

Automatic Adjusting and Control System of Air-valve Parameters Based on Loose Detection

【作者】 曹晓明

【导师】 杨洁明;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 跳汰选煤是煤炭行业的重要选煤方法。电磁风阀作为跳汰机的关键设备,其工作可靠性直接影响到跳汰机的整机运行,其自动化控制是跳汰机整机自动化的重要组成部分。由于跳汰过程极为复杂,而且各影响因素之间互相牵连,在生产操作过程中,跳汰司机需要根据入料原料、入料量、工作风压以及床层厚度等条件的变化,凭借经验,不断的调整风阀参数。人为主观因素参与到控制过程,这对于跳汰过程来说,应用一般的控制方法会存在一定的困难。因此,风阀的自动控制需要一种智能化的控制方法,需要将专家知识和智能行为融入到控制系统中,从而得到更为有效的控制效果。 本论文提出了一种跳汰机风阀的专家系统自动调控方法。专家系统是基于知识的智能推理系统,集人工智能和领域知识于一体,涉及到知识获取、知识库、推理机制以及智能人—机交互界面的研究,已在众多领域获得广泛应用,大大提高了工作效率和工作质量,促进了人类智能和机器智能的相互补充和相互渗透。本专家系统的专家知识来源于选煤专家经验及跳汰机操作人员 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文长期积累的经验、现场数据分析和实验总结等。专家系统会根据实时采集反馈回的现场床层的密度和浮标等信号,基于获取的专家知识,调用推理规则,进行智能推理,实现对风阀参数适当的修改,从而得到合理的风阀参数。 本专家系统以WindowS 2000为开发平台,以面向对象的编程工具VISual Basic 6.0为开发工具,实现了整个专家系统的软件编程。使用面向对象的数据库编程技术,以Microsoft数据访问对象(DAO)模型为基础,结合使用Microsoft AcceSS数据库创建工具,创建了专家系统的知识库。同时,论文中还介绍了本专家系统的使用方法和相关说明。 本系统具有界面友好、操作简单、人机交互性能好、自动化程度高、具备一定的推理能力等特点,具有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Jigging separation is an important way of coal processing . As the key device of jigger, the reliability of electromagnetic air-valve affects the function of the whole machine, and the automatic control of air-valve is the important part of the automatic control of the jigger. Jigging process is very complex, and all the factors affect each other, jigger driver must adjust the air-valve parameters based on material, volume, wind pressure, bed thickness and his own experience. People are concerned with the control process, which is difficult for the normal control method. So the automatic control of air-valve need intelligent control method, and need import human knowledge and intelligence into control system.This article gives expert system control of jigging air-valve. Expert system is an intelligent reasoning system based on knowledge, which combines artificial intelligence with domain knowledge, and is related to KA, database, reasoning system and interface between human and computer. Expert system is widely used , and can improve the working efficiency and quality. The knowledge comes from expert experience, field data and experiments. Expert system deduces intelligently based on feedback bed-layer density and buoyages signals and expert knowledge, and then modifies the air-valve parameters accordingly, so we can get the right air-valve parameters.Windows 2000 is the development platform of this expert system, and Visual Basic 6.0 is the development tool, so we get the whole expert system. We make use of object-oriented programming technique based on DAO model and set up the repository of expert system using Microsoft Access database. At the same time this article gives the operating method of the expert system. This system has some characters, such as friendly interface, easy operation, good intercommunion between human and computer, topping automatism, good reasoning ability. So the system has beautiful future.

  • 【分类号】TD455.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】56

