

The View of Construction of Talent in New Military Transform

【作者】 刘红军

【导师】 韩冬雪;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化战争是新军事变革带来的一种新的战争形态,其实质是交战双方在知识占有、知识物化和运用与控制上的较量。自 20 世纪 90 年代以来,信息化战争所引发的军队人才建设工作已成为一项紧迫的历史任务摆在我们面前。军委江主席指出:“在未来的信息化战场上,知识将成为战斗力的主导因素,敌我双方的较量将更突出地表现为高素质人才的较量。如果我们不把人才培养作为一项战略任务来抓,就难以建设现代化的军队,也就难以战胜拥有高技术优势的敌人。面向二十一世纪,努力培养和造就大批高素质的新型军事人才,是摆在我们面前的一个十分紧迫的历史任务。”本文就军队在新形势下“培养什么样的人才,怎样培养人才”进行探索。 本文共分三部分。 第一部分  人才建设与新军事变革的关系 首先,人的智能和主观能动性发展到一定程度必然导致军事变革的发生,即新军事变革以人才为前提和基础。因为,人具有其他资源和生产要素所没有的能动性,信息化武器装备技术、信息化时代作战理论创新都离不开人的主观能动性的发挥。其次,新军事变革的最终完成也必须以人才建设作为保证。高科技人才保证了高新武器装备战斗力的发挥,创新型人才保证了新军事理论在实践中得以应用,复合型指挥人才则为提高部队教育训练水平提供可靠的保证。 第二部分  人才建设在新军事变革中的地位 当今,世界各国均认识到,人才是强国、兴军之本,并制定了相应的人才战略。因而,我国面临的人才竞争更加激烈。针对我国的人才队伍还不能完全适应科技进步和军队建设新要求的现状,我们必须抓住新军事变革机遇,实现“后发式”和“跨越式”发展。知识军事时代对军队五类人 30<WP=35>才队伍的知识和技能要求是,必须具备一定的信息素养、创新素养、战略素养和实践素养。 人才之所以被看作是重要的战略资源,是因为,人才资源具有其他资源和生产要素所没有的创造性、自主性、潜能开发的无限性和社会性。 人才是信息化战争的主体。信息化战争需要高素质复合型军事指挥人才。网络化的知识体系结构、很强的能力素质、科学的思维方法、良好的个性特征是其必备的条件。信息化战争需要一支素质过硬的专业技术队伍,包括精通高新技术的科技人才队伍、智能型战斗人才队伍和复合型指挥人才队伍。 第三部分  适应新军事变革抓好人才建设 首先,要围绕提升战斗力,建立充满活力的人才机制。在提高起点、多出优才上下功夫,推进培训机制的创新。着眼高技术武器装备发展的需要,建立高素质师资队伍;根据军队现代化建设发展的需要,适当增加地方高学历、高科技人才入伍数量;适应中国特色军事变革的要求,加强与世界军事强国在人才培养方面的合作与交流;坚持与国家人才政策接轨,推进军队院校与地方院校同步发展;开设部队电视网络教学,使更多的人参加高学历教育。在强化责任、公平公正上下功夫,推进选用机制的创新,合理的人才选用机制是造就人才群体的关键环节。在细化标准.定量分析上下功夫,推进考评机制的创新,完善能上能下、进出顺畅的流动机制。在鼓励成才、奖优罚劣上下功夫,推进激励机制的创新,要用重要的岗位、物质奖励、公平的奖励、优惠的待遇激励人。 其次,为优秀人才的脱颖而出创造良好环境。在高技术条件下,军事人才的成长与培养环境息息相关。在涉及部队的前途和发展的基础性工程上,要加大投入力度,为人才的成长提供硬件支持;要建立健全吸引和保留人才的政策制度机制。要优化军事教育的结构体系、优化军校教育的培养环境、优化人才培养的辅助环境。 再次,围绕新军事变革做好人才准备。要确立培养新型军事人才的新 31<WP=36>思想和新观念。树立“人才准备是新军事变革的关键”的思想;树立宁让人才等装备,不让装备等人才的思想。树立重战时带兵打仗的人才观,按照打仗的要求选干部、配班子;树立多培养懂技术、会指挥、善管理、具有联合作战素质的复合型军事指挥人才的新观念;树立多培养懂原理、精操作、会使用、善维修的专家型人才的新意识;树立适应新的战争形态需要,采取超常措施,快速培养和选用人才的时效思想。用好现有人才队伍。各级应尽快建立起人才库,迅速实现人才信息网络化,盘活用好现有人才;举办高技术联合作战培训班和研讨班,提高各级指挥员联合作战素质和能力;按照高技术联合作战的要求,尽快组建重点方向联合作战领导班子;加强政策法规建设。制定和完善利用外部力量培养优秀人才的政策法规;制定和完善吸引、使用、留住优秀人才的政策法规。加大人才培养力度。加大军队院校建设的力度,切实把培养和选就大批高素质新型军事人才作为军队院校的根本任务;加快院校教育改革的步伐,充分发挥院校教育在军队建设中的基础性、全局性和先导性的重要作用;加快急需人才的培养步伐,院校要着重培养重点方向军事斗争准备需要的复合型“通才”,提高干部的综合素质、谋略水平、创新精神和创新能力;拓宽人才培养途径。

【Abstract】 Informative war, as a new form of war, is melt with utilize and control onmutual contest in knowledge possession and materializations. Since 1990s,thetalent construction work of armed that informative war initiates has become apressing historical task we are facing. Chairman Joan, the central MilitaryCommission, has pointed out, “Knowledge will become the leading factor ofcombat effectiveness in future informative battlefield. The resist by both sideswill be more and more outstandingly shown for high quality talents. If we donot regard talent training as a strategic task, it will be too hard to build modernarmed forces and ever harder to defeat the enemy who possesses the advantageof high technology. So facing 21st century, cultivating a large quantity newmilitary talent with high quality has been a very pressing historical task.”Thispaper mainly discusses what and how to train the talent in new situation. It isdivided into three parts: The relation between new military situation and talent construction. Firstly, with the development of individual’s subjective activity, militaryreform must occur because possesses person possesses more informativeweaponry technology and dynamic capacity than other resource and factors,and operational innovation can not be apart from the subjective activity. 33<WP=38>Secondly, the terminal completion of new military reform must be guaranteewith talent construction. High-tech talent must make the new advanced combatplay effectively. Innovative talent has guaranteed that new military theorywhich applied in practice, so as to the compound commander. The position of talents cultivation in the military reform Present days, more and more countries realized the power of talent instrengthen arm force and has established corresponding talent strategy. Thusthe talent competition of our country also is found intensively. However, thetalent troops of our country is still lower than the advanced country on science,technology and the construction of armed forces, so we must make good useof the new fortune by reform to realize “high speed” an “qualified”development. The requirement for ability and knowledge of five kinds oftalent troops must have certain information attainment, innovation, andstrategy and practice attainment. Talents have been regarded as importantresource for its autonomy and creativity; they are the main part of informativewar. Informative war needs high-qualified commander. Their character,thought of science, compound ability and qualified knowledge architecture ofnetwork are essential factor. The informative war needs the professionaltechnical troops of a good quality and includes being proficient. Management to cultivate military talent fit for new reform First, establish the talent who fills with vigor, to carry the innovation oftraining weapon with high technology; increase quality of local high-educated 34<WP=39>talent to join the army; strengthen the cooperation with powerful nation andexchange talent training. Carry the local college synchronous development.Set up army television network and educate more talents with high educationalbackground. Carry the administrative innovation to improve talent group. Second, create good environment to rise up excellent talent and put themin important post. Revolve around new military reform again to make talentpreparation. Set up new ideological war thought to choose cadre andmatch-group. Establish talent files as soon as possible and realize talentinformation network promptly coiling to live with present talent. Last, establish and perfect external strength training the regulation policyto attract excellent talent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】E251
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1018

