

Metrological Analysis of Documents on Hospital Management in Anhui Province and Its Implication to Hospital Management Innovation Research

【作者】 储晓红

【导师】 唐根富;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解安徽省医院管理研究发展动态,为医院管理研究人员、医院管理者提供有价值的参考信息,促进医院管理创新研究。 方法:对1978年1月~2002年6月的《中国生物医学光盘文献数据库(CBMdisc)》收录的安徽省医院管理文献进行统计分析,共检索出1207篇论文。并查对了六种卫生管理类学术期刊及国内相关数据库,共计全文676篇,文摘313篇;未取得原文、文摘的则依据其标题、主题词、关键词,根据相关信息从中提取统计指标输入计算机,建立数据库,应用SPSS10.0软件进行分析。 结果:安徽省医院管理论文基本呈逐年增长趋势,论文总量居全国第13位。论文数量的增长与安徽省医疗卫生事业发展的速度基本保持一致,并且有明显的阶段性特征和地区差异。医院管理人员是医院管理研究的主导力量。作者队伍众多,共有893人,核心作者队伍尚处于初步形成中。安徽医科大学附属医院和安徽医科大学(卫生管理学院)在发文总量及拥有高产作者人数上具有优势。1207篇论文分散发表于190种期刊上,22.2%载于5种中文卫生管理类核心期刊,其中有16.1%的文献载于国内仅有的两份专门刊登医院管理学术成果的专业核心期刊《中华医院管理杂志》、《中国医院管理》上。《中国农村卫生事业管理》作为安徽省唯一向全国公开发行的卫生管理杂志,是安徽省医院管理研究者交流的重要园地,为安徽省医院管理尤其是乡镇卫生院管理研究和发展做出了贡献。文献主题内容较广,感染管理、医院改革、质量管理是主流研究领域。质量管理、感染管理、乡镇医院管理是1995年以来增长率较高的研究热点。文献研究类型以理论研究为主,占50.8%,实证研究为20.4%。运用调查统计的论文占21.0%,仅有27篇引用了管理科学中较新的理论、方法和技术。有12篇论文注明获得资助,说明安徽省医院管理研究在一定程度上得到有关部门、组织的认可和重视。安徽医科大学硕士学位论文社会医学与卫生事业管理 建议: l、提高医务人员对医院管理专业化、科学化的认识,发挥管理因素的作用,为医院管理研究人员提供动力源和创新空间。 2、抓好医院管理研究核心作者队伍建设,积极培养学科带头人。 3、建立健全医院管理研究激励机制,营造良好的学术氛围,鼓励医院管理研究人员多出成果。 4、增强医院管理研究人员“品牌”意识,努力提高其论文在医院管理专业核心期刊的比重。 5乎旨导。 6、强化创新意识,注重探讨医院当前新问题,为医院管理制度创新提供科学、吸纳应用先进管理科学研究技术和方法,加强管理研究规范性、科学性,提高研究结果的可信度和价值。7、提高有关科研基金对医院管理研究的资助级别,加大投入,为医院管理研究提供财力支持。、组建医院管理研究信息网络,为医院管理研究人员提供良好的信J自、环境。、发挥高等院校在医院管理研究中的力量,保障安徽省医院管理研究实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Objectives: Finding out the current state of hospital management research in Anhui Province, providing valuable information for hospital management researchers and hospital managers and strengthening hospital management innovation research.Methods: Analyzing 1207 documents including 676 papers, 313 abstracts and 218 titles, subject headings and keywords on hospital management written by authors from Anhui Province in CBMdisc from the period of January, 1978 to June, 2002 after reexamining those papers and abstracts in 6 academic journals and the related data bases in China, selecting the related information to store it in computers and setting up a data base by using SPSS 10.0 software.Results: The amount of documents on hospital management in Anhui Province is tending to increase year by year, the total number of which ranked 13 in all provinces of China. The increase in the number of papers is basically consistent with the development of the health services in our province, and has obvious periodic characteristics and regional differences. Among the 893 authors, those who came from hospitals constitutes the major part, but those who can be regarded as the core authors are still under initial reformation. Of all the institutions, the First Affiliated Hospital andthe School of Health Service Administration of Anhui Medical University are the main contributors of those papers owing to their productive authors and advantages. The papers were published in as much as 190 journals, 22.2% of them were printed in 5 Chinese core journals of health service management categories, 16.1% in the 2 specialized Chinese core journals of health service management, namely, the Journal of Chinese Hospital management and the Journal of China Hospital management. The Journal of Chinese Rural Health Service Management, the only specialized journal of health service management openly published in Anhui Province, is an important medium to the authors of our province, and what’s more important, it has made great contributions to hospital management research and especially the rural township hospital management research in our province.The topics of the papers are quite diversified, but hospital infection management, hospital reform and health service quality control are the main research fields, and papers on health service quality control, hospital infection management and rural township hospital management have been increasing quite rapidly, which become the focus of exploration.As to the types of the research, the theoretical research amounts up to 50.8%, while the evidence-based research constitutes 20.4%. 21.0% of the authors used the method of surveying and statistics, and only 27 papers cited new theories, methods and techniques emerged in management science.12 papers were written with the support of certain financial aids, and that shows hospital management in Anhui Province is tending to be recognized and emphasized by the related sectors and organizations to some degree.Suggestions:1. Improving the hospital personnel’s recognition to the importance of specialized and scientific hospital management, realizing the role of management factors andproviding the necessary motivation origin and innovation space for hospital management researchers.2. Pay special attention to the development of the core author groups and actively cultivating hospital management research leaders.3. Setting up or improving the motive system of hospital management research, establishing good academic atmosphere for the researchers and encouraging them to be more productive in their research.4. Cultivating the researchers’ concept of "good brand" and raising the papers’ rate in the specialized core journals.5. Strengthening the researchers’ concept of "innovation", actively exploring new problems in the present hospital management and proving necessary guidance for hospital management system innovation.6. Adopting and utilizing advanced methods and techniques emerged in management science strengthening the rese

  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【下载频次】366

