

Discussion on Management of Medical Scientific Fund and Research

【作者】 曹玉华

【导师】 刘雪莲;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 医学科研管理的中心问题是管理。基金和课题是科研管理中首要的基本环节。基金是科研活动得以实施的经费保证,是科研课题的财力支持;课题是科研活动得以实施的设计、运行与产效的保证,是基金的物质承担者。二者缺一不可,是科研活动正常进行的前提和基础。只有加强医学科研管理,特别是加强基金和课题管理,才能不断增强科研活动的社会效益和经济效益,推动我国医学科学研究工作的发展。一、我国科研基金制的现状及问题分析科学基金制是为适应我国科学技术发展的新形势而建立的,完善FSSR是科研管理人员和科研人员必须共同面对的重要课题。(一)我国科技政策的特点我国科技政策的基本方针是坚持科学技术是第一生产力的思想,经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科技工作必须面向经济建设,努力攀登科学技术高峰。(二)资助医学科学研究的主要渠道主要有两个渠道:(1)国家提供的基金,主要包括:国家自然科学基金,国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973),攀登计划,国家医学科技攻关项目,高技术研究发展计划(863)。(2)各部委基金,各省市地方基金,如:卫生部、教育部、人事部等。(三)多层次人为设计的资助格局出现的弊端我国现行的条块分割管理机制,特别是财政“分灶”的管理模式,决定着科研基金来源的多元化,导致了多层次人为设计的资助格局。1.基础研究方面,在一定程度上存在政出多门、重复研究现象;2.各类基金数量与实际需要差距很大,与我国的大国地位很不相称;3.资助强度低,申请手续复杂,不利于进行深入研究;4. 获得经费资助后,基金管理手续复杂,影响管理效率和深度;5. 各类基金资助项目与国家重点实验室、国家重点学科建设互相结合差,不能很好地实现资源共享,协作攻关。二、完善科学研究基金制的措施与对策 <WP=29>针对以上的问题,并结合自己的工作、实践经验和在吉林大学期间所学理论知识,我提出了以下几点解决措施:(一)建立基金来源的多层次机制,提高各类基金的资助比例和资助强度各基金管理部门加强协调和沟通,不要各自为政,最好按行业统一归口管理,使国家对基础研究整体规划,有效调控;加大科研基金财政投入力度,构筑基金资助网络纵向支架;经费来源打破国家一统的局面,多渠道筹措资金,扩大资金来源,构筑基金资助网络横向支架;建议政府应对各类基金包括政府计划项目从宏观上进行调控,提倡“控制规模,拉开档次” ; 减少基金的种类,增强基金资助力度,合理简化申请手续,尽可能减轻科研人员和管理人员形式上负担。 (二)建立基金申请和使用的监督与竞争机制要加强监督的力度,建立一个强有力的、公正的、权威和高效的监督机构,建立一套完善的工作程序,严格的管理办法和管理条例,保证监督的有效性,使不公正、不合理事件及时纠正。(三)强化科研人员的攻关意识和合作意识充分运用系统观念,做好协作攻关,共谋发展。(四)加强全民科学知识教育引导人们对科学知识的思考,增强全民关注科研意识。三、医学科研选题应遵循的基本原则选题是科研过程的战略性步骤和起点,是基金与课题管理中具有战略意义的首要问题和关键环节。选题恰当与否,选择关系到整个科研工作的成败和科研管理效能。(一)科研选题中存在的问题1.科研选题随意性强,仅凭个人喜好;2.科研选题重复,创新性不强;3.医学选题不够严谨,经济社会效益不强;4.科研选题与实际脱节,可行性差。(二)医学科研课题应遵循的选题原则为改正现有问题,应遵循几下两个选题原则。1.在国家宏观指导下,根据国家长远规划和近期任务选题。2.根据国家医药卫生科学的发展趋势选题。(三) 加强科研选题工作应把握的几个问题科研管理部门要帮助科技人员确定正确的主攻方向,认真调研、<WP=30>分析论证,协助科技人员把好选题关,引导科研人员在选题上要注意把握以下几个问题。1.引导他们注重研究课题的创新性。2.引导他们注重研究课题的可行性。引导他们注重研究课题的前期工作基础。四、医学科研课题的创新创新是科学研究的灵魂。创新的成功始于选题的成功,因此有必要单独加以阐述。创新是科学研究的本质特征科学研究的本质特征是创造性与非重复性,这是科研选题必须遵循的首要原则。(二)科研创新中必须解决的认识问题要真正做到创新,应引导科技人员解决好以下的几个认识上的问题:1.处理好国家目标与创新的关系。要把选题与科学发展趋势,市场需求,国家经济、社会与科技发展目标结合起来。2.处理好前沿与自身特色的关系。前沿要探索,特色不能丢,选择一条适合自己的发展道路。3.处理好现有基础与创新的关系。要充分利用现有工作的积累,站在世界科技发展的潮流之中选题。4.在学科的融合、交叉和综合中体现创新。充分注意学科交叉和跨学科研究选题。5.加强知识创新,促进经济社会发展。(三)把握医学科研创新的独特性1.注意医学科学研究的特点即系统性与复杂性;2.医学科学研究必须十分关注生命科学的发展动态;3.树立“大科学观念”。(四)创造一个有利于创新的科研管理环境科学研究是一种创造性活?

【Abstract】 The central problem of science and research management of medicine is management. Fund and research topic are most basic parts in science and research management. Fund is the money support and undertakes science research’s execution. Research is the undertaking of science activities for planning, carrying out and good effects. Neither of them can be pressed. Only by strengthening science and research management of medicine, especially the management of fund and research topic can we improve the science of medicine, and pursue more and better ways of economic and social benefits.I. The Current Situation of Science and Research Fund and analysis of the questions The fund system of science and research (FSSR) is set up by our country’s situation. The perfection of FSSR is the mutual task for science researchers and science research managers. 1.1 Science and Technology PolicyThe fundamental principle of science and technology policy is to stick to the idea of science and technology being the first productivity. The economic construction must rely on science and technology, meanwhile science and technology must cater to the needs of economic construction to scale new heights in science and technology.1.2 The Current Situation of FSSRThe main channels and features of sponsoring medical science research . There are two major channels:One is national fund: including State natural science fund, State key basic research development plan project (973), Scale plan, State problem-tackling project of medical science and technology, high-tech research and development plan(863), Public Health Ministry fund; the other is ministries fund and Local funds within provinces and cities e.g. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Personnel, etc.1.3 The disadvantages of multi-level man-made sponsor situation The current manager system is in partition, especial in finance. This decides the source variety of science research fund and the current man-made supporting situation. i. Basic research should embody the will of state and government, centering of the nation’s aim to some degree. Whereas the nation can only allocate some portions of funds to develop science. Therefore the local governments have plans and arrangements of their own, causing the inevitable repetition. ii. The differences between various funds amounts and actual needs are large. This is not decorous to our status of big country. iii. Fund sponsor density is low and the application process is complex. This is not good for deeper research. iv. Due to the various kinds and needs of funds application within the basic <WP=33>level of management departments, the management of science and technology is more complex and the operation is less efficient. v. The combination of various funds support items with national key lab and key discipline construction is unsatisfactory.II Measures to Perfect FSSRAccording to the Above-mentioned problems, combined with my actual work, experiences and the theories learned at Jilin University, I table several proposals:2.1 Setting up multi-level, multi-channel mechanism for scientific research fund and raising various funds sponsor proportions and density.We should strengthen the valid control of basic research. Various fund management sections should coordinate and communicate with centralized management of different professions. Adding the fund investment and constructing fund network vertical framework. Breaking the centralized situation of fund source to raise funds through different channels and enlarge funds source to constructing fund network longitude frame. The government should reinforce fund management and controlling. Cutting down the kinds of fund, adding the fund density and simplifying applying procedure are also very important.2.2 Improving supervising mechanism and density to ensure fair competition. We should improve supervising and build up a powerful justice authoritative and efficient machinery and build up a set of integrated procedure, exacting manager principle to correct the unfair, u

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】R-0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】436

