

Development of Flood-monitoring System in the Middle Reaches of Yangtse River

【作者】 王茜

【导师】 蔡述明;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(测量与地球物理研究所) , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 洪涝灾害是长江中游地区最为严重的自然灾害。我们以遥感RS和地理信息系统GIS为基础,采用最新、最先进的软件开发技术,以及当今流行的软件设计思路,基于COM(组件)技术、可视化技术和面向对象技术的软件开发方法,开发出了比较完善、功能强大的“长江中游水灾监测信息系统”,以期通过该系统的建设,利用高新技术手段为长江中游地区的有关防汛部门快速了解灾情、指定救灾方案和灾后重建等提供决策支持。 论文主要内容如下: (1)简要介绍系统研究与建立的理论依据,包括遥感应用的理论依据,GIS应用的理论基础和系统软件平台开发的计算机理论。 (2)系统设计与实现的过程,介绍了系统开发设计的原则,系统实现的方法与过程以及系统建成后的组成结构和功能特点。 (3)以1998年武汉市及周边地区为例对系统进行可靠性验证应用分析。将遥感卫星地面站接收的长江中游地区的1998年7月26日和8月25日部分星载雷达资料输入系统对武汉及其周边地区18个县市水灾进行监测和评估,把系统对受淹面积的监测与评估的结果和灾后防灾抗灾指挥部门统计面积结果作了对比:利用雷达卫星监测,精度可达90%~95%,从接收资料到上网约需10~20h。而通过NOAA卫星监测,精度可达85%,从资料接收到上网当天2~3h即可完成。 通过以上应用分析得出结论:利用本系统对1998年武汉市及其周边地区水灾状况进行监测评估分析,结果表明该系统运行是稳定可靠的,监测结果是有可信度的,系统体现出了人为因素干扰少,可以及时地反馈灾情信息,以及高效、快捷、覆盖面广的优势:同时文章也提出了今后系统需要改进的地方。

【Abstract】 Flood is the most serious disaster in the middle reaches of the Yangtse River. Based on the RS technology, GIS technology and the most advanced technology of designing software, we finished the powerful "monitoring-flood system in middle reaches of the Yangtse River". Hope that by building this system, high-tech measure can be used for providing decision-making for the government departments in middle reaches of the Yangtse River in finding out the situation of flood, designating the resisting-flood scheme and rebuilding after flood disaster.This paper introduced basic theories of building the system, processes of designing and finishing the system, methods of applying the system. Included:(1) Basic theories of building the system: basic theories of remote sensing application, basic theories of GIS application, basic theories of computer application.(2) Processes of designing and finishing the system: principles and methods of building the system, the structure and function of the built system.(3) Methods of applying the system. By inputting the remote sensing materials, we monitored the flood disaster in the reaches of the Yangtse River in 1998.Compare the monitoring results with the data in the department of flood prevention, using Radar to monitor the flood, precision: 90%~95%, needs 10~20h;using NOAA to monitor the flood, precision: 85%, needs 2~3h.What the above have analyzed shows that using this system to monitor the flood disaster of Wuhan City and some areas around it, the measure is feasible and the monitoring results are credible. Of course, this system need perfect more in some aspects in future.

【关键词】 RSGIS长江中游水灾监测系统
【Key words】 RSGISMiddle Reaches of the Yangtse RiverFlood-disasterMonitoring System
  • 【分类号】TV882.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】157

