

Studies on the Pollen Character、Pollination Method and the Cultivation of the Hybrid of Cut Flower Lilies

【作者】 年玉欣

【导师】 罗凤霞;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 森林培育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以布朗百合,沈农157号和17个荷兰进口的切花百合品种为试材,进行了花粉生命力测定方法、花粉特性、授粉方法和杂种的培养几方面的研究,探讨了适合百合花粉生命力测定的液体培养基和染色剂:不同贮藏条件对百合花粉生命力及贮藏力的影响;不同授粉方法对杂交结种的影响;不同培养方法对杂交种萌发的影响及杂交苗生根培养基。试验中,18个东方百合品种间杂交组合得到了种子,5个亚洲百合品种间杂交组合得到了种子,亚洲百合与布朗百合的正反交都得到了远缘杂交种,并对此远缘杂种苗进行了生根培养,找到了适宜的生根培养基。 试验结果表明,适于百合花粉萌发的蔗糖浓度为100g/L,硼对促进百合花粉萌发的作用最大,适宜的浓度为20mg/L,钙的作用次之,在蔗糖浓度为100g/L的条件下,适宜的浓度为10mg/L,适宜百合花粉萌发的培养液为蔗糖100g/L+H3BO320mg/L+CaCl210mg/L,适宜百合花粉的染色剂为TTC,染色时间宜在25-30min。 在花粉贮藏试验中,对在不同花发育采集的花粉做了常温贮藏、常温干燥贮藏、0℃-4℃冷藏、0℃-4℃干燥冷藏、-18℃-0℃冷冻贮藏、-18℃-0℃干燥冷冻贮藏六种处理,发现最适宜的贮藏条件为0℃-4℃干燥冷藏,花粉寿命可达45d,其次是0℃-4℃冷藏和-18℃-0℃冷冻贮藏,常温下百合花粉生命力丧失很快,15d就已全部接近死亡。 在授粉方法的研究中,采用了常规柱头授粉、在不同的花发育时期授粉和花粉培养液、BA、NAA、食盐水等药剂处理后授粉及切割柱头、花粉注入花柱等方法,发现亲本组合、花发育时期以及授粉方法对杂交结种都有影响。 本试验还对杂种幼胚离体培养和种子播种进行了研究。结果表明,适于百合幼胚离体培养的胚龄为81d-90d;东方百合杂交种子休眠期较长,亚洲百合杂交种子休眠期较短:播种时,东方百合杂交种子以GA3100mg/L处理效果较好,亚洲百合杂交种子以水浸泡效果较好。大批量种子中无胚种子较多。 对布朗百合×沈农157和沈农157×布朗百合的杂种组培苗进行生根试验,结果表明,适宜的生根培养基为MS+IBA2+AC1.5。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, Lilium Brownii var. viridulwn, Shennong 157 and 17 cultivars of cut flower lilies imported from Holland were employed as the experimental materials to carry on the studies on the pollen character, pollination method, and the cultivation of the hybrid of cut flower lilies.The optimum pollen culture solution and coloring agent for the lily pollen viability test, the effect of different storage condition on the viability and storability of lily pollen, the effect of pollination method on the seed formation after cross pollination and the effect of different cultivation method on the germination of the hybrids were explored through serial experiments. Hybrids were obtained from 18 parental combinations in Oriental hybrids and 5 parental combinations in Asiatic hybrids. Hybrids were also obtained in reciprocal cross between Shennong 157 and Lilium Brownii var. viridulum, and the optimum rooting culture medium was found after rooting trial on these hybrid seedlings by tissue culture.The results indicate that: the optimum concentration of sucrose for the germination of lily pollen is 100g/L, and boron can promote the germination of lily pollen greatly, with the optimum concentration 20mg/L. The effect of calcium is a little smaller than that of boron. The optimal culture solution is sucrose 100g/L+H3BO320mg/L+CaCl210mg/L, with the germination rate 44.59%. The optimum coloring agent is TTC with the dyeing time 25-30min.In the experiment of pollen storage , pollen collected in different flower growth period was treated under normal temperature, normal temperature and dry, 0℃-4℃, 0℃-4℃ and dry, -18℃-0℃, -18℃-0℃ and dry conditions. The results show that 0℃-4℃ and dry condition is the best storage condition, which can make the life-span of the pollen last for 45 days. Under the normaltemperature condition, the life-span of the pollen last for about 15 days.Conventional pollination, pollination in different flower growth period, pollination after the treatments of pollen culture solution BA, NAA, salt solution, cut-style pollination and the injection of pollen into the style were used in the experiment. The results show that the parental combination, flower growth period and the pollination method can all affect the seed formation.The results of hybrid embryo-culture and hybrid seed sowing showed that the suitable embryo age for in vitro culture is 81d-90d. The resting period of hybrid seeds from Oriental hybrids is longer than that of the hybrid seeds from Asiatic hybrids. It’s good for the germination of the hybrid seeds from Oriental hybrids to soak them in the GA3 solution with the concentration 100g/L, while water soaking is better when it comes to the hybrid seeds from Asiatic hybrids. Among the hybrid seeds, there are many seeds that have no embryos.In the rooting experiment that carried on the hybrid seedlings cultivated by tissue culture from Lilium Brownii var. viridulumXShermong 157 and Shennong 157 X Lilium Brownii var. viridulum, the optimum rooting culture medium is MS +IBA2+AC1.5.

【关键词】 百合花粉授粉方法胚培养播种
【Key words】 lilypollenpollination methodembryo-culturesow
  • 【分类号】S682.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】479

