

Experimental Study on "Student-oriented" Teaching Model in Profession of Health Management

【作者】 杨金侠

【导师】 胡志;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:针对目前卫生管理专业普遍采用的“以教师为中心”教学模式的弊端和不足,结合当前卫生事业发展对卫生管理专门人才的需要,探索培养适应卫生事业发展需求的、知识、能力、素质型卫生管理专门人才的卫生管理专业“以学生为中心”的教学模式。方法:利用文献分析法了解当前卫生管理专业教育中存在的问题以及卫生事业改革与发展对卫生管理人才的需求;应用实验研究验证根据现代教育教学思想、卫生管理专业培养目标等设计的卫生管理专业“以学生为中心”教学模式的优越性与合理性、不足或有待于改进的地方;应用SPSS建立数据库、录入、进行数据核对与逻辑检查,最后进行统计分析。结果:①卫生管理专业实施的“以学生为中心”的教学模式较之于传统的“以教师为中心”的教学模式,在不会偏废对书本知识学习的同时,更利于对学生管理素质和管理能力的培养;②多种教学方法的综合运用利于学生的全面发展,并且案例分析、课堂辩论、课堂演讲、自学+课堂提问、小组讨论等是既可被学生接受和适应,又适合本专业特点的教学方法;③自学—讨论—总结—探索四阶式的教学组织形式符合教育教学及学习与认知规律,利于学生自学、沟通交流、创新思维等能力的培养,但课堂自学时间的安排有没必要需进一步探讨;④打破教室的空间界限,让学生走出课堂,实地观察或见习,颇受学生欢迎,且有利于培养学生的观察能力和独立获取知识的能力,但如学生不能持正确的态度,则容易流于形式;⑤在“以学生为中心”教学模式的实施中,教师的角色和行为很重要。思考:①建立一个有利于“以学生为中心”教学模式实施的宏观支持系统,包括树立现代的教育观;树立新型的人才观;树立正确的学习观等。②建立一个有利于“以学生为中心”教学模式实施的微观支持系统,包括成立专门的组织;制订相关政策、制度和措施;建立发展性教学评价体系等。

【Abstract】 [ Objectives ] There are many shortcomings in the present teaching model of ’teacher-oriented’ ,which also exists widely in health management education. To train specialized health management talents that can fit the need of developing health sectors, a new teaching model named ’student-oriented’ was explored to educate capability-focused health management specialized students.[ Methods ] The author analyzed the related documents to acknowledge the questions existing in current health management education and social demands of such specialization first, then defined the advantage, reasonableness and deficiency of the new teaching model by experimental study. The new teaching model based on the modern educational theory and the goal of training health management students. At last the data was coordinated and analyzed with SPSS 10.0 software.[Results] 1. The new teaching model is superior to the traditional model. It is in favor of developing the students’ characters and capability of management while not abandoning the book learning at the same time. 2. The measures of using diversified methods such as case analysis, class argument, class address, question plus self-education and group discussionspromoted the omnifaceted development of students. These education methods were correspondent to the features of health management and proved effective. The students also accepted them. 3.Four-stage educational organization mode, self-education-argument-summarization-exploration, conforms to the regularity of education and study. Through which the students can develop the capabilities of self-education, communication and creative thinking. But the time of self-education should be studied further. 4. It is important to let students practice outside classes, which can arise the interest of learning and be helpful to enhance the ability of observation and knowledge acquisition. But the premise is that the students have correct attitude. 5. The character and behavior of the teachers are very important in carrying out this new model.[suggestion] 1. A macroscopic support system for ’student-oriented ’ teaching model should be built up. It includes establishing modern educational standpoint, new talent standpoint and correct study standpoint. 2. A microscopic support system should also be built up to ensure the operation of the new model. It includes setting up specialized organization; establishing related policy, institution and measures and establishing proper evaluation system.

  • 【分类号】R-4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】254

