

The Study on the Kinds and Sequence of Chinese Civil Priority Right

【作者】 罗慧明

【导师】 谢志红;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,经济的演变正牵动着社会生活发生深刻的变化。利益的冲突、权利的激荡,打破了旧有经济体制下整齐划一的秩序。法律作为利益的平衡器和公平正义的化身对此不能不有所回应。冲突的权利要有一个实现的先后顺序,何者的权利应先予以满足,其理由何在?这便是民事优先权制度要解决的问题。民事优先权是一个古老而又陌生的问题,民事优先权制度作为民商法的重要组成部分起源于罗马法,动因在于对弱者的保护,其制度价值则在于追求实质正义。作为私法上一项古老的“特权”制度,民事优先权制度体现了国家的立法政策,反映着法律对实质平等、公平与正义不懈追求的理念。然而,我国立法长期以来对民事优先权却较为漠视,也没有建立完善的民事优先权制度。我国正处于市场经济的起步阶段,经济生活中不可避免存在多种不确定因素,主体利益冲突的加剧以及利益需求的不平衡,需要一定立法政策的调和,优先保护社会弱势群体的生存权益,已到了刻不容缓的地步。我国法律目前对民事优先权并未做出一般性规定,学者们对于民事优先权的含义和性质也存在着较大的争议,究其原因是因为对于民事优先权的种类未能全面把握所致。与民事优先权种类相关的规定现在大多散见于民法特别法中,如《中华人民共和国海商法》规定的船舶优先权、《中华人民共和国民用航空法》规定的民用航空器优先权、《保险法》所规定的被保险人对人寿保险公司的优先权等。民事优先权的顺位是民事优先权制度中的另一大关键问题,因为民事优先权的顺位涉及到民事优先权人的权利如何实现的问题。我国目前仅在《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》、《中华人民共和国破产法(试行)》、《中华人民共和国海商法》等少数几部法律中有所规定。这种立法模式的优点在于能节省立法资源,但不同法律,法规之间缺乏必要的衔接,甚至有互相冲突的现象。从宏观上看,我国民事优先权制度在立法上存在条文简陋,操作性差,体系松散,项目不全,重复规定,前后不一等诸多弊端,这些弊端给司法实践带来种种问题。但这并不能成为否定对民事优先权做进一步研究的理由。因为理论研究的目的不在于为现实的存在提供合理的辩护,而在于为现实的完善提供思想动力。 因此,改变我国目前的这种立法现状以适应经济和社会发展的需要已成为当务之急。建立统一的民事优先权制度,有必要借鉴西方发达国家民事优先权立法方面的成功经验。大陆法系的法国民法典最为全面地继受罗马法的各项制度并加以发展。法国民法典在第十八编第二章中专门对民事优先权制度作出了系统成熟规定,而《日本民法典》在继受法国民事优先权制度的基础上,在第二编物权编的第八章中规定了民事优先权,但将其称之为先取特权。 民事优先权的种类和顺位是建立我国的民事优先权制度的核心问题。因为对这个问题的不同回答将直接影响到民事优先权体系的构建。要确定民事优先权的种类,首先要界定民事优先权的含义。本文认为界定民事优先权的含义需要考虑以下几个因素:一是我国法律目前的规定;二是民事优先权概念发展的历史轨迹;三是与已有概念体系的和谐性;四是民事优先权存在的价值。基于上述因素的考虑,本文认为民事优先权是指债权人的特定债权基于法律的直接规定得就债务人的总财产或特定财产优先受偿的权利。确定了合理的定义,民事优先权种类的范围也就随之确定。这为我们进一步地研究民事优先权的种类和顺位提供了技术上可能。通过对我国民事优先权种类及顺位的归纳、评析和补充,对比国外的相关立法例并参照我国学者物权法建议稿中的有关内容,本文对我国物权法中应确定的民事优先权的种类及顺位提出了一些初步的见解以求教于师长。

【Abstract】 The economic development is deeply affecting social life. The conflict of the interests and the agitating of the varied rights have broken the uniform order under the old economic system. The law cannot but responds this to some extent as the equalizer of the interests and incarnation of fair justice. The conflict of the rights should be arranged properly. Which right should be satisfied first, what is the reason? This is the problem that civil priority right system should solve.The civil priority right is an old but strange problem. Civil priority right had originated from Roman law as an important part of civil law, aiming at protecting the weak and pursuing the substantial justice. However, for a long time our civil law has treated the civil priority right with indifference and has not established the civil priority right system. As an old "privileged" system in the history of civil law, it reflects the legislative policy of a nation and shows the principles of law, such as equality, justice and uprightness. Some inevitably uncertain elements in our economic life, aggravation of the subject interest conflict and disequilibrium of the interests demand requires mediation of certain legislative policy. It is an urgency that the right of existence of the weak in the society should be protected in advance.At present our civil law has not established the general civil Priority right stipulations. Scholars have great dispute on the definition and nature of the civil priority right for they have not hold the civil priority right kinds in an all-round way. Most clauses concerning the civil priority right kinds sporadically appear in the special civil law, such as Maritime Law of the People’s Republic of China Law of the People’s Republic of China on Civil Aviation Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China and so on. The civil priority right sequence is another key issue in civil priority right system , because it is related to the issue, that is, how to realize the rights of the involving preferred creditors. There are only a few stipulations in Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China Law of the People’s Republic of China on enterprise bankruptcy(for trial implementation) and Maritime Law of the People’s Republic of China. The advantage of such legislative mode lies in saving legislative resources, but the disadvantage is that there is not essential relationship between the different regulations, even conflicts between them. In all, this unavoidably causes many drawbacks such as loose system, uncompleted item, repeated stipulations and so on.Thus these bring all sorts of questions to judicial practice. However it is not the reason we should not study the civil priority right further for the purpose of theoretic research is not to provide the reasonable excuse for actuality, but to provide the motive force of ideas for perfecting the actuality, so it is important for us to changing such legislative condition to adapting the social and economic demands.For establishing unified civil priority right system, it is necessary to use the successful experience of western developed country for reference. France Civil Code of Continent law inherited Rome Law and developed it France Civil Code has specially made the ripe regulation of the civil priority right system in Chapter two Part eighteen. Based on the French regulations, Japanese Civil Code stipulated the civil priority right system in Chapter eight Part two.The kind and sequence of civil priority right are the key issues for establishing our civil priority right system. How to select the civil priority right kind and ascertain the sequence is the main concern of this thesis for the different answer to this question will directly affect the civil priority right system construction. For confirming the kinds of civil priority right, the primary problem is how to define the meaning of civil piiority right. The meaning of civil priority right is a quite disputed question. The author think we need to consider the following factors: Firstly, our prese

【关键词】 民事优先权种类顺位
【Key words】 Civil priority rightKindSequence
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】247

