

Development and Application of Mobile GIS Based on PDA

【作者】 田根

【导师】 张锦; 童小华;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着数字时代的到来,人们对GIS的需求也越来越广泛了。与新技术的结合使GIS不断地向前发展。随着计算机技术、嵌入式技术、网络技术、无线通信技术的不断发展,GIS理论与实践的不断深入,如何在移动环境下提供GIS支持是今后GIS研究的热点之一,也是GIS面向大众应用的重要发展方向。比较而言,基于掌上电脑的移动GIS有许多传统GIS不具备的优势。掌上电脑具有的移动性为移动GIS的发展提供了良好的支持。通过与GPS、RS、通信等相关技术的集成,人们不仅可以随时随地进行GIS数据的实时采集与更新,更重要的是,人们可以在任何时间、任何地点获得GIS的服务。 首先,本文根据当前基于移动的嵌入式GIS的发展,对Embedded GIS等概念进行了有益的探讨。其次,在分析掌上电脑硬件环境的基础上,探讨了嵌入式GIS的数据模型,提出了一种在掌上电脑上具有完备性与适应性的GIS矢量数据组织模型。再次,应用笔者提出的数据模型进行了基于移动的嵌入式GIS系统设计与开发。使用eMbedded Visual C++3.0从底层实现了基于移动的嵌入GIS系统软件GisTool和GisBrowser。在此基础上,对基于移动的嵌入式GIS系统集成应用环境关键技术进行了研究,系统集成全站仪实现了基于掌上电脑的GIS实时测图功能,集成GPS实现了基于掌上电脑的GPS导航定位功能,集成RS实现了矢量数据与遥感影像等多源数据的集成。最后,基于所开发的系统,分析讨论了其在数字地质填图及空间信息移动服务两个领域应用时的相关技术问题,并给出了应用实例。

【Abstract】 With the coming of the digital age, GIS is becoming more important than ever. The development of PDA, embedded techniques and wireless networks not only enlarge the applying field of GIS, but also bring new opportunities and challenges to GIS. Mobile GIS become one of the hotspot problems in GIS and one of the mainstream technology for the public. Comparing with traditional GIS, Mobile GIS based on PDA has many new functions for the mobility and extension character of PDA. With the integrating of GPS, RS and communication technology, using PDA, people not only can any where , anytime to gather and update GIS data, but also can anywhere, anytime access GIS service.First, the analysis of the development of PDA and eMbedded GIS bring up in this paper. Second, considering the hardware environment of PDA, one completeness and adaptability GIS vector data model based on PDA is put forward in this paper. Third, applying the GIS data model referred by the author, the mobile GIS based on PDA is designed and developed. Under the environment of eMbedded Visual C++3.0, the Mobile GIS software based on PDA GisTool and GisBrowser which integrated with "3S" is implemented. At last, the Mobile GIS software based on PDA is applied in the fields of digital mapping and spatial information mobile service.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】742

