司内部要成立三级专门机构,即领导小组、项目小组和职能小组,要有公司最高管理层的重视和亲自参与,参与变革、选择技术方案等。公司推行ERP系统进行企业供应链整合使企业有同一的管理信息平台,减少企业内各部门之间沟通障碍,共享相关信息,对客户需求做到快速响应,同时对企业外部资源方便控制供应链全过程,缩短业务流程全过程所需要时间,实现低成本操作。供应链的改进要求对公司的组织机构和业务流程进行变若革,ERP系统的实现也需要企业改变经营处理过程,这都会带来公司内部抗拒变革的阻力。这都需要管理层及时处理,保证ERP平稳实施,而不会影响到公司的业务长远发展。广州高士供应链管理运作对生产制造企业构建供应亦有一定的借鉴意义。本文结合广州高士线业有限公司的供应链运作管理分析,总结出以价值链为导向的广州高士供应链模型;企业要有效实施供应链管理,提升其运营绩效,需要借助ERP系统,企业不仅要整合优化企业的外部供应链管理活动,更为重要的是要首先尽量优化企业内部供应链管理活动,还必须进行必要的流程再造,特别是核心流程的再造,以此来提高营供应运营效率,降低运作费用,提高供应链的快速反应能力。

【Abstract】 The enterprises are now facing new opportunities and challenges with the development of global marketing economics and information technology. Due to intense competitive pressure increasingly, improving greatly production process and providing product to customer are required to increase benefit;Pressure of special service for special customer is getting greater, for example, delivery rapidly and reliably. Under this background, the concept of supply chain is raising and being developed from the end of eighties of the twentieth century. Pushed forward by the waves of global manufacturing and global economics integration, the concept of supply chain has been getting comprehensive applications and gradually forming a new management model----Supply chain management model. More and more enterprises are hoping to optimize their business flow by supply chain management aid. This paper is hoped to give some experiences by the Analysis of Coats Guangzhou Ltd. Supply Chain Management.The article tries to use supply chain management theory to probe into and analyze the supply chain operation management of Coats Guangzhou Ltd. Coats group has established its widest global supply network in the world. Coats (Guangzhou) Ltd. is a large-scale joint venture invested by Coats group in China and is the main products supply manufacturing base of the Coats group in the world.The article des cribes the supply chain management of Coats (Guangzhou) Ltd. including material management, order processing, production planning & schedule and goods dealing and distribution. The article analyses its supply chain operation including raw material purchasing, material stock and finished-goods management, customer order finishing percentage, supply chain activity conflict among department, goods distribution, management information system.The key material is Grey yarn for Coats (Guangzhou) production. Spinning <WP=38>and twisting factories of Coats group provides the Grey yarn. As this is relationship of upper and lower supplier, the price of the Grey yarn is controlled and coordinated by the whole group. For example, Coats (Guangzhou) accept higher price which has no too space to argue. If serious quality problem happens, the company operation will have been damaged badly even though returning goods or exchanging goods. In general, Coats can get exacter customer demand information and provide exacter sale forecast. But at present, some finished-goods in Coats (Guangzhou) still maintain higher stock in order to provide goods for customer timely. However, market situation changes sharply, it makes these goods become dormant stock, which occupies money. At present, customer order finishing percentage is 95.02%, the main reason is production technology limit (for example: unstable processing), production capacity limit, demand change from customer, etc. Due to each department’s responsibility and power, it is difficult for them to balance automatically. The effective supply chain operation can not leave the effective information technology support. The management information support system can be said under-developed. There is no strong management information means to support its operation. It is also not enough in the technology innovation on responding customer demand fastly. The information that effects customer demand can not be passed on the related execution level. The article gives the theory of supply chain operation improving. Supply chain management basic thoughts are to use systemic method to manage from raw material supplier per factory and warehouse to the end-users’ information flow and logistics and services flow. The key is that the enterprises satisfy the customers’ demand core activities every day.Though the grey yarn is provided by the group and is reliable, the raw material supply is tight to effect production seriously because the supplier in the group encountered accident. So some suggestion is that Coats (Guangzhou) consider another supplier outside the group to avoid the upper supplier in the group happen accident

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】366

