

Study on the Measurement and Control System for Vacuum Magnetic Switchgear in 3.3kV Underground Distribution Networks Based on Several CPUs

【作者】 池艾文

【导师】 宋建成;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究内容是山西省重大科技攻关项目“基于PLC控制的3.3kV八组合磁力控制站测控系统的研究”(NO.031116)中的主要内容。3.3kV供电的高产高效工作面建设已成为我国煤炭工业的发展方向,然而由于国内相关产业的相对滞后,目前我国煤矿井下3.3kV供配电设备全部依靠进口。设备配件供应周期长,价格昂贵是制约3.3kV供电技术普及的主要因素。因此研究和开发3.3kV组合磁力控制站测控系统具有重要的现实意义和重大的应用价值。 本文深入系统地研究了多CPU控制的3.3kV组合磁力控制站测控系统,主要内容如下: 首先介绍了真空组合磁力控制站的发展现状,阐述了开发3.3kV组合磁力控制站测控系统的必要性和紧迫性,提出了测控系统的性能指标、控制原则和技术要求,制定了测控系统的控制策略和控制方法。 针对综采工作面负荷的实际要求,提出了多CPU联合控制的总体方案,建立了单片机与PLC、PLC与PLC以及PLC与大屏幕彩色液晶显示屏之间的实时通讯系统。根据矿井生产安全要求,设计了性能优良的本质安全型先导电路,分析了电机的各种故障特征,提出了相应的保护措施,确立了故障保护的技术指标。 通过分析3.3kV电网漏电的故障特征,提出了井下3.3kV电网的漏电保护方案和保护动作值,并给出了井下电网进行高压太原理工大学硕士学位论文绝缘检测的技术方案。首次将可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)应用到井下电气设备中,设计了性能优良的额定参数读取电路。操作简单、性能优良的多功能试验电路,增强了系统工作的可靠性和安全性。 根据矿井电网的实际情况,分析了工业生产环境存在的干扰源及所产生干扰信号的特征,针对不同特征的干扰信号,制定了相应的硬件、软件抗干扰措施。介绍了结构化程序的设计方法,设计了监控程序及各功能模块程序。其中重点阐述了测控系统的设计思想、硬件工作原理及软件框图。 本课题采用多个CPU作为主控单元:其中两个PLC分别负责单回路和双速双回路的控制和保护,单片机则主要负责整定值的读取和相敏保护。多CPU分时处理和采集相应电路的信号,有效地提高了保护动作的实时性和可靠性。 经实验室检验表明:该测控系统性能稳定,动作可靠,且易于操作,具有传统保护系统无法比拟的可靠性和先进性。

【Abstract】 The research project in this thesis is an important part of "Study on Measurement and Control System for Vacuum Magnetic Switchgear in 3.3kV Underground Distribution Networks Based on PLC"(NO.20031116) which is sponsored by Science and Technology Department of Shanxi Province. Building up the fully mechanized face with high production and efficiency supplied by 3.3kV distribution networks has been the trend to develop the coal industry in our country. However, because of slow development of related industry at home, the electrical switchgears in underground 3.3kV distribution networks are mainly imported from foreign countries. The long supply period of the fittings in switchgears and their high price are the key factors which badly hindered the development and popularization of 3.3kV power supply technique in underground distribution networks. So it is hence important to develop the measurement and control system of combined vacuum magnetic switchgear applied in 3.3kV underground distribution networks.The present developing situations of combined vacuum magnetic switchgear are firstly presented and the importance and necessity to develop the measurement and control system of 3.3kV vacuum magnetic switchgears are narrated. Besides, the function specifications, the control principle andtechnical requirements are established and the control strategies and methods are drawn up.According to the actual requirements of loads in underground mechanized face, the overall design scheme that three CPUs unite for controlling and protecting the motors is proposed and the real-time communication systems between PLCs, PLC and MCU and PLC and color liquid crystal display are developed. In terms of the safe requirements of electrical equipment in underground, an excellent intrinsically safe pilot circuit is designed, the fault characteristics of motor and distribution networks are analyzed, protection measurements are brought forward and the technical parameters corresponding to the fault protections for high capacity motors are also determined respectively.By analyzing the fault characteristics of earth leakage in underground 3.3kV distribution networks, relevant leakage protection methods and trip resistance value are put forward, at the same time, the technical scheme of high voltage insulation detection for 3.3kV cable and motors is given. CPLDs are first applied into underground flameproof electrical equipments and the interface circuit of BCD code with excellent performance is designed. The multifunction test circuits with easy operation and excellent performance are also developed, which do greatly heighten the operation reliability and safety of the measurement and control system.On the basis of the actual situations of underground 3.3kV distribution networks, the interference sources and features of interference signals in industrial environment are discussed. With the exception of this, anti-interference measures by use of hardware and software are taken to eliminate interference signals in this thesis. At the same time, module program design method, compiled monitoring program and function subprograms are emphatically described. Especially, more attention is paid to design philosophy, operation principle, hardware block diagrams and software flow charts.In the measurement and control system, three CPUs are used as maincontrol unit. Two PLCs are in charge of the control and protection of asynchronous motor with single speed and the motor with two speed respectively and MCU is responsible for phase sensitive protection and the reading of rated parameters. Several CPUs organically combined together to detect and process the signals of load system, as a result of this, the reliability and real time property of the measurement and control system are greatly improved.It has been proved by tests in our laboratory that all performance and feature parameters are all satisfied the technical requirements proposed by research application, and the measurement and control system is more utilizable and reliable than oth

  • 【分类号】TM764
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】178

