

The Analytic Study on the Death Causes of Residents in Ma’anshan of Anhui Province Through 1987 to 2001

【作者】 卞正平

【导师】 唐根富;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 死因统计资料揭示了疾病与死亡的静态特征、动态趋势、疾病谱与死因谱的变迁,是一个重要的社会卫生信息资源,它客观地反映了社区居民整体的健康状况,为卫生决策、疾病预防控制及医学科研提供了重要的参考依据。本次死亡原因分析研究是根据安徽省马鞍山市1987—2001年上报的《居民病伤死亡原因年报表》及相关背景资料,从人口数量、构成及变动特征、人口死亡特征、人口死因谱的变迁、主要死因的死亡构成与死亡率的变化以及人口期望寿命的变化等方面将十五年的死因统计资料进一步地开发利用,从不同角度分析我市居民死亡原因特征。资料显示:恶性肿瘤、脑血管病、心脏病、呼吸系病及损伤与中毒等慢性非传染性疾病是造成我市居民死亡的主要原因。随着居民生活水平的提高、生活方式的变化,期望寿命的延长、人口老龄化的加速以及传染病得到有效控制,慢性非传染性疾病已成为一个日益突出的公共卫生问题,需要给予高度重视。根据分析研究结果,我们提出以下建议:1.进一步巩固和完善人口出生与死亡登记报告制度,严格质量控制;2.加强重点慢病如:恶性肿瘤、脑血管病、损伤与中毒等的监测工作,探索病因和主要危险因素,进行有效干预,实施近期、远期效果评价,调整卫生政策;3.重视健康教育这一现代疾病预防的重要手段,将健康教育视为一种健康投资行为;4.建立健全社区卫生服务网络,拓展和完善社区卫生服务预防、医疗、保健、康复、健康教育及计划生育技术服务等功能;5.做好充分思想和物质准备,迎接人口老龄化的挑战和应对慢性非传染性疾病的威胁。

【Abstract】 Statistical data of death causes are important information resources of social health, which reveal the static characteristics and dynamic trends of diseases and death as well as changes in the spectrum of diseases and that of the death causes and objectively reflect the residents’ overall physical health state, providing a major reference for health decisions and disease control and prevention. This analytic study on the death causes is based on the Annual Report on Death Causes of Residents’ Diseases and Injuries of Ma’anshan City, Anhui through 1987 to 2001 combined with other relevant background information, further utilizing the statistics of death causes of the above mentioned 15 years to analyze the characteristics of the residents’ death cauese in this city in terms of the demographic size, composition and changes, characteristics of deaths, changes in the spectrum of death causes, the composition of leading death causes, changes of the mortality rate as well as changes of the population’s life expectancy. The data have indicated that chronic non - communicable diseases are the main cause to the death of this city’s residents, which range from malignant tumor, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, diseases of the respiratory system to injuries and poisoning. With the continu ous rise of the residents’ living standard, changing lifestyle, extension of life expectancy, accelaration of the popuation’s aging and effective control of infectious diseases, chronic non - communicable diseases have become a significant public bealth problem drawing much attention. The author raises the following suggestions according to the results of his analytic study: 1 To control the work quality through further consolidating and improving the registration and reporting system of birth and mortality; 2. To strengthen the surveillance of such chronic diseases as malignant tumor, cerebrovascular disease, injuries and poisoning, probe the causes and main risk factors in order to realize an effective intervention, cany out the short - and long - term effect evaluation and ad-just health policies; 3. To emphasize health education--the important means in modern disease prevention , which is to he considerd a health investment behavior; 4. To establish and perfect the network of community health service, promote and develop the community health service’s functions in such fields as prevention, medical treatment, health care, rehabilitation, health education and technical services in family planning; 5. To be well prepared, mentally and materially, to handle the challenge of the aging population and threat imposed by chronic nan - communicable diseases.

【关键词】 死亡原因统计分析研究
【Key words】 death causesstatisticsanalytic study
  • 【分类号】R181.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】145

