

The Sales Manage Research of Large-scale Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

【作者】 张春雨

【导师】 吴小丁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以“药养医”的现象没有任何改观, 药品降价没有带来明显的实惠 。消费者同医院的距离仍然很远,国内医药市场的结构过于单一。国内医药企业更多的原于传统的销售方式,即同医院和医生保持良好的关系,很多的业内人士在营销理论同国内处方药的销售模式上大发感慨,“处方药的销售模式无法应用通用的营销理论来分析问题和解决问题”、“处方药的销售模式雷同于政府公共关系的销售模式”等等。在学习外企失败后,更多的企业返回到原始的销售模式即大包和代理,除了少数的企业外,包括大型知名企业几乎都有大包的形式在内。现在的市场竞争,已经不是产品的竞争,而是概念的竞争,在大家都在提倡满足消费者需要,为市场服务的时候,竞争已悄然来到。维持分销渠道的物流畅通,靠的是资金流和信息流的良性运作。随着技术进步的飞速发展,产品的更新和市场的变化频率越来越快,竞争也愈加激烈。另一方面,渠道资源的争夺都是为了控制范围更大的零售终端。目标管理最重要的体现就是预算管理,而财务预算是建立在销售预算的基础上,销售预算又是建立在市场预测的基础上。有效的销售财务管理和市场预测都是有赖于完善的市场营销信息系统。 <WP=52>由于平价连锁与卖场的进入,导致价格优势的平价市场迅速占领有利位置,靠多种经营的手段,靠低价的促销手段,靠优质的售后服务手段等,区别于传统的药品零售,敞开式的管理方式,更加透明的经营理念,给消费者带来全新的感受,随着医疗体制改革的深入,医药分离政策的展开,医院最终将在药品零售或经营上有自己的优势,毕竟看病与买药是两码事,但是目前的竞争已经无法避免。 对于少数走在前面的药企,已经逐步建立起了综合的销售策略,但对于其他众多的药企,仍然处于推广策略单一的状况,带金销售起着决定性的作用,他们面临的潜在危险是一旦带金销售受到致命打击,他们连反应的机会都不会有。国内药企应该改变目前单兵作战的市场拓展策略,强化组织职能对销售人员的支持,塑造企业的整体品牌,从整体角度考虑,将销售人员的工作放在企业整体发展的架构中进行规范,完善整体推广的营销策略;一方面企业在整体战略上要明确整个产品体系的生命周期构成,为不同的产品分配合理的资源;强化客户开发的策略性:其次 强化对市场基础的管理:一个稳定的市场基础包括完善的销售网络、良好的客户关系、良好的市场秩序、系统的品牌建设等,使企业可以构建一个牢固的销售平台。概念开发最主要的目的是建立与消费者有意义的沟通。概念开发的效果很大一部分最终落实到广告的效果上。 <WP=53>尽快形成一个明晰的核心价值观,并有效地向目标市场传递,借以赢得市场的信赖,是目前许多企业必须补上的一课。要创造强有力的品牌,必须保持品牌形象和识别的统一性。好名称有自己讲故事的能力,好包装有自我推销的能力。 随着OTC市场的不断发展及医药分业的临近,医药企业的竞争将不断升级,从靠产品的机遇性成功,逐步将升级为营销的竞争、管理的竞争及多元化的综合竞争,但是这一切的前提又主要在于企业的最高决策者的观念和认知。 在实行企业的差异化的同时,要认识到医药行业的营销创新的空间上还有很大的余地,我们要在品牌、产品的规格、包装、广告宣传、市场推广、服务等诸多方面制造差异,总之就是要在你的客户和消费者心目中制造利益和个性,唯有这样你的企业在药业的市场化过程中才能走得更远、更好。 我国企业的销售网络进入了一个多元化发展的新阶段。传统的销售渠道体制呈金字塔式,因其强大的辐射能力,为厂家产品占领市场发挥出了巨大的作用。但是,在供过于求、竞争激烈的市场营销环境下,传统的渠道存在着许多不可克服的缺点;二是多层结构有碍于效率的提高,且臃肿的渠道不利于形成产品的价格竞争优势;四是厂家的销售政策不能得到有效的执行落实。销售渠道短,增加了企业对渠道的控制力;销售网点多,则增加了产品的销售量。 <WP=54>医生处方习惯的改变不是很容易的事情,因而处方药营销必须精耕细作,产品信息才会有效的传递,因此加强针对医生的宣传推广显得十分重要。市场环境是不断变化的,只要我们清楚地认识到我们产品销售的每个环节的关键所在,结合市场销售每个环节的实际变化,在营销策略上不断创新,让销售工作中的每一个环节达到我们预期的目标,最终达成我们整体目标的实现。社会在进步,市场在发展,我们所处的环境也在每时每刻变化着,顺应时代的发展需要,与时俱进的跟上市场发展的要求,是我们营销管理和销售人员需要保持的心态。顺应市场环境的变化,不断创新我们的营销思路,准确筛选我们上市的品种,认真做好产品上市前调研工作,分析市场环境,制定完善的市场销售计划,并不断下到一线市场,认真、严谨的分析、反馈市场信息。随着国家医药体制改革的逐步深入和力度的不断加大,以及跨国药企的进逼,国内药企面临巨大的转型压力。中国医药市场也正处于历史性的大调整时期,市场的持续高速增长将为企业带来前所未有的空间。

【Abstract】 Construction that distance that With the phenomenon that “ medicine keep to cure" have no any present new look, and drugs reduce price and did not bring the obvious real benefit. Consumer the hospital is still and very far, and the local medicine market is too much one.The local medicine business enterprise is more original in the sale mode that the tradition’s sale method, namely the hospital keep the good relation, a lot of industry insiders with doctor on the theories the the sale mode of the local prescription medicine the medicine of big hair regrets, prescription can’t apply the in general use the theories to analyze the problem with solve problem the", sale mode that “prescription medicine similar in the sale mode of the government public relations" the etc.At outside failure of study empress, more business enterprises return the primitive’s sale mode namely form for business enterprise for with act foring, apart froming minority outside, including large and well- known business enterprise almost containing big pack of big pack is in the inside.Now’s market competes, and is not already the product’s competition, but is the concept’s competition, in everybody all at promote to satisfy the consumer demand, and serve for market of time, the competition already and quietly arrive at.The maintenance retails the flowing freely of the thing of the way, and depend of is a funds with the positive operation of the information. <WP=56>Progresses along with the technique of fly to soon develop, and the variety frequency that the product’s renewal is more and more with market is quickly, and the competition also more add the vehemence.On the other hand, way all of fighting of resourceses are for the sake of the larger retail price terminal of control scope. The target manage the most important to is a budget management now, but the finance budget establish on the foundation of budget sale, and the sale budget again establish on the market the foundation that predict.The valid sale finance manages to predict with market to all have the in the system of perfect market information.Because of drugs that proper price market that proper price catena and field seller into, cause the price advantage to quickly capture the means of beneficial position, means near various managements, promotion near the low price, after-sales service near the superior quality the means etc., Discriminate between the tradition to retail, the management method of the open type, more transparent principle of management, bring the all new to consumer to feel, and reform deep along with the medical treatment system into, the medicine separate the competition that launching of policy, hospital is most to will there is own advantage on drugs retail or operate, after all see a doctor and buy the medicine is two code matter, but now already unavoidable. Market that Walk the medicine in front for the minority, and already and gradually establish to have the comprehensive sale strategy, but for the other and numerous medicine, still be placed in opportunity that expand the potential danger of the gold sale that the condition of the strategy one, take the function to rise the decision, they to face is once take the gold sale to suffer the mortal blow, they to connect the reaction <WP=57>to can’t have. The local medicine should change the now single soldier battle to expand the strategy, and enhance the buildup working talent to support sold personnel, the whole brand that mold the business enterprise, consider from the whole angle, and put the work selling the personnel to structure that develop in the business enterprise the whole to proceed norm, perfect the whole that expand strategy; On the one hand the life cycle that business enterprise want clear and definite and whole product system on the whole strategy constitute, and assign the reasonable’s resources for different product; Enhance the customer the strategy that develop: The next in order enhance to management market foundation: The market foundation of a stability include

【关键词】 制药企业销售管理销售终端动态联盟
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1191

