

【作者】 朱非亚

【导师】 郭华东;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(遥感应用研究所) , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要介绍了神经网络在微波遥感领域的地面参数反演和地物识别与分类上的应用,并用ENVISAT-ASAR数据和AirSAR数据做了实际分析。 近些年来,使用神经网络进行参数的反演和地物的识别与分类是一种重要和先进的方法。他充分利用了神经网络的特性,解决了遥感领域参数反演和分类的许多复杂的问题和操作。 神经网络与散射模型相结合使得准确和实时的进行参数反演和分类成为可能。这里我们使用的神经网络是用快速学习算法(FL)训练的多层前馈网络(MLP),训练速度和精度与传统神经网络相比都有较大提高,网络结构是全连接的。反演使用的模拟数据是用IEM模型得到的,并用来训练神经网络。因此,训练数据可以被认为是从一个完全知道随机粗糙表面得到的数据。神经网络的数据是各个角度和极化的后向散射系数(σ~0(θ)),输出是地面的散射参数,包括层介电常数(ε)、地表相关长度(kι)、和地表粗糙度(kσ)。 同样,神经网络也能够被应用的地物识别与分类中。本次研究中,还是使用与刚才一样的全连接的、使用FL算法训练的MLP网络,网络的训练数据是从各个确定目标地物得到的各个极化的后向散射系数。训练好的神经网络被应用到ENVISAT-ASAR数据和AirSAR数据中进行地物分类。并把得到的结果再与其他的分类的方法的结果做相关的比较。

【Abstract】 This paper describes the application of neural networks to surface parameters retrieval and targets classification from multi-polarization ENVISAT-ASAR datas and AirSAR datas. It is an important advancement to use neural networks to perform inversion and classification in Remote Sensing recently. The combination of a scattering model (SM) and neural networks make it possible to perform inversion and classification accurately and in real time. The used neural network is multilayer perceptron (MLP) with fast learning (FL), which is fully interconnected network. Simulated data sets based on the Integration Equation Model (IEM) are used to train the neural network. Accordingly, the training data sets may be viewed as taken from a completely known randomly rough surface. The input to the neural network is the set of values (σ0(θ)) with angles and polarizations, the output of the neural network is the set of surface scattering parameters. The layer permittivity (ε), surface correlation length (kl) and surface roughness (kσ) are retrieved from σ0(θ) using the trained MLP.As above, this method can be used into the classifier. For this aim, we suggest the proposed fully interconnected MLP with FL, in which the training data sets are values (σ0(θ)) with polarizations from some identified targets. The trained neural networks is used in target classification in the ENVISAT-ASAR datas and AirSAR datas. And finally, the results of proposed method are compared with that of the unsupervised classification one, the in situ test data are from Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province and Taichung in Taiwan Province in China.

  • 【分类号】TP75
  • 【下载频次】169

