

Environmental Changes and Archaeological Study Using Multi-source Remote Sensing Datasets of Typical Area in West China

【作者】 尹宁

【导师】 王长林; 杨林;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(遥感应用研究所) , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是世界上唯一具有连续发展历史的著名文明古国,遗址的分布、文物的埋藏遍及全国,具有极为丰富的考古资源。西部地区跨越黄河和长江这两个与人类文明密切相关的流域,各个时期的文化遗址遍布全区,具有重大的研究意义。但是,西部地区地域广阔,湖泊河流众多,高峡深谷、高原盆地、戈壁荒漠等各种地貌类型交替分布,自然环境复杂多变,气候比较恶劣,交通和经济都相对比较落后,这些对于传统的考古调查,都是难以逾越的障碍。3S作为对地观测的重要高新技术手段,可为考古提供新的方法和技术支持,因此,这也就决定了遥感考古技术在中国西部地区大范围考古调查中不可替代的作用。 本研究作为中国科学院遥感应用研究所知识创新工程项目“中国西部典型区遥感考古与生态环境变化研究”的一部分,选取陕西靖边统万城地区、榆林古长城地区以及四川广汉三星堆地区作为研究区域,利用多源遥感数据(Landsat TM、ETM+、SPOT、Quickbird、IKONOS数据等),结合研究区的气候资料、历史文献,开展了基于遥感的西部典型区域生态环境考古研究。这对于研究区域的遗址分布范围及演变、文化遗产和考古遗址的发掘与保护,都具有十分重要的现实意义。 论文主要研究内容如下: 综述了国内外利用遥感技术进行考古研究的现状和遥感考古的主要研究内容,分析了遥感考古的优势所在。对于遥感考古这一新兴学科,研究了其工作原理和方法,并把这一方法应用到本文的研究中去。 Landsat TM数据含有丰富的信息,通过对TM各波段波谱范围和表征地物特点的分析,采用两种方法对研究区域的环境信息进行提取——波段比值法和指数法。对比分析得知,波段比值法由于植被中所含水分的影响,对于水体会有误分的现象,而指数法却没有这方面的影响,因此采用指数法(即分别计算植被指数SAVI、穗帽变换和湿度指数NDMI)提取统万城地区的环境信息,并对1991年和1999年的TM/ETM+遥感影像提取的环境因子进行定量分析,从而得知该地区近10年的环境变化情况。 利用高空间分辨率的Quickbird数据,对统万城的城址位置、范围、形态进行目视解译,定量量测出城址的范围和大小,并进一步分析其选址的特点。根据解译出的古河道信息,结合统万城实测图以及SRTM DEM数据,分析统万城地区沙化的原因。 针对沙漠地区长城的分布特点,根据地形模型,提出了一种基于灰度梯度的长城提取算法。利用该算法,在IKONOS图像上进行试验,结果表明,该方法能够有效地对长城信息进行提取。 利用IKONoS和Qulckbird影像的高空间分辨率,对榆林地区的明长城和三星堆遗址地区的残存城墙进行解译分析,并进一步利用植被指数(NDVI)分析长城地区环境恶化的原因。

【Abstract】 China, as one of the oldest countries in the world, is the country with continuous historical sequence. There are many archaeological resources all over the country. The west China spans two drainage areas of Yellow River and the Yangtze River related to human civilization. However, because of extensive area, there are many topographical types such as canyon, plateau, basin, desert and so on, which make the natural environment complex and the climate terrible. Considering the above conditions, it is very difficult to investigate and study archaeological sites with traditional methods. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) provide a new method for archaeological research. Therefore, RS becomes an irreplaceable tools to explore large scale archaeological sites in west China.This research selected Tongwan City of Shanxi Province, the Ming Great Wall of Yulin and Sanxingdui of Sichuan Province as study areas, used multi-source remote sensing data (Landsat TM/ETM+, SPOT, Quickbird, IKONOS, etc.), related documents and geographical data, to locate and analyze the archaeological sites in study areas. The involved researches are as follows:Firstly, using Landsat TM data, we analyze the band range and spectral character of objects. The two methods-band ratio and factor index, are compared. Based on the result, we use factor index (SAVI, Cap transform, NDMI) method to extract environment information from the TM images of 1991 and ETM+ images of 1999. Using quantitative method, the environment changes within 10 years are analyzed and compared.Using high-resolution data ?Quickbird, we study the location, range and formation of Tongwan City and measure the length of city wall with GIS software-Arc View. According to the information acquired from remote sensing images and contour map, we analyze the reason of environment changes in Tongwan City.For the distributing character of Great Wall in desert, a new algorithm to extract Great Wall from remote sensing imagesis developed, based on the image gray level gradient. The result of experiment in IKONOS image is presented which show the effectiveness of the new algorithm.Because of the high resolution of IKONOS and Quickbird images, we use them to interpret and analyze the Ming Great Wall in Yulin City and remained wall in Sanxingdui. And we analyze the reason of environment deterioration near the Great Wall with NDVI.

  • 【分类号】X87
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】695

