

The Implication of Shakespeare’s Tragedies

【作者】 矫福军

【导师】 杨冬;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以文艺复兴时期英国著名戏剧家莎士比亚的悲剧创作为研究对象。主要着眼点集中于莎士比亚作为文艺复兴后期作家的思想特点,结合具体创作分析其对早期人文主义思想的深入反思,并借以揭示文艺复兴时期欧洲人文主义思想的发展。莎士比亚的悲剧思想极其丰富,他通过震撼人心的悲剧情节,表现普通人性善恶交混的真实状态,创作思想意蕴深远,其创作内容关乎整个社会生活,通过主人公的性格及内心世界把整个社会生活揭示的无比完美。 莎士比亚处在欧洲文艺复兴时代,他的悲剧观念是建筑在深厚的人文主义思想基础上的。 莎士比亚的人文主义,比起早期的人文主义来,有显著的不同。他不仅立足于个体的“人性”,而且更多地立足于“人”的整体,寻求适合“人”的一种秩序。也就是说,莎士比亚悲剧深入地思考了社会人生的秩序问题。 莎士比亚的悲剧内容关乎人的整个社会生活,富有深刻的社会思想。在莎士比亚笔下,悲剧从根本上讲有深远的社会意义的,因为每个人的生活跟其他人的生活都有千丝万缕的联系,尤其因为,莎士比亚的悲剧主人公多数是君王,因其社会地位高,他们的一举一动最直接地影响社会与国家的安危。 莎士比亚的悲剧作品揭示出了人的心灵复杂辩证法,其辩证法包括了社会生活的全部复杂性和人物性格的全部复杂性。莎士比亚的人文主义并非抽象概念,而是他创作的实质所在,反映出尖刻的社会政治危机。 莎士比亚悲剧创时期现实主义成就的重要标志就是对揭露封建罪恶的同时,也对资本主义罪恶进行了批判和揭发。这说明莎士比亚不是一个受资本主义观点局限的人,而是站在时代潮流、从人类发展的理想角度思考的。 莎士比亚的悲剧创作除了揭露暴君统治、谴责独裁统治外,还深刻反映了<WP=43>社会另一现实——利己主义,即在资本主义原始积累时期所产生的一大批极端利己主义的阴谋家、野心家。 作为思想艺术家的莎士比亚,他的大智大慧触及到人性的根源,他看出了社会的不平、专横霸道的魔掌、金钱的腐蚀作用,把人性中的善、恶、美、丑刻画得淋漓尽致。 莎士比亚的悲剧情景深刻揭示了利己主义的邪恶。邪恶最简单的形式是出于自私自利的卑鄙动机,出于猎取物质财富的图谋,这种行为的后果是极其可恶可悲的。 莎士比亚的悲剧思想博大精深,他继承和发扬了自古希腊以来的悲剧观念,并创造性地把握到了悲剧艺术的实质与精魂。在其悲剧创作中,莎士比亚不仅表现了古希腊悲剧中人与命运、人与人的矛盾冲突,也展现了人物自身性格上的矛盾冲突,大大拓展了悲剧冲突的领域。在主题开拓方面莎士比亚不仅表现了历史,而且表现了文艺复兴时期人文主义所提倡的以“人”为本思想,他既歌颂了美好人性,也指出早期人文主义绝对化地张扬个性解放所带来的负面影响,即极端个人主义的恶果,表现了新兴的资产阶级的贪婪、凶狠等本质。莎士比亚是位伟大的人文主义者,所以从他的作品中我们可以看到他对女性的尊重,尊重女性的智慧、勇气和决心,并赋予女性选择命运的权利。 人文主义者崇尚人性,爱情是美好人性的最重要体现。莎士比亚悲剧中的女性,如苔丝狄蒙娜等,当她们自由运用爱的权利,大胆、执著地追求爱情、婚姻时,就对传统文化的正确性、权威性提出了质疑;而她们对爱的理解和尊重,更体现出人文主义思想。莎士比亚悲剧中的女性,正是因为爱,才认清了生命的真正价值。她们有自由的思想以及对人生的理解,有权利选择自己的命运之路,爱成为她们的一种力量,使她们有勇气进行反抗,进行争取自身的彻底解放。莎士比亚生活的时代,大家普遍相信有来世存在,其作品中出现来世的幽<WP=44>灵,主人公相信来世,相信上帝或神灵,所以,我们可以讲莎士比亚是受基督教影响的,其作品中自始至终贯穿着宗教思想。 首先,莎士比亚对《圣经》了如指掌,作品中具有大量的《圣经》引证,其次,其作品中还存有大量的神学引喻,再次,其作品及众多传记中,他从未因不信国教而与当局发生过纠纷。 莎士比亚悲剧以最为优美形式表现了显然的基督教观念,他对宽恕这一基督教基本观念有充满想象力的理解,因此,我们可以称莎士比亚的悲剧为“基督教悲剧”。在这些悲剧中他所揭示的神秘,都是从基督教的观念和表述中产生出来的,它的一些最有代表性的特点,无不与基督教的宗教情感和基督教的理解相联系。但在《哈姆莱特》等悲剧中,借悲剧主人公之口,又表现了对宗教观念的怀疑。他的这种矛盾,是文艺复兴时期人文主义者对宗教神学矛盾态度的具体体现。 莎士比亚作为人文主义的戏剧诗人,具有博大深广的人道主义胸怀与雄奇奔放的浪漫主义激情。莎士比亚笔下的悲剧主人公,那沸腾着正义与邪恶的紧张剧烈搏斗,鼓荡着人性的浩然正气而又带有浓重感伤色彩的内心冲突与情感波涛,那一次次回肠荡气、惊涛裂岸的抒情独白,传送给读者与观众的,正是那么一种雄奇悲怆的崇高感。莎士比亚不仅对悲剧人物的内心世界和人性的复杂性有异常深刻的感受与洞察,而且是无以伦比的想象的天才。通过他那神采飞扬的诗意想象,往往将人类最难以捉摸和表达的复杂情感与心灵奥秘充分

【Abstract】 This essay mainly studies the tragedy creation of the famous dramatist Shakespeare during the Renaissance, focuses on the thoughts of Shakespeare as a late writer of the Renaissance, analyses his deep thinking to the early humanism in the light of specific creation, and delineates the development of the humanism in Europe during the Renaissance.The thought of Shakespeare’s tragedies is very rich, it shows the real conditions of the common nature which includes both kindness and evil through the stirring tragedy theme. The implication of Shakespeare’s works is very deep, and the contents of his works concern about the whole social life, which is subtly delineated through the main figures and their inner world.Shakespeare lived in the times of the Renaissance of Europe, so his tragedy concept is based on deed humanism. Shakespeare’s humanism is quite different from the early one. It is based not only on the individual ”human nature”, but also on the whole ”human being”. Shakespeare’s humanism seeks a kind of order which is fit for the ”human being”. That’s to say, Shakespeare has a deep thinking about the order of the social life. Shakespeare’s tragedies concern about the whole social life of human being, so all of the tragedies have rich social thoughts. In Shakespeare’s opinion, tragedies have profound social significance, for everyone’s life has countless ties with others’ lives, and especially, most figures of <WP=46>Shakespeare’s tragedies are emperors who are in high social position, and their actions directly influence the society and the nation. The tragedy works of Shakespeare delineate the complicated dialectics of human spirits. The dialectics includes the whole complexity of the social life and the main figures. Shakespeare’s humanism is not an abstract concept, but the writing substance, and it reflects the sharp social political crisis. The critique and exposure to the evil of capitalism are the main sign of the realistic achievements while exposing the feudal evil during the writing period of Shakespeare’s tragedies. This shows that he is not limited by capitalism and that he is an active person in history. The works of Shakespeare’s tragedies not only expose the tyrant rule and the autocratic rule, but also reflect the other side of the world—egoism which refers to the large group of schemers and careerists at the beginning of the primitive accumulation of capitalism. As a thinker and artist, Shakespeare touches the root of human nature with his greed wisdom. He has found out the inequality of the society, the bossy devil’s clutches and the corrosiveness of money, and he has portraied the kindness, evil, beauty and ugliness of human nature most vividly. Shakespeare’s tragedies have exposed the evil of the egoism deeply. The simplest form of the evil of the egoism is the selfish contemptible motivation and the scheme to seek the material wealth. The result of the motivation and scheme is very wicked and miserable. <WP=47> The thoughts of Shakespeare’s tragedies have extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. Shakespeare has carried forward the tragedy’s concepts ever since ancient Greece and made them developed. He has grasped the essence and quintessence of the art of tragedies. In his tragedies, he has showed contradictive conflicts not only between the figures and their fate, but also in the characters of the figures, which expands the field of the tragedy conflicts. On the expanding of the theme Shakespeare has showed not only the history but also the thoughts of centering the human being, which are advocated by the humanism during the Renaissance. He not only sings the praises of the glorious human nature, but also points out the bad influence—the out-and-out egoism brought by the early humanism which absolutely spreads the liberation of the individuality and the nature of the bourgeoisie which is greedy and cruel. Shakespeare is a great humanist, so we can find out that he respects women in his works. He shows his respects to the wisdom, coura

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I106.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】3308

